Book/Printed Material A textbook on show-card writing ...
Image 1 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 2 of A textbook on show-card writing ... oo 4 V*^ N^^- f .9 c \4 A ■i- O. .A Ot- v^ V-* 4= ■■J- v^V X^^^ V- V -bo^ vO O x^^ t rf-. •J- v^
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 3 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 5 3^ --c. o^^ .co^ ^1. vOc .0 ^J •^o 0^ J^.- V, N^ vH^^ vv v^ ^7- -0 o, ■7- V C~ V A-^ 1 Si O
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 4 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 5 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 6 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 8 of A textbook on show-card writing ... THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Receiyeo JUN 3 1903 U Copyright hntry huw Z^ h 06 •JLASS (Xy XXo. No. COPY B. Copyrijrlit, 1003, by Intkrnational Tkxtbook Company. Entered at Stationers…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 9 of A textbook on show-card writing ... PREFACE The present volume will undoubtedly fill a long-felt want for a full and exhaustive treatment of the subject of Show- Card Writing. The text is clear and comprehensive and the subject…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 10 of A textbook on show-card writing ... iv PREFACE The method of numbering