Book/Printed Material The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
Image 1 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 2 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, H
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 3 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 4 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 5 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, THE ROMANCE OF MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 6 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 7 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, THE ROMANCE OF MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY ITS DISCOVERY ITS ACHIEVEMENTS BY CHARLES R. GIBSON AUTHOR OF “the romance of modern electricity,” “electricity of to-day c., c. WITH SIXTY-THREE ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINCOTT…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 8 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, Tfr is .Gt4- Printed in Great Britain i£ ,6 tfo of
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 9 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, PREFACE I T is not the author’s purpose in the present volume to give any instruction in the practice of photography. There are many useful works dealing with the prac¬ tical side…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 10 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, PREFACE lating to their special subjects: Dr. John G. McKendrick, f.r.s. (Emeritus Professor in the University of Glasgow), H. Stanley Allen, m.a., (Senior Lecturer in Physics, King’s College, University of London),…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 11 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CONTENTS CHAPTER I page How Photography came to be Invented 13 CHAPTER II Early Photographs on Silvered Plates 24 CHAPTER III A Great English Inventor 44 CHAPTER IV Instantaneous Photography 60 CHAPTER…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 12 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CONTENTS CHAPTER XII PAGE Photographing the Invisible 176 CHAPTER XIII More Invisible Rays 196 CHAPTER XIV Photographing Microbes, etc. 209 CHAPTER XV Photographing under Difficulties 223 CHAPTER XVI Telegraphing Photographs 234 CHAPTER…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 13 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Largest Photograph in the World (2 illustrations) Frontispiece FACING PAGE Exasperation and Retaliation (2 illustrations) 16 Daguerreotypes (2 illustrations) 30 Fox Talbot’s Originals (2 illustrations) 44 Positive and…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 14 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Telegraphed Photographs (2 illustrations) 240 Model of Human Eye (2 illustrations) 248 Demonstration of Bending Light (2 illustrations) 254 Stereoscopic Photographs 258 Portuguese Diving 268 Telephotograph of…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 15 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, THE ROMANCE OE MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CHAPTER I HOW PHOTOGRAPHY CAME TO BE INVENTED An amusing incident—Early invention of the camera obscura—Photo¬ graphy foreshadowed in early fiction—An interesting legend about one of the…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 16 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, HOW PHOTOGRAPHY One sometimes found well-educated townspeople fail¬ ing to grasp the first principles of photography. I remember one incident when an early enthusiast was staying in the country. He wrote asking…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 17 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CAME TO BE INVENTED nor did there exist any steamers to race across the oceans. Just as in the case of electricity we find an important discovery lying dormant for many centuries,…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 18 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, HOW PHOTOGRAPHY been opened, I was very much surprised to see on the ground glass of the inner door an inverted image of the fields and trees in front of the house,…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 19 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, By -iermissiofi of M Caiv, Stevenson, and Orr, Ltd, Exasperation and Retaliation These photographs make a story without words. These were taken by Miss Agnes Tomlinson in one twenty-fifth part of a…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 20 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 21 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CAME TO BE INVENTED upon the upright wall. The observer could then view the picture in its natural position by merely taking his stand at the base of it without the necessity…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 22 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, HOW PHOTOGRAPHY by his guide into a darkened chamber. He saw out of a window a great sea which seemed to be a quarter of a mile distant. We can imagine his…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 23 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CAME TO BE INVENTED least three experimenters were successful, and of these two were natives of France, while the third was the grandson of an English earl. What is the earliest date…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 24 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, HOW PHOTOGRAPHY scale, but scientists are not going to be dogmatic and say that it will for ever be impossible to hasten this process. Many scientists of a century ago even believed…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 25 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CAME TO BE INVENTED to note that a German physician, some two centuries later, amused his friends by making up a mixture of chalk and silver nitrate in a bottle, and then…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 26 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, HOW PHOTOGRAPHY afterwards succeeded in producing images of objects placed in a solar microscope 1 which had a more concen¬ trated light. With a modem camera and ordinary photographic paper it is…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 27 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CAME TO BE INVENTED made abroad more than half a century previously, but these two English experimenters do not appear to have been aware of this fact 1 This is how matters…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 28 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, CHAPTER II EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS ON SILVERED PLATES Large prices paid for early photographs—The reason why—A famous scene painter—“Is Daguerre mad?”—Daguerre finds he has a rival in Niepce—Strange story of another unknown rival—How…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 29 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS such exorbitant prices? In the first place the photo¬ grapher could not accept an order for a dozen copies; he could only give the one copy which he took in…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 30 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS enthusiast, and in addition to exhibiting originality as an artist, he introduced many ingenious stage effects. Along with another artist he painted a diorama, which was a kind of panorama…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 31 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, ON SILVERED PLATES Daguerre bought his apparatus, and who was aware of Daguerre’s experiments, chanced to have, as a customer, another scientific enthusiast, who was earnestly seeking after the same goal. This…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 32 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS trying to fix the image of the camera obscura may have occurred to many people. There was at least one other man working at this problem in secret, and he…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 33 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, ON SILVERED PLATES a blackish fluid, with which he said he had obtained the picture. The young man promised to return, but never appeared again, and we can only guess that his…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 34 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS years before he met Daguerre. It was generally known at this time, at least among chemists, that many substances were affected by light. The tanning which our faces get in…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 35 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, -i The photographs, from which the above have been reproduced, were taken on silvered-copper plates, at the opening of the Great Exhibition of 1851 (London). The right-hand photograph is of particular interest.…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 36 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements,
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 37 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, ON SILVERED PLATES obscura. The action of the light was such that those parts of the preparation exposed to it were so altered in chemical condition that they became insoluble in the…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 38 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS son who followed him in the partnership was quite willing that the successful process should be called daguerreo¬ type, 1 thus taking no notice of the Niepce-Daguerre agreement. I think…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 39 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, ON SILVERED PLATES were blackened by exposure to sunlight must have made the discovery by accident. He was not seeking to discover a substance which would be blackened by sunlight. The discovery…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908
Image 40 of The romance of modern photography, its discovery & its achievements, EARLY PHOTOGRAPHS silver spoon which had chanced to be laid down upon it. Although I can only find one historian who has preserved this tale for us, it seems a very probable…
- Contributor: Gibson, Charles R. (Charles Robert)
- Date: 1908