Book/Printed Material The story of Chautauqua,
Image 1 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 2 of The story of Chautauqua, .0^ .*y;^. ^o. o 0 ^ov^ fi o J V ♦J v,^^ ^y V a^^^% t oK ^P-^^.
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 3 of The story of Chautauqua, 4? e Av .^MW* A^ a «4o^ 2, AP ^4-^
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 4 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 5 of The story of Chautauqua, The Story of Chautauqua
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 6 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 7 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 8 of The story of Chautauqua, Lewis Miller (1878)
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 9 of The story of Chautauqua, The Story of Chautauqua By Jesse Lymeui Hurlbut, D.D. Author of The Story of the Bible, Teacher Training Lessons for the Sunday School/ etc. IViih 50 Illmlraliom G. P. Putnam s Sons…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 10 of The story of Chautauqua, Copyright, 192 1 by Jesse L. Hurlbut Printed in the United States of America AUG 20 1921 g)C!.A624033
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 11 of The story of Chautauqua, This book is dedicated to the honoured memory of the two Founders of Chautauqua Xewis /IDtllcr and Jobn 1be^l IDincent
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 12 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 13 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE WHY AND WHEREFORE An ancient writer I forget his name declared that in one of the city-states of Greece there was the rule that when any citizen proposed a new law…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 14 of The story of Chautauqua, viii PREFACE thousands who beside the lake, in the Hall of Philosophy, or under the roof of the amphitheater, have been inoculated with the Chautauqua spirit. We will seek for the testimony…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 15 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE ix assimilate and organize into a basis for action; for if more be given it may become injurious. Chautauqua is doing more to nourish the intellects of the masses than any…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 16 of The story of Chautauqua, X PREFACE work ever written on the American system of government, said, while visiting Chautauqua I do not think any country in the world but America could produce such gatherings as Chautauqua…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 17 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE xi like eating without digestion, produces dyspepsia. The influence and guidance of Chautauqua will long be needed in America. The religious influence of Chautauqua has been not less valuable. Chautauqua has…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 18 of The story of Chautauqua, xii PREFACE Old-time politics is dead in the States of the Middle West. The torchlight parade, the gasoline lamps, and the street orator draw but little attention. The Republican Rally in the…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 19 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE Xlll ^nd historical themes, in his Recognition Day address, in 1904, on Culture Through Vocation, said as follows The Chautauqua movement as conceived by its leaders is a great movement for…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 20 of The story of Chautauqua, xiv PREFACE As nearly as I can formulate it, the Chautauqua Idea is something like this: A fraternal, enthusiastic, methodical, and sustained attempt to elevate, enrich, and inspire the individual life in…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 21 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE XV Chicago, one of the leading educators of the land, gave this testimony, after his visit to Chautauqua ■c- The New York Chautauqua father and mother of all the other Chautauquas…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 22 of The story of Chautauqua, xvi PREFACE himself or herself through Chautauqua who will not feel more and more the opportunity of the present moment in a present world. The character of Chautauqua s training has been…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 23 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE xvii other place known to me, do you meet Baddeck and Newfoundland and Florida and Tiajuara at the same table; and there you are of one heart and one soul with…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 24 of The story of Chautauqua, xviii PREFACE more artificial life of college halls bring no such eager vitality to give value to their draught? If I under- stand Chautauqua, this is what it means It finds its…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 25 of The story of Chautauqua, PREFACE xix its objects and working thus far, I wish it abundant success, and that its circles, like those from the agi- tated center of the Lake, may widen out, until our…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 26 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 27 of The story of Chautauqua, CONTENTS PAGE Preface vii CHAPTER I. The Place 3 II. The Founders .11 III. Some Primal Principles 27 IV. The Beginnings 38 V. The Early Development 63 VI. The National Centennial Year…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 28 of The story of Chautauqua, xxii CONTENTS CHAPTER »AGB XV. The Chaplain s Leg and Other True Tales (1885-1888) 224 XVI. A New Leaf in Luke s Gospel (1889-1892) .239 XVII. Club Life at Chautauqua (1893- 1896)…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 29 of The story of Chautauqua, ILLUSTRATIONS rAOB Lewis Miller Facing title-pagt John H. Vincent 4 Steamer in the Outlet 8 Old Business Block i6 Old Amphitheater 24 Old Auditorium 24 Old Guest House The Ark 32 Old…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 30 of The story of Chautauqua, XXIV ILLUSTRATIONS PAGB Flower Girls (2 pictures) .116 Pioneer Hall .122 Old College Building .122 C.L.S.C. Alumni Hall .130 Chautauqua Book Store .140 Hall of the Christ .150 Hall of Philosophy, Entrance…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 31 of The story of Chautauqua, ILLUSTRATIONS XXV PAGE Post Office Building 250 Business and Administration 250 Golf Course 260 Sherwood Memorial 260 Traction Station 260 Arts and Crafts Building 270 Miller Bell Tower 270 South Gymnasium 280…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 32 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 33 of The story of Chautauqua, The Story of Chautauqua
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 34 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 35 of The story of Chautauqua, The Story of Chautauqua CHAPTER I THE PLACE John Heyl Vincent a name that spells Chau- tauqua to millions said Chautauqua is a place y anideaj and a force. Let us first…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 36 of The story of Chautauqua, 4 THE STORY OF CHAUTAUQUA perceive that it is about three miles across at its widest points, and moreover that it is in reality two lakes connected by a narrower channel, almost…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 37 of The story of Chautauqua, John H. Vincent (1876)
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 38 of The story of Chautauqua,
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 39 of The story of Chautauqua, THE PLACE 5 iceberg-mantled Labrador and Newfoundland, Lake Chautauqua only seven miles distant, and of more than seven hundred feet higher altitude, finds its resting place in the warm Gulf of Mexico.…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921
Image 40 of The story of Chautauqua, 6 THE STORY OF CHAUTAUQUA they found the big fish still alive, for it leaped from the boat into the water, and escaped. Up to that time, it is said, no muskallonge…
- Contributor: Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman
- Date: 1921