Book/Printed Material Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Image 1 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code Iiiiiii iliiiSi ■|iHM[fH]l Sill 1 111 liaiKnju llili ni5nn3UinwH(!;iiu?j UUUiiliiiaUilHiiH ilill Hi?H»ii]UlUt!UH1?li)ilf;- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 2 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 8 1 \V C-- X c V /A -z^. .0 o^ V s^ V,^-v V ^c:^^ i v .s i^ rf .N^^ -^.c.^ .0 O ■^..x^ ^0- --o. *.,.^\x^v _.\ V* xO=.,…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 3 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code V ■.A V •J*^ t w i*. e. .5 C x-^^ =/._ ^\N- .X^^- .■V ■^0^ v^ ,0 o^ -n^ ^■0- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 4 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 5 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 6 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 7 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 8 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code ISrOTICE This fifth edition is presented simultaneously to many public Officers, Editors, and Citizens throughout the United States, in the hope that those who receive it will render their aid in promoting…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 9 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code SLAVERY THE REMEDY; OB, PRINCIPLES AND SUGGESTIONS REMEDIAL CODE. BY SAMUEL NOTT. Bonds make free, be they but righteous bonds. Freedom enslaves, if it be I unrighteous freedom. Page 28. FIFTH EDITION;…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 10 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code ADVEKTISEMEST TO THE FOURTH EDITION. At the close of the year 1856, a year of remarkable illustration of the principles of this work at tliis breathing time from the strife of sections,…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 11 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code INTRODUCTION We meet Slavery as a fact, not as a proposal. We have to do with slaveholding, not with slave-making. We seek not what should be done if there were no slaves,…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 12 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code mmuA m is hmefieki, mad mm iess. l%e CftmCMW jpoAri- hT CSkntSmm. jpkSlm^ngiist meed wMtieml wmaimtee, tf tkeg wis jotf wna^ im, Sibe tuKqsk oObb^ jwiwrtg ftc mvMhm Tbt hatSa^ panft i»…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 13 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code Tip ffCTlg g ictfsuic ;*j*ntt»mi^ if iie fiffiKUJt»Kl. Jl iffrv.^n^ d tS5 :iHr. ^TRsaie il^nautiKs oi siIms* latus* ialrsnuniv^ It *3iiEVtr7 ae n^eaantta. as j ram x ta wixuuu liifiiuutua soii ^iWRS,…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 14 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code b INTRODUCTION. Philanthropists of the North, will not unite in seeking the aid of Heaven, and in Heaven s strength prevail, fixing their eye, amidst the darkness and the storm, upon the…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 15 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code CONTENTS CHAPTER I. ADMISSIONS, DENIALS, DISTINCTIONS. Page Slavery an Evil. Mutual Bondage. Slave-holding not a Crime. Slave-holding and Slave-making distinguished. Crime defined, ■whether with Bond or Free. Principle of dealing with stolen…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 16 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code O CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. AMERICAN EXPERIMENTS WITH BARBARISM. Page. Compaxison of the Africo-American -with the aboriginal African. The race improved by Slaverj-, evils notwithstanding. Dr. Channing s testimony. Rev. Mr. Paj-ne s.…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 17 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER IX. UNION BY SEPARATION. Page. United because separate. Early Advantages of France, Holland, and Spain. How overcome. Examples at Louisburg and Fort du Quesne. The French War and Conquest…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 18 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code to CONTEXTS. Page. Eicn and Experiment. The Higher Law, and iis true Applica- tion Comparison of the Law of Nations and the Law of Ocean and Shore. 7o CHAPTER XIII. SrGGESTIOXS rOR…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 19 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code SLAVERY A.\D THE REMEDY CHAPTER I. ci tbe r» v •Oct c-rpresi^i rrrtlrr- %z ±r S:c--i ire ■■rriie i= lesj d from ±-e ss:::^ e-r-lj --z il^ :.-ii^r iliir s^va=w X*. d^obs…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 20 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 12 Tou cannot help it by any right method neither are you guilty for being a slaveholder when you cannot help that by any right method. The entering voluntarily into slavery is…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 21 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 13 may have a fair escape with life and limb as he goes fix)m voar b^Ddi, or TOO may incur a graver guilt than that of holding a stolen man. Of coarse…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 22 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 14 maj be as kind to him and his friends as it is just in you. To hold human beings as property is a crime when the terms arp understood in the…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 