Book/Printed Material Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska
Image 1 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska F 908 .L55 1881
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 2 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 3 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska ■^S? /:%i :^3SK ETCHES EXCURSION V n^Hlaska REV, A. L. LINDSLEY. D. D. ^.7 3
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 4 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 5 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. BY A. I,. I.lN!)SI,i:V. I. ovA(;t. ix) Sn KA.- Historical and Dc.scn iJtiAe. II. (iKOdRAl HK Al,. I.IMAHC-. POPUI.AIION. III. SouiHKKN Alaska, l^lans for improving…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 6 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Sketches of an Excursion io Southern Alaska. A scIiodI and regular religious meetings were started at P ort Wrangel, with the expectation which Gen. Howard and the writer had fostered, that they…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 7 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska A Voyage to Sitka.- -Historical atid Descriptive. 3 It it due to the cause to s:iy tliat the observation and experience accruetf .since these pages were written, have required no essential change…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 8 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 4 Ski tc/ies of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. passage thither and set him at work on the presumption that Dr. Kendall or J)r. Wilson would transmit to me funds to (jo…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 9 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska J foyage fo. Sitka. Historical and Descriptive. 5 In some insiaticcs, where islamls lie abreast, the freml is duplicated with a dej^ree of exactness which is very remarkable. There are many cross…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 10 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 6 Skcti/ies of oil Excursion to Southern Alaska. location, in the thought of the spiritual majesty with which it is invested. It belongs to the visible Kingdom of God. As we approached,…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 11 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska .1 rojtjgf io Sitka. /listoriail and Dcccrlptivc. SITKA. —MISS KKI.l.or.i; S HClIOOl,. The naiionV (lay (lies from the lofty staff on tlie old castle, the cotispic- uoiis object on shore. The…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 12 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 8 Sketches of an Exi-i/nion In Southern Alaska. Manufactories were established here, among them a ship-yard, when ves- sels were built and equipped from keel to yard-arm. Steam-boat buildintj was carried on…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 13 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska A Voyage to Sitka. Historical and Descriptive. 9 Tiic lulhcroiUs (if the CirccU Church arc found llrst, .it Sitka; westward, on (.ouk s Inlet: on the ^reat [tcninsula of Alaska; on Kodiak,…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 14 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska lo Skcii/iis of an Excursion to Soiiihern Alaska. Kastrometinofl an iiUelligcni Russian lady Mrs. Goldstein, of the Helicew persuasion Mrs. Ball, the collector s wife Airs. Metropolsky, the priest s wife Jukoft…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 15 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska A J oyagc (o Sit/^ n. Historical and Descriptive. ii jifiisc of the one liuilding, but considerably lessened the cost of tlie whole es- tablishment, by obviating the necessity of additions, or…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 16 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Skekhes of an Excursion to Southern Alaska, We coasted along the mainland, westward, to Prince Frederick s Sound, into which we entered. Continuous forests and impenctral)le thickets hid the eavtli from our…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 17 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska A Voyage to Sitka. Historical and Deu riptirf. i,^ afterward of the same kiiul, I will reserve m\ opinion oi the counii) lur ihc present, only saying, that on itu- entire route…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 18 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska j4 /*r Skeiches oj an Excursion to Soutlurn Alaska. did not know. We did not know the origin of this stone even, which I hold m ray hand. Some of our wise…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 19 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska A Voyage to Sitka. HistorLal and Descriptive. ^Ilf Tlic (Icscriptitin wtiirli I liavc now given yiui, will answer, with sunie unim- portant (lificroncc s fur the native houses as th v ore…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 20 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska i6 SktU/ct s oj an Excursion to Si)utheni Alaska. how the intellecliial (jualities of the speaker; but the delivery was, in a high degree, impressive. The posture, voice, and gesture, displayed the…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 21 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska i^oyage to Sitka. Historical and JJescriptive. if them wish to have the same. All depemls on getting law and justice. In- dians are obedient. They want to learn trades. They work faithfully.…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 22 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska l8 Sketches of an Exairsmi to Souther?} Alaska Q. They must see that we are doing good to their people, without reward. Why do they not favor our coming A. Because the…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 23 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Voyage to Alaska. Historical and Descriptive. 19 about them to me that I longed to see them, to tell them how they and their people woidd he saved from destruction, which was…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 24 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. other bad practices. They learned some barl ways from white people, I am sorry to say, and that destroyed them .sooner. But there are tribes…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 25 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Fojage to Alaska. Historical and Descriptive. 2\ STKF.CH OF SHAIKES. Shaikcs said the fnllnwiii}; in substance I am very glad to see you. I came a great way to-day in my canoe…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 26 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 2 2 Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. the chiefs, but also at the ameliorating influence which was diffused through the assembly. Nothing resembling it, but quite the opposite, had been…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 27 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Voyage to Alaska. Historical and Descriptive. 23 These hours were very precious. The interest deepened. Emotion arose and overrtowed, as these men and women, so recently lost in heathenism, gave n their…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 28 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska ;4 Sketc/ies of an jExtti/ sioH tv Southern Alaska. At the last meeting of the Presbytery of Oregon, to whose jurisdiction Alaska belongs, I was appointed to visit Alaska to examine the…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 29 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Geographical. Climatic. Population. 2 5 Since I heard what you said at Glenora, I have felt differently. I have made up my mind to learn more about God. Last winter my brother…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 30 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 2 5 Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. I WAWA WITH KAKEE, Head Chief of Lower Chilkat town, 200 miles distant, who entered with six of his retainers. All fine looking,…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 31 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Geographical. Climatic. —Population. 2 7 ity to consider a subject in its various relations; and, as I listened to them, I roulil not fail to observe two different thln;^s: the brinc;in^ out…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 32 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 28 Sketches of an Excursio?i to Southern Alaska. fory, Alaska and British Columbia, for letters and suggestions which I found to be, in many instances, of grea*; value to the cause. I…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 33 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Geographical. Climatic. Population. 2 9 CLIMATE ^JAPAN CURRENT. With considerable regularity the trend of the oast describes a vast circular arch or curve. The peculiar configuration of the mainland coast, is made…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 34 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 30 Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. Stahkeen, Hanega and Tongass. The Hydahs are confined to the Prince of Wales Archipelago, whither they came from British Columbia. I had interviews, long…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 35 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Geographical. Climatic. Population 3 is located. With these five or six missions we would gather around us or bring under our influence the entire Tiinket people and we would train in our…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 36 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 32 Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. The children born on the island are baptized and there are churches, priests, schools and teachers. Thither the two Mennonite brethren went, after trying…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 37 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Geographical. Climatic. Population. 33 miles from east to west. That part of this immense interior region belonging to AlasKa, is called by one of the very few who have aliemptcd to explore…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 38 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 34 Sketches of an Excursian to Southern Alaska. In my plea for Government aid, I shall. sketch with more detail than is found in this paper, the status of the Tlinkets among…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 39 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska Plans for Improving the Natives. 35 This extravagant vahiatior has been of late industriously circulated in our church but counter statements have had such weight with tlie Board of Home Missions that…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881
Image 40 of Sketches of an excursion to southern Alaska 36 Sketches of an Excursion to Southern Alaska. SUSCEPTIBLE OF CIVILIZATION. They are well formed, p-thletic, and active. Their intelligence is evinced by the excellence which the native arts have attained among…
- Contributor: Lindsley, A. L. (Aaron Ladner)
- Date: 1881