Book/Printed Material Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, January 28, 1820.
Image 1 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in …
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 2 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … Glass. £i Book
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 3 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in …
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 4 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in …
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 5 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in …
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 6 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in …
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 7 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … SPEECH OP ON THE RESTRICTION OF SLAVERY IN MISSOURI. DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, JANUARY 28, 1820. Mr. SmVth, of Virginia, addressed the chair. He said, that…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 8 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … vy state in these respects. Can you stipulate for the Te- g-illation of the press for the establishment of religion or for a power to appoint militia officers You cannot; for in…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 9 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … the states respectively, are reserved to each of the states, whether new or old. Has the power to legislate over slavery been delegat- ed to the United States- It has not. Has…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 10 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … the constitution provides that slaves running 1 away from their masters in one state, and going into another, shall be delivered up to their masters. But the gentleman from New York contended,…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 11 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … purposes and New York declared, that every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by the said constitu- tion clearly delegated to the Congress of the United States, remains to the people…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 12 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … ginal thirteen states. And none of these assertions seem to be correct. There were but twelve states in the con- vention; therefore no settlement wa3 made between thirteen states. And the constitution…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 13 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … commerce among the several states, and therefore may prohibit carrying slaves into Missouri. I answer, that a power to regulate commerce is not a power to prohibit commerce. The suppression of the…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 14 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 8 and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States. The clause thus reported is pointed with…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 15 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … If you possessed power to legislate concerning slavery, ihe adoption of the proposition on your table, which goes to emancipate all children of slaves hereafter born in Missouri, would be a direct…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 16 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 10 you take away the slaves hereafter born within the Dis- trict, without making compensation I think you will not attempt it. And yet you will impose on others an obligation to…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 17 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 11 which they themselves recommend. This would not be perfidy on the part of Missouri. The people of Missouri would only have eluded the effects of the perfidy of those who would…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 18 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 12 eessary t® apply to the people when this constitu tion was formed. And for a further confirmation of the doctrine which I maintain, I refer every gentleman to the bill of…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 19 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 13 although an illegitimate power may be imposed by force, and submitted to from necessity, it cannot bind the peo- ple longer than the force and necessity are present. Such was the…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 20 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 14 been sold, not to change the ordinance of 1784, without the consent of Ohio. Bat no part of the land was sold, previous to the passage of the ordinance on the…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 21 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 15 private property, they expressed themselves in terms not doubtfuU Thus, they said, Congress shall have power to exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, within the ten miles square. But no…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 22 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 16 require of the old states to exclude slavery, or provide for its abolition. The slave-holding states must make common cause with Missouri for the recognition of such a power in this…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 23 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … U nor by compact deprive his posterity of liberty. Slaves are not held as having alienated their liberty by compact. They are held under the law and usage of nations, from the…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 24 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 18 The whole nation sanctioned the right of slavery, by a- dopting the constitution, which provides for an enume- ration of slaves, a representation founded thereon, and for the restoration of fugitive…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 25 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 19 protection to any other government. But the former sovereign of the country has made a stipulation on be- half of the people, and to that stipulation we have agreed in the…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 26 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 20 received a deed of trust of this territory and if you do not perform the trust, you have no title. It was said at the last session, we purchased the territory,…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 27 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 21 the Constitution which declare that Congress shall make no law respecting- an establishment of religion; that pro- perty shall not be taken for public use without just com- pensation and that…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 28 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … or to be Protestants, as in New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina. A third, that the judicial proceeding s shall be in the language of the judicial and legislative proceedings of…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 29 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 2S preference should be given to the ports of any state. li is a sacred duty of Congress to do equal and impartial justice to every part of the Union. Taxes may…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 30 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 9A the country where the crops are raised for exportation, and bread and meat are purchased, that you doom them to scarcity and hunger Is it not obvious that the way to…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 31 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 25 women and children who attempted to come out, that thereby he might occasion a famine in the city as soon as possible. I will next consider the effect which the proposed…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 32 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 26 have cantoned the whole of them in Vermont? Or would you not have dispersed them through several of the states Doubtless you would have dispersed them. And for the same reason…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 33 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 27 of the community, require it. And -whatever the safety of the community requires, is right and lawful. The tendency of the proposition to create jealousies between the states, deserves serious consideration.…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 34 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 28 If you let the people of Missouri alone to exercise the right of self-government, as it is exercised by the people of the other states, perhaps they may of themselves ex-…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 35 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 29 Mr. Smyth appealed from the decision of the chair. Mr. Clay (the Speaker) made some remarks in favor of allow- ing- considerable latitude in the debate. The question was not put,and…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 36 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 30 agriculture, or property ignorant of the duties of lite, and unacquainted with all the soft and endearing relations which render it desirable averse to labor, though free- qoenlly perishing of want…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 37 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 31 to each other. Such a case has generally produced con- spiracies, massacres, treasons, and wars, until one of the two people were either expelled or exterminated. Thus, in the reign of…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 38 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … 32 sidered n a level with Hayti Are the two races really equal If so, how is it that the race of whites has pro- duced so many civilized nations in ancient…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 39 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … vers not at all interested in negro slavery themselves, produced the catastrophe of St. Domingo. The philan- thropists, societies, and popular meetings of the north, are pursuing a similar course. Like causes…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820
Image 40 of Speech of Mr. Smyth, on the restriction of slavery in Missouri. Delivered in … Let us look the danger that threatens us in the face, Let us contemplate a revolt in its progress and conse- quences. Such a picture of human misery such a scene of…
- Contributor: Smyth, Alexander
- Date: 1820