Book/Printed Material Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia.
Image 1 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. I 570 85 W4 P5 922 opy 1 WEST VIRGINIA Revised List of Deceased Soldiers, World War JANUARY 1, 1922 WEST VIRGINIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL S OFFICE CHARLESTON
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 2 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia.
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 3 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. WEST VIRGINIA Revised List of Deceased Soldiers, World War JANUARY I. 1922 WEST VIRGINIA THE ADJUTANT GENERAL S OFFICE CHARLESTON
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 4 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 1«» LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RECEIVED JUL 121922 DOCUMENTS ^.V.3IQN
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 5 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Revised List of Deceased Soldiers of West Virginia Taken from the Records as Furnished by the War Department to the Adjutant General of West Virginia January 1, 1922. While this list is…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 6 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. ABBREVIATIONS Advance Guard Adv Gd Aero Construction Company Aer Co (Cons) Aero Squadron (construction) Aer Sq (Cons) Aero Squadron (repair) Aer Sq (Rep) Aero Squadron (supply) Aer Sq (Sup) Air Service AS…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 7 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War Corporal Corp Corps Air Service Corps AS Corps Artillery Park Corps Artv Pk Corps Mobile Veterinary Hospital Corps Mob Vet Hosp Corps of Engineers CE Dental Corps…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 8 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Revised List of Deceased Machine Gun Squadron MG Sq Machine Gun Troop MG Tr Major Maj Mechanic Mec Medical Department MD Medical Depot Med Dep Medical Reserve Corps MRC Military Aviator Mil…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 9 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War Service Company Serv Co Service of Supply SOS Service Park Unit Serv Pk Unit Signal Corps Sig C Signal Corps Depot Sig C Dep Signal Corps Reserve…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 10 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Revised List of Dfxeased KILLED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Able, Jacob H Adams, Alvey H Adams, Thomas G Adams, Wayne C Adkins, Elisha G Adkius, Harry Adkins, Robert…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 11 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Carr, Benjamin H Carvelle, Tony Carver, James R Cassady, Glen C CattelJ, Ezra B Channel, Owen C Chapman, Clifton Christian, Mack Clayton,…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 12 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 10 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Evans. Clarence E. Evans, James Exline, Oscar Farnsworth, George W. Ferguson, Leroy Fields, James Fisher, Milford Fisher,…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 13 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. SOiJHERS OF THE WORLD WAR 11 KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Houek, Dewey C Houcbin, Ward W. Honser, William M. Howard, Raymond. Hudson, Elza 0. Huffman, Kenny.…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 14 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 12 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization McCloud, Maryland McCutclieon, Thomas L. McKenny Fred McMillan, Thomas M. McMillian, Lee McMillion, Asa L McMillion, Edgar…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 15 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 13 KILLED IN ACTION-Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Persinger, William P Persinger, Andy L Perry, Walter Perry, Charles M Pettry, Frank Philippe, Albert Phillips, William…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 16 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 14 Revised List of Deceased KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Shuttlesworth, James H Shrader, William C Simms, Roy Simmons, Carl Singleton, Fred Sisler, Benjamin H Skidmore, Ray…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 17 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 15 KILLED IN ACTION— Continued NAME Rank Date Killed Residence Organization Wiley, Oscar W Wilfong, Marvin Wilfong, Oliver E Williams, David L Williams, Emerson A... Williams, John…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 18 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 16 Revised List of Deceased DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Dillon, Mack. Dolin, James 0. Dorsey, John T. Doss, James L. Dave, Dayton.. Farley, Ezra…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 19 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers ok the World War 17 DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Means, Frank Pvt Oct. 15-18... Oct. 12-18... Oct. 26-18. Oct. 4-18. Sept. 29-18.. Nov.…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 20 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 18 Revised List of Deceased DIED OF WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ACTION NAME Rank Date Died Residence Organization Vaughan, Okey Pvt Pvt June 19-18.. Oct. 31-18... Nov. 3-18... Sept. 17-18. Sept. 15-18.. Oct.…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 21 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia.
