Book/Printed Material Talks to Sunday school teachers,
Image 1 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS LUTHER ALLAN WEIGLE
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 2 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, Class JELVl5A^\ Book. 4 CofiyrightN? COFiRIGHT DEPOSIT.
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 3 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 4 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 5 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 6 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 7 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, TALKS TO SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS LUTHER ALLAN WEIGLE
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 8 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 10 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, COPYRIGHT, 1920, BY GEORGE H DORAN COMPANY APi 2i 1320 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ©CU565610
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 11 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, PREFACE This book is in a sense a supplement to The Pupil and the Teacher, as it is my response to the request that I write in fuller and more con- crete…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 12 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, vi PREFACE D.D., Editor of the Sunday school publications of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, at whose request they were written.
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 13 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I The Child as a Discoverer n II A Bundle of Instincts 18 III Children s Lies 24 IV A Boy s Loyalty 35 V The Age of Hero…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 14 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, Vlll CHAPTER XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV CONTENTS PAGE The Dramatic Method of Teaching 149 The Purposes of Questioning 156 Why Examinations? 164 Applying the Lesson 172 Class Instruction and Class Activ-…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 15 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, TALKS TO SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 16 of Talks to Sunday school teachers,
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 17 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS CHAPTER I THE CHILD AS A DISCOVERER Who can tell what a baby thinks? Who can follow the gossamer links By which the manikin feels his way…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 18 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 12 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS him; facts that the world has long known he must learn for himself. Nature has equipped him for it. Curiosity is one of the earliest, as…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 19 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, THE CHILD AS A DISCOVERER IS not only of hand and arm, but of his whole body; he was developing space-perception and coordination of eye and hand, and he was learning some…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 20 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 14 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS anism on its surface, but mysteriously insists on roll- ing back to you when you start it rolling away. Smith and Hall tell of a little…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 21 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, THE CHILD AS A DISCOVERER 15 makes it? Who made it? What does so-and-so mean? Examples need not be cited. We have all had to meet children s questions. They are at…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 22 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 16 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS mother s, found an old book about the Johnstown flood, and insisted on having the story. He aston- ished his Sunday-school teacher some months later by…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 23 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, THE CHILD AS A DISCOVERER 17 to the teacher, and ways in which the teacher may stimulate and use it. FOR FURTHER READING The article by Smith and Hall is entitled Curiosity…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 24 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHAPTER II A BUNDLE OF INSTINCTS THE little human animal, like every other, is born going. He is already wound up. His lungs expand and contract; his heart is pumping away; his…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 25 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, A BUNDLE OF INSTINCTS 19 natural human ways. He does not of purpose ini- tiate them any more than he initiates breathing or heartbeat. He does these things because he is so…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 26 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 20 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS by imitation, or taught by one beetle to another. It is done only once in the lifetime of each beetle and it must at that time…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 27 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, A BUNDLE OF INSTINCTS 21 the child to collect almost anything, Human in- stincts do not so much provide particular things to do, as impel to general types of action or feeling.…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 28 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS they have grown into habits, sentiments, principles and ideals, and each has fallen into its place in a rational unity of personal life. The child stands at…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 29 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, A BUNDLE OF INSTINCTS 23 and classifications of Kirkpatrick, McDougall and Thorn- dike. 2. In what respects are human instincts like, and in what respects unlike, the instincts of animals? 3. What…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 30 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHAPTER III CHILDREN S LIES ALL Cretans are liars was an old-world prov- erb that found its way even into the Bible. There are those who would have us think that chil-…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 31 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHILDREN S LIES 25 habit of truth-telling are acquired in the course of experience, through education and training. I. Imaginative lies. Many, perhaps most, of the lies of younger children result from…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 32 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 26 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS gradually, as knowledge grows and widens, does he come to realize the difference between those experi- ences that hang together and stay put (and hence are…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 33 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHILDREN S LIES 27 more natural than that his imagination should seize upon the doll as the source of his information? A child of three, seeing a cough syrup that she liked…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 34 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 28 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS tragic mishap, only to end up after a little while with: But I didn t really, daddy; I just wanted to see what you would say.…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 35 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHILDREN S LIES 29 fortune; I went to Mexico last summer, and at the place where I was all I had to do was to pick up all the diamonds I could…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 36 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 30 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS people whose ideas concerning their own behavior, as well as concerning the training of children, are unclear and confused at this point. 9. Lies of mental…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 37 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHILDREN S LIES 31 ing-needle would come some day and sting her so that she would die We must first of all diagnose our case. We must understand what sort of lies…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 38 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 32 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS cause they tend to blur it over. The word story is particularly objectionable because of its constant use in its primary sense to denote imaginative tales…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 39 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, CHILDREN S LIES 33 many secrets among its members. Every secret is pregnant with temptations to lie. Finally, we should see to it, in so far as we can, that the child…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920
Image 40 of Talks to Sunday school teachers, 34 TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS under your observation, and classify them according to the text. Do you find some which you cannot classify under these headings? 3. May parents unintentionally encourage…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan
- Date: 1920