Book/Printed Material The story of the Third Army Corps Union, Copy 2
Image 1 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 2 of Copy 2 Book.. 3 foiin No. 25, 0. C. S. (Kd. 9-13-09—2,000.) is
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 3 of Copy 2 WiTO Compliments of MAJOR WILLIAM P. SHKKVE
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 4 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 5 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 6 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 7 of Copy 2 THE STORY 0 ARMY C V, ytPM RECEIVED I* APR 29 1910 W i©RAB ^£tlular^ iCtutnQBton liplUttg
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 9 of Copy 2 THE STORY OF THE THIRD ARMY CORPS UNION Compiled from the Original Records By WILLIAM P. SHREVE TREASURER 1885 I9IO Priwat^lti Prttttfb BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 1910
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 11 of Copy 2 1» I* APR 29 1910 ^A EDWARD LIVINGSTON WELLING You filled up the gaps in our files. Strengthened the wavering line, Stablished, continued our march.
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 12 of Copy 2 f/iAY 11 (1,10 HOOPER PRINTING COMPANY 74 INDIA ST., BOSTON
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 13 of Copy 2 TOLD BY THE SECRETARY. THE life of the Third Army Corps Union is nearing fifty years and in all human prob- ability it will not be many more before the last Veteran…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 14 of Copy 2 C. H. T. Collis (One hundred and fourteenth Pennsylvania) commanding the First Brigade, First Division; Colonel L. D. Carver (Fourth Maine) commanding the Second and Colonel Regis De Trobriand (Fifty-fifth New York)…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 15 of Copy 2 the Third Corps, As we understand it, the corps as it was up to the battle of Gettysburg, neverthe- less is said to have given offence to General French, who was at…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 16 of Copy 2 The Constitution was adopted, providing for the usual exigencies of an association and fixing upon the fifth day of May in each year for the Annual meeting. The distinctive feature of the…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 17 of Copy 2 (Sixteenth Massachusetts, killed at the North Anna, May twenty-third) and the quartermaster of the Eleventh Massachusetts, George Forrest. At a meeting of the twenty-seventh of Septem- ber, the committee reported a set…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 18 of Copy 2 Navy Journal were ordered for distribution among the members, the Secretary was directed to ascer- tain from every member of the two divisions the names of the battles in which he had…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 19 of Copy 2 At this point in the record there are some score of blank pages left, as if there was some matter that was expected to be written in. As Colonel Briscoe steps down…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 20 of Copy 2 cropping out at every meeting up to 1906. A committee was appointed to collect for preservation in the archives of the Union, a history of Regi- ments, Batteries, Brigades and Divisions of…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 21 of Copy 2 one thousand copies of the constitution and by- laws. If this and the former order was carried out, it would be curious to know what became of all of them. At the…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 22 of Copy 2 record other than that the Secretary is directed to send to each Brigade director a copy of such p-art of the report as does not conflict with the consti- tution, The treasurer…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 23 of Copy 2 directors held this day, (so the record runs) were canvassed with the following result. President, General Daniel E. Sickles; Vice-President, General David Bell Birney; Recording Secretary, Surgeon J. Theodore Calhoun; Corresponding Secretary,…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 24 of Copy 2 quarters of General Mott, owing to the assignment of General Birney to the command of the Tenth Corps Army of the James, September fifteenth the meeting was marked by the return of…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 25 of Copy 2 Simon D. Newcomb of the Ninety-third New York were elected members. October twenty-second. The record of this meeting is a repetition of mortuary statistics that are in the main like those of…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 26 of Copy 2 new regiments, were elected after the passage of the following: That, in consideration thai: this Division was permitted, after the Old Third Corps was temporarily broken up, to retain its badge and…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 27 of Copy 2 Third Corps Union, of which General Birney was the Vice President, therefore, Resolved, That in the death of General Birney we sorrowfully deplore the loss of a thorough patriotic citizen and accomplished…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 28 of Copy 2 ment may dictate, and we hereby extend to him the auspices of the Third Corps Union in this contemplated work, and request that members of the Union and other officers of the…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 29 of Copy 2 allusion to the prospective disbanding of the army, but there is not a syllable to suggest it. The only thing to attract the attention is the absence of General Mott from the…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 30 of Copy 2 No one can read the foregoing reports without being impressed with a sense of the conscientious devotion that the officers of the Union gave to their work. We really gain but an…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 31 of Copy 2 Corps. It is certainly a matter of regret that the Corps, whose history is such a large part of the Army of the Potomac should have found no his- torian. We cannot…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 32 of Copy 2 LETTER OF E. R. TREMAIN. New York, July 19, 1863. My dear Son: On Friday, Major Purdy called on me, with a letter from Captain Fry, telling him to call on me…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 33 of Copy 2 body of stock brokers, while I made the simple statement, in a few words of appeal to their loyalty and humanity, and taking from my pocket a sub- scription list, and pointing…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 34 of Copy 2 TOLD BY THE TREASURER. The first entry on the book of the Treasurer is under the date of September twenty-seventh, 1863, and the amount sixty dollars, for initiation fees. Other entries rapidly…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 35 of Copy 2 Mine Run on the thirtieth of November, 1863. The next was to Mrs. McDonough, widow of Cap- tain H. J. McDonough, Seventy-second New York, killed at Locust Grove, November twenty-seventh. The third…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 36 of Copy 2 By the end of the following year this amount had been increased by two hundred and twenty- four dollars, of which eighty-four was interest and the balance was from fourteen new memberships,…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 37 of Copy 2 The monetary consideration at these first meet- ings was not of prime importance evidently, judg- ing by the small amounts that came to the hands of the Treasurer. A few new members…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 38 of Copy 2 mittee and thereafter the Treasurer s account knew only dues and interest, with an occasional membership, or in later years a life membership. It was not until 1876 that the so-called Perma-…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 39 of Copy 2 to General J. Watts De Peyster, a watch and chain to Colonel Welling and a bronze medal to Major Willard Bullard. A monument was erected in Chelsea, Massachusetts, to the memory of…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910
Image 40 of Copy 2 THE SEQUEL. Pursuant to a call published in the papers of New York, Boston and Trenton, the Annual Meet- ing was held at the Continental Hotel, Philadel- phia, on the fifth of…
- Contributor: Shreve, William Price
- Date: 1910