Book/Printed Material A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges
Image 1 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 2 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges ^-1^ ■V) -O xO
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 3 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges o 0- mfc O :s..,;%^^ x 5 Si^J 3. O V ..O :.o- ^^^VK^;.\^x^ v- ^c. .-^y 1: ^:j^^ •A .0 3
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 4 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 5 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges Scientific and Practical Treatise AMERICAN FOOTBALL Scbool0 an^ Colleges BY y A. AlONZO vStAGjCt ..-irtfKP- AND API^ 1 r Henry L. Williams S .-5 REVISED TO DATE NEW YORK D. Appleton Company…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 6 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges Copyright, 1893, by A. A. Stagg and H. L. Williams. Copyright, 1894, by D. Appleton Company. All rights reserved. LC Control Number tinp96 026357
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 7 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges s^ CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface, 3 Introductory chapter for Beginners and Spectators, 7 Training, 12 The Center-rusher, i8 The Guard, 26 The Tackle, 34 The End-rusher, 43 The Quarter-back, 50 The Half-backs and…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 8 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 9 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges PREFACE. THE game of football is fast becoming the national fall sport of the American youth. Among the larger eastern colleges, where it has been fostered and developed, football has now been…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 10 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges present day. In working out this principle the aim throughout has been clearness and precision. While it is the primary desire to furnish in this work a practical aid in the attainment…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 11 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges H GOAL LINE IN GOAL ,GOAL, GOAL LINE ifi 18^/aFL 160 FEET cO o ID o •z. Z) o a: o X o o 25 YARD LINE CD o o 13 O…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 12 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 13 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER FOR BEGINNERS AND SPECTATORS. American football is played on a rectangular field, three hnndred and thirty feet long and one hundred and sixty feet wide, enclosed by heavy white lines…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 14 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 4 the line of rusliers and occupy positions which vary ac- cording to whether they or their opponents have the balL The positions which the players wnll occupy when about to execute…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 15 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 5 In the opening play of the game the side having pos- session of the ball are required by rule to kick the ball at least ten yards into the opponent s…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 16 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 6 ^ward or kicked until the center-rusher again puts it in play according to rule. No piling upon the man who has the ball, after he has called down, will be allowed,…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 17 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges kick down the field. Thereupon the first scrimmage of the game takes place as the opposing team attempts to break through the line and stop the play. One side is not allowed…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 18 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges two attempts made since the first down. The team will be allowed but one more trial, and unless in the next play they succeed in making their total gam since the first…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 19 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges touch down is made thereupon four points are scored. The side making the touch down is then re- quired to carry the ball out into the field as far as they may…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 20 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 10 A touch-down is made by carrying the ball across the opponents goal line and there holding it upon the ground, or by blocking a kick made by the opponents and then…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 21 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges II is the judge of the conduct of the players and his decision is final regarding fouls and unfair tactics, while the ref- eree is judge of the position and progress of…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 22 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges TRAINING. In the early days of college athletics and amateur sports the popular belief was universally accepted that a most rigorous diet must be entered upon if the young aspirant for college…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 23 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 13 fngs, fried food, ice-cream, confectionery, soda water, so-called soft drinks, (and it is needless to say drinks of a stronger nature,) tea, coffee, and chocolate, should be cheerfully and absolutely given…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 24 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges prevent than to remedy when once it is an accomplished fact. In preparatory schools, where a less violent and less tiring system of training is followed, no thought need be given to…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 25 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 15 in the mud with a wet and slippery ball will prove inval- uable. On special occasions light work in the gymnasium, tackling the bag, and practicing the signals indoors, may be…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 26 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges i6 to advantage cannot be definitely stated. The condition of the men and their especial needs must determine this. _„As_a xule^ more^than two match games a week cannot be played if the…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 27 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 17 should insist that a player so hurt should leave the field at once. A thin leather anklet had better be worn in- side the shoe by each player in the team…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 28 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges THE CENTER-RUSHER. The prevailing idea in time past has been that the largest and heaviest man who could be procured should be used for the center-rusher, or snapback of the eleven. So…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 29 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges ^9 make a practice of doing this latter work on every play around the end, and on every play between the tackle and end. Perhaps he may not be able to get…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 30 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 20 should be especially strong in his legs and back, for he must stand steadily on his feet against the continuous pushing and wrestling which he receives, directly from the opponents, and…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 31 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 21 In assuming his position for a scrimmage, the center may follow either of two methods of standing, when snap- ping the ball one, where one foot is placed back for a…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 32 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 22 on his feet and send the ball back accurately, at a uniform rate of speed each time. In case the ball is placed on end, it is better to have it…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 33 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 23 ball. A little forge tfulness on this point might prove disastrous. The center can be a most valuable man in defensive play if he understands his position. By giving his op-…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 34 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 24 On the defensive tlie center may play a little to one side or the other of his opponent, or directly in front, to suit the situation. It is most unwise for…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 35 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 25 ground may be made of such importance that the game is interfered with and delayed to such an extent that a much greater gain would have resulted were the ball put…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 36 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges THE GUARD. The main work of the guards may be summed up as blocking, that is, guarding; making openings for the pas- sage of the runner whenever certain signals are given; running…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 37 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 27 chance to distinguish themselves, either by a run, a clean tackle, or a fine interference which is apparent to the un- trained eye o.f the spectator. On the other hand, it…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 38 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 28 In applying his power the guard, as well as his com- panion rushers, has an immense advantage in being per- mitted to use his hands and arms freely in getting his…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 39 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges 29 focus on the mass in such a way that it cannot break through between them without being separated, and so giving the guards a chance to tackle the runner. In do-…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894
Image 40 of A scientific and practical treatise on American football : for schools and colleges so a way that the defense shall not be weakened. Care should also be taken by the side of the line away from which the wedge revolves not to add impetus to…
- Contributor: Stagg, Amos Alonzo - Williams, Henry Llewellyn
- Date: 1894