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 22 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 20 Revised List of Deceased 9 s 3 a £-0. °_3 3°° 5- 3 a-. a ca is o o 3 S3s a q|* Sgaoa. 3 l. ,„.S an- o 5 I.S2…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 23 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 21 -2 II 1 la qj-S S«0 3.5 a jaSSagogSgi.SS 12= H P. S P-3 5 «o^ s is _ a 5 m^ a. a a c…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 24 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 22 Revised List of Deceased 1 p— -5 ,_ b g~ «_•« 2 g-g Osssi. s a o a a aii a a ■A 01 ooe»o-a~Hi. ca«cococa; cccti:cc u ii— wo a…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 25 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 23 .a o S3 g 1 8 M.S- U 5 -3 O £T cd 4 H o§S_g 5 5 o S i£ c M 3.S E o…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 26 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 24 Revised List of Deceased o E R o -e bOrT ■cb.c. is ;a I a^^ffi55cdS^cPtciaoSQ^ 3 B M B B T8 S ti V 8° P o.Sa^oz: Q E g E…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 27 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 25 on on co to to
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 28 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 26 Revised List of Deceased o o O a •S fe c .5 S h CO ill si ihiislgoJ^-i i g a B -_ J M =3 i 9 5 O es…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 29 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 27 (O q Q rt Sr73 K a a c-~ c c c 2; pg fa p_ q* O a. a- Oh plc- o- ocooo°° oo cc^;…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 30 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 28 Revised List of Deceased MO g.Q G 3 C3 Kco o o a-s a c o SB O C a a. 2 S-O o h3 13 j^ ffl C c ■a…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 31 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers ob the Wokld War 29 W sa Z, Onfe 05 03 05 Ph^ J5 Oh H oS o a a ►J WW o to» CO 3 oo »o »o -g -g-g…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 32 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 30 Revised List of Deceased I 5 3 8% p Sw «««§S 3;^5-a i .2 §■•3 a i s- t s l g.a o a ,3 os £^^-c^o^3-e 3.13 g o 3…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 33 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. SOLDIEBS OF THE WORLD WAR 31 3 3 m 8 g^ is -So 6 tc s M l| illi si I IllllJlIf lillllllli M§ IljJlJN lll|.ll| J 11 o;5 S c ta…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 34 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 32 Revised List of Deceased S-S g §,.53. 2 a -o,S.S. a 3.. l-sl 1 1 as s s lis s_o o s sj H T 3 r 3 P p. r…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 35 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 33 1 Jt rtiS-C So |*JSS ji os o 1°~ SOPQ 2 S u 5 o ^HO^Kh 9 a 2 la J •o a^* 3 S 3…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 36 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 34 Revised List of Deceased CO C O O w U o 5 111 P IB J |l|al{g§^|^l|-i{1 ■la is be ,3.3 Jl Ph C.-2.2 o S c g a g c…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 37 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 35 2 .2 gmS a 3 B,~ 8 2 a a i ■S3* S eS c g-s =?.a Is g| s.i g-a= g S.So^ a g g…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 38 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 36 Revised List of Deceased o r H Q UJ T3 o Q D gf H U— a Jg o.S.S S g S3 E: a O a a t 9 .s.o S-p-c…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 39 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. Soldiers of the World War 37 0°o js •9~ :I2 S fl.g og g s 1 S b 9 9*-3 9 co S m ,5 m n5 h^ cq fisl ctfo §-111^11…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922
Image 40 of Revised list of deceased soldiers, World War, January l, 1922. West Virginia. 38 Revised List of Deceased i 3 ,_ O a X V O is JK 3 o 3 S oSox o c. fa -a c c M PQ 2s££ ■2 S °3-a…
- Contributor: West Virginia. Adjutant General's Office
- Date: 1922