Periodical Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union.
Image 1 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 2 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. HoUinger Corp. pH8.5
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 3 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 4 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 5 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 6 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. COL. WILLIAM L. CANDLER, LATE PRESIDENT THIRD ARMY CORPS UNION.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 7 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. REPORTS OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER JFHIRD ARMY GGRPS UM18M CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS Roster of Members of the Association. MAY 5th, 1892. SOMEKVILLE, N. J. The Unionist-Gazktte Printing House. 1«93.
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 8 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. e:^ ■5 6153J T^^
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 9 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. Sketcl? of ^h^ Isife of our lai-e president, (Jol. 09illiam b. (Jandler, Wl^o died Deo 22, I892, in ISrooklin^, Mass. Col. William L. Candler, late President of the Third Army Corps Union,…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 10 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 4 presence inspired respect; his judgment was regarded as right his actions were sure to be just. The members of the old Third Army Corps beg to lay this hum- ble tribute…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 11 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. SECRETARY S REPORT, Parker House, Boston, Mass., May 5th, 1892. To the Officers, Directors and Members of the Third Army Corps Union Gentlemen One of the requisites, and I may add, one…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 12 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. Colonel R. De Trobriand, Commanding Third Brigade, First Division. Lieutenant-Colonel D. D. Carson, Commanding Second Brigade, First Division. General D. B. Bimey was made President, and Colonel Brewster, Secretary, and the^i and…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 13 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 7 It is impossible to tell just how long Colonel J. C. Briscoe, the first Secretary of our Society held that position, as the minutes dur- ing the greater part of his…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 14 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 8 proves no exception. Colonel Madison M. Cannon, late of Forti- eth New York, died at Englewood, New Jersey, on February nth last. Colonel Cannon was known to very many of you.…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 15 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 9 Bad as war is, horrible as are the evils that accompany it, to have known what you have known, to have seen what you have seen, to have felt the gratification…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 16 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. character, than can be 7ueU found in all the compass of all of our books. Where under the broad canopy of God s heaven could have been gathered under any circiimstances, or…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 17 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. O, vanished majesty of days, not all forgotten yet We consecrate unto thy praise one hour of deep regret One hour to them whose days were years of glory that shall flood…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 18 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. TREASURER S REPORT. THIRD ARMY CORPS UNION,) William P. Shreve, Treasurer.) 1891. May I Balance $118 48 1892. April 30, Interest 5° 96 30, Dues 24 00 30, one Badge 15 00…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 19 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. COL. COYNE S ADDRESS. The following address was written by Colonel John N. Coyne for the twenty-ninth Annual Reunion of the Third Army Corps held at Boston, Mass., on May 5th, 1892.…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 20 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 14 the mist of years came the sound of battle. I could see your stand- ards, and I could hear your ringing cheer as you pressed forward on the foe. The mist…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 21 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 15 you bivouaced that night in the rain and mud, your hearts were Ught, for you had been selected for the post of honor, and you felt that with a Hooker and…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 22 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. i6 Brigade have exhausted their last cartridge and are slovdy falling back. At this moment a ringing cheer is heard, and the struggling band of heroes know that succor has come. It…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 23 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 17 well-drilled soldiers who were to win a name in history that would live for all time. When Casey was driven from his entrenchments at Fair Oaks on the 31st of May,…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 24 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. Your losses in these battles aggregated 158 killed, 1,021 wounded, and 791 missing; total, 1,973. You retired from Harrison s Landing, August 14th, and without molestation from the enemy, marched to Yorkto^vn,…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 25 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 19 On the 24th of November the array reached Falmouth, and under the reorganization which took place, the Third Corps was placed in the Center Grand Division with the Fifth Corps, under…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 26 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. The first day s battle resulted favorably to our arms, and there was every prospect that the rebel army would be driven from the field. Much valuable time was taken up on…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 27 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. fire, and dashes of iron hail from our artillerj under the gallant Pleasanton. The enemy cannot stand this withering blast, and they fall back and the contest for the day is over.…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 28 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. earth was to tremble beneath the most Titanic conflict waged in modern times. Vast hosts were to surge to and fro for days in deadly conflict. Every blade of grass was to…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 29 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 23 glad song of the meadow lark could be heard as he rose high in the air to greet the morn. Round Top, on the extreme left, stands towering like a giant…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 30 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 24 threatened him so seriously. With viciousness he turned and hurled his bolts upon you, but you meet him with steady front and receive his assaults with dauntless hearts. Clark s and…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 31 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 25 many a poor fellow was feverishly feeling around for his canteen and asking when the ambulances would come. The light of battle had faded from your face, and the men of…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 32 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 26 forlorn hope of breaking through our h nes, and carrying the crest. It Avas a foolhardy undertaking, for his soldiers melted away under our fire like grain before the reaper. That…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 33 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 27 field, while the cheers of the onlookers sounded above the noise of battle. Again at Kelly s Ford, Nov. 7, 1863, the Third Corps came in contact with the enemy, and…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 34 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. MEMBERSHIP. Officers who have served in the Corps, and are eligible under the Constitution, can forward their names, and the battles in which en- gaged, to the Secretary, Col. Edward L. Welling,…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 35 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 29 posing it, to perpetuate the harmony that has existed between them, do hereby form an Association for the furtherance of these objects, and adopt the following Constitution and By-Laws for its…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 36 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 3° dent, Secretary, Treasurer, Board of Directors and Trustees, as here- inafter provided for. These officers shall hold their positions until their successors are duly elected, as hereinafter provided for. Article V.…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 37 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 31 to the Treasurer, taking gross receipts and shall make annual re- ports of the transactions of his department. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall make annual reports of the transac- tions of…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 38 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 32 and two shall be elected at the same time and the same manner as the President. The Trustees shall invest the moneys that come into their possession belonging to said fund,…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 39 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 33 initiation fee of three dollars. If one-third of the Directors vote against the applicant, he will be rejected, and the initiation fee shall be returned. Article XI. The dues shall be…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800
Image 40 of Reports of secretary and treasurer of the Third army corps union. 34 Board think it proper, the same will be presented to the meeting, and a contribution be taken up, or a donation be made from the contingent fund, or both. Article XVT.…
- Contributor: Third Army Corps Union
- Date: 1800