23 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 15 ing to his wants and his master s means, then his earnings are not withheld, but bestowed just as truly as are paid the wages of the northern laborer. Do we…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 24 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 16 CHAPTER 11. THE PROBLEM OF AFRICA IN AMERICA. The evil of slavery admitted, the next preliminary in order to a remedial code must be the settled fact of an Jfrico- American…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 25 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 17 wliicli we must retain. More than one third of a century has passed, and how stands the assumption that needs no argument The population which we began to remove has since…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 26 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 18 over that wide continent. If it succeed in these high purposes, it is impossible to estimate its worth and even though it were utterly to fail, the attempt will not have…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 27 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 19 CHAPTER III. CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIONS ORIGINAL AND ACTUAL CONDITION The African race being considered as established, and to be pro- vided for, chiefly on our soil, it must next be claimed…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 28 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 20 of the European race, the consequence would not be northern equahtj, but southern inequality. The smaller number would be- come proprietors, and the larger number dependent laborers, and the distmction would…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 29 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 21 point of emigration. The South less blessed than the North, because slavery has cursed them and ready to be as blessed the moment slavery is abolished Strange delusion! which forgets that…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 30 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 22 in fixing him in the lower stratum of society, and at the sam^ rime in patting the whole southern community under the disadvantage of an unhomogeneous people, requiring peculiar remedies, Xav.…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 31 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 23 CHAPTEE IT. THX v^^:-IOS TUEXED TO TTXLL-SiirS-G. Peo-Slatebt Axti-Slateet And are tht-~e :r.e :i. j ^:ri5 which can meet the case the serrik popolauoa of u c SouiL. or the mixfri…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 32 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 24 of well-being superseding both, above and beyond both in seeking which the Christian patriarch and the Christian philanthropist may earnestly and cordially unite The question, then, of well-being, and not of…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 33 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 25 man to slavery, any more than to poverty, sickness, or broken bones admit that slavery as it is, has woes more than belong to a merely servile condition, and demanding the…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 34 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 26 failure of the philanthropic intent whether, slavery abolished and the slaves made free, those freemen might not find a doom which would crave the boon of a truly patriarchal slavery? The…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 35 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 27 binding or loosing can set aside what God designs of want and suf- fering, and mutual aid and relief. Hunger, and thirst, and naked- ness, and sickness, and calamity, and the…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 36 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 28 the earth without equalizing those fruits according to the relation in which thej stand to their kind. The presumptuous franchise will destroy itself. These great principles cannot be set aside in…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 37 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 29 CHAPTER V. AMERICAN EXPERIMEXTS WITH BAEBARISiT. Ix aid of our demand that well-being shall be the question, cer- tain comparisons force themselves upon our consideration. And first, of the Africo-American icith…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 38 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 30 cates of emancipation, and, as truly, your diligent and faithful slaves in the field, and the house, and the shop, and the counting- house also, and your multitudes of thriving, discreet,…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 39 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 31 aside, while those by which they have thus risen are to be most anxiously preserved. In a word, let the injurious and destructive be removed, but hold fast and cherish the…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857
Image 40 of Slavery and the remedy; or, Principles and suggestions for a remedial code.
Principles and suggestions for a remedial code 32 be said -The Indians are do «ied to ^■W* beftre cnribed men: kow easilv Faie mav be assumed «ti»ee^Jawtk«rftke»dawiolj- cL Wich like ^^im it was said (»ee,if«tee aUmts a racwi», mtil…- Contributor: Nott, Samuel
- Date: 1857