Book/Printed Material Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line (en route to California)
Image 1 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line …
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 2 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … Class _ZICl5M1 Book sT^^ Copyright N COPYRIGHT nEPOSlT.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 3 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line …
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 4 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line …
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 5 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … 1 Souvenir and Views En Route to California OF Union Pacific THE OVERLAND ROUTE [THIRD EDITION] THE WORLD S PICTORIAL LINE L
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 6 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … 64930 Copyright, May, 1900, by E. L. LOMAX, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Neb. UHS2 Library of Conciress Two Copies Received I JUL 5. 1900 I SECOND COf…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 7 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … ■THE OVERLAND LIM THE FAMOUS UNION PACIFIC TRAIN, RUNNING TO CALIFORNIA IN TWO NIGHTS FROM THE MISSOURI RIVER. See Page €2.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 8 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … VIA UNION PACIFIC 9? HIS oi-eat national highway is so well known, not only throughout the united States, but all over the world, that a mere reference to it would seem sufficient,…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 9 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … INTERIOR PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAR, ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAO.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 10 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … and embracing the whole temperate zone. We can run a road through and through, the whole distance, under our flag and under our laws. An American road to India, through the heart…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 11 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … BUFFET SMOKING ANU LIBRARY CAh ON ONluN FA1.IFIC RAILRuAD
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 12 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … It must be remembered that the line of this road follows, with a few deviations, the old emigrant wagon road, not onh on the plains on the north side of the Platte…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 13 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … S;«il iDiLiN PACIFIC, Wiiijij RIVER ilER ..■t:i \ne Famous Shcniian Grjv.;l.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 14 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … At nightfall fires gleam brightly where brush is obtainable; and the picket guard established lest the thieving Indians, constantly lurking around, should stampede the stock or make an attack on the emi-…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 15 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … INTERIOR DINING CAR, ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 16 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … LEAVING Crossing the Missouri River from the Transfer Depot, Council COUNCIL BLLTFFS Bluffs, over a magnificent steel bridge of eleven spans, 75 feet AND OMAHA. above the water, each span 250 feet…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 17 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … UNION PACIFIC BRIDGE (EAST ENTRANCE), ONLY DOUBLE TRACK STEEL BRIDGE ACROSS THE MISSOURI RIVER, See Page 12.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 18 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … mountain a mac^nificent earth ocean, rolling up m beautiful green billows along the ho e S the contineiTtal mountains that border it. Immense herds of buffalo, the oldest nhaStant formerly ranged at…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 19 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … VIEW OF IJEW UNION STATION AT OMAHA.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 20 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … elevation is 5,170 feet above sea level. The city was the base of supply for the mountain towns at the time of the famous Pike s Peak gold excitement, long before the…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 21 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … VIEW OF UNION DEPOT K ANSA- CITY, MO
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 22 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … years has been the center of the cattle industry of the Northwest. Che)-enne was once a Id town but is now a well-regulated city, wuh n.any tine stores It constituted for a…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 23 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … f -r; !y*l8* .3 TIE SIDINii CANON, ON THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 24 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … sun s brilliant light, which is sifted through the caiion crags and iron netting of the bridge far down into the green little valley -a valley where at times can be gathered…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 25 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … MEDlClfiE: PEAK, //EST OF SHERMAN WYOMING, ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. See Page 20,
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 26 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … with these the streams and lakes of Wyommg are be:no- rapidly stocked wuh the finest l^; :Lat \::a1:!ie Pla^s, .vhich stretch away for miles on either side^ a., of great interest ^Between…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 27 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … S^SBfe r*-, CHI-vlNEr RjCK, NtAR LARAMIE, WYOMING, ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, See Page 22
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 28 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … bequeathing- to geological science the rarest of fossil treasures, the State is again writing a strange chapter in the world s geological history by unearthing the petrified bones of the most colossal…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 29 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … iSS SS K^Ssi ■n ~-**-A Wijn •pip***.- y Nfr i Sl .lu:*- ELK tvlOUrjTAIIJ, /v TOMINli. SEEN AT MAiMV POiNTS BETWEEN RArtLINi AND LARAMlE. ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. See Page 22. Jl
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 30 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … Sixty miles sotith of Rawlins is Grand Encampment, the famous mmmg district. This lono- ago, was a wild waste, a primeval foi-est of cataracts, of somber canons and mountain crags, the habitation…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 31 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … :e^r te siding, on union pacific railroad. See Paec 20.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 32 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … there are immense coal beds, and this is the place made famous by the massacre of Chinese laborers a few years ago. Fifteen miles west of Rock Springs is Green River elevation,…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 33 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … -4*6-5. J^ft»*^ U GREEN RIVER- BLUFFS, .^,V,,,»u, ON UNiON PACIFIC RAILROAD. See Page 28.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 34 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … sides indicate forests of timber, while on their summits the snow ever rests. The valley of the Beaver lies at the northern base of the range, is settled, and is one of…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 35 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … BLUFFS OF GREEN RIVER, ON UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD See Page 28,
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 36 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … offer irresistible attractions, so that every summer sees half the city populace leaving dull care behind to go to the mountains and enjoy the delicious coolness of the days and nights. Echo…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 37 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … ECHO CANON, UTAH. TRAVERSED BY UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. See Page 32,
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 38 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … whose vast proportiuns show them to be the work of Nature al jne, and yet whose sym- metrical forms and adherence to architectural rules seem to stamp them as the works of…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 39 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … THE SPHINX, IN ECHO CAfj.rj ...T.H, u,, U,JIon P. See Page 36.
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900
Image 40 of Souvenir and views of Union Pacific, "the Overland route," the world's pictorial line … strata of color, sprout like so many monstrous mushrooms and clasping all within their basin are the circling mountains of the Wasatch and Uintah ranges silvered with perpetual snow on their acute…
- Contributor: Union Pacific Railroad Company (1897- )
- Date: 1900