Book/Printed Material Some fruits of solitude
Image 1 of Some fruits of solitude ,^^^,o;f V- HW iww^*. ii-»*f f
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 2 of Some fruits of solitude aass-h^H£.L Book_-S^ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 3 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 4 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 5 of Some fruits of solitude SOMETRUITS of Solitude ^MC^Jdwen Co. New York Boston.
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 6 of Some fruits of solitude THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Two Copies Receiveri AUe 25 1903 Cepyright Entry CLASS CL XXc. No COPY B. I ■p^ sX^ Ac-5ou. Copyright, igo^ By H. M. Cai,dweli, Co.
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 7 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 8 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 9 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 10 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 11 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction npHIS little Enchiridion, as its author called it, this compendium of cheerful rules for the conduct of life, has become so completely for- gotten that London was scoured for a long…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 12 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction men and women. Oddly enough, it was in the year when its century of existence was rounded off in 1793 that its latest regular reissue oc- curred, but even in the…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 13 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction solately in the streets of San Francisco, convalescent after a very dangerous ill- ness, yet still somewhat of a mossy ruin, and doubtful in what spirit to face the world again.…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 14 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction I have done a better thing to any fellow creature than handing on to you this sweet, dignified, and whole- some book, I know I shall hear of it on the…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 15 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction Hf and sweet companion. But I hope, when you shall have reached this note, my gift will not have been in vain for while, just now, we are so busy and…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 16 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction latitudes and other work. He never found the opportunity to discourse to us about the book which he loved so much. But it has left an indelible stamp on the tenor…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 17 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction^ manly a treatise, and for its illustrious student and sedulous ape, our ad- mirable R. L. S. That Some Fruits of Solitude was written by William Penn has never, so far…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 18 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction since been treated as a continuation by the same hand, made its earliest ap- pearance. But it would almost seem as though there were evidence as to Penn s authorship of…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 19 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction answers it by a life that is adequate and corresponds therewith. There is no creature fallen so much below this as man; and that will augment his trouble in the day…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 20 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction printed j this was described as The advice of William Penn to his children, relating to their civil and religious con- duct. It was often reprinted, and from 1790 onwards usually…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 21 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction very considerable differences exist be- tween the text as printed in 1693 onwards, and that substituted in 1718. The earliest editions are full of positive blunders and misprints, and contain substantially…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 22 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction flexions et Maximes, and 1693, when the volume was licensed. The author blesses God for his retirement. He has been forcibly withdrawn from the world, and never had so much leisure…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 23 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction few days in 1667, for publicly profes- sing himself a Quaker. For publish- ing his attack on the Athanasian Creed, A Sandy Foundation shaken, he was committed to the Tower from…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 24 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction addressing a Quakers meeting in Wheeler Street, and was thrown into prison again, this time for six months. Here was an opportunity for writing maxims, and yet I do not believe…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 25 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction^ the Stuart fell, and particularly later, after the Battle of Beechey Head, the exiled king s close friend was not un- naturally suspected of holding corre- spondence with him, and it…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 26 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction in the Sussex homestead to which he noiselessly withdrew after the appari- tion of the French Fleet in the Chan- nel in 1690. The form of Some Fruits of Soli- tude…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 27 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction reached a climax soon after the Eng- lish Restoration. There had grown up in France a feeling that the phrase must be reduced to simplicity of shape, must be relieved of…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 28 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction foucauld s influence was more instantly felt than anywhere else out of France. The Maximes contributed greatly to the formation of an improved Eng- lish taste, and to a final breaking…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 29 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction very same time a scholar of La Roche- foucauld still closer than Penn was writing Maxims this was Halifax, whose Thoughts and Reflections, though not printed until 1750, were certainly composed…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 30 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction disciple who had learned so little of the hollowness and bitterness of life. For life was not bitter to Penn. He combats the cynical attitude throughout. His heart is on his…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 31 of Some fruits of solitude Introduction of no great subtlety or finesse d esprit^ but as an honest and shrewd observer of life, Quakerish, utilitarian, optimis- tic. He does not often rise so high as in the…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 32 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 33 of Some fruits of solitude The Preface -p EADER, This Enchiridion, I present thee with, is the Fruit of Solitude A School few care to learn in, tho None instructs us better. Some Parts of it are…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 34 of Some fruits of solitude The Preface so much Master of before In which he has taken a View of himself and the World and observed wherein he hath hit and mist the Mark; What might have…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 35 of Some fruits of solitude The Prefaced There is nothing of which we are apt to be so lavish as of Time, and about which we ought to be more solicitous; since without it we can do…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 36 of Some fruits of solitude -^The Preface and Trifle away our true Enjoyment of it, and of our selves in it, is lament- able indeed. This one Reflection would yield a thinking Person great Instruc- tion. And…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 37 of Some fruits of solitude The Preface^ Immethodical in our whole Life mak- ing That a Burthen^ which was given for a Blessing and so of little Com- fort to our selves or others Misappre- hending the…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 38 of Some fruits of solitude ^The Preface it not too soon or too late to turn over the Leaves of thy past Life And be sure to fold down where any Passage of it may afFect thee…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 39 of Some fruits of solitude The Preface d and by no means Artificial in the Com- posure. But it contains Hints^ that may serve thee for Texts to Preach to thy Self upon, and which comprehend Much…
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903
Image 40 of Some fruits of solitude
- Contributor: Penn, William
- Date: 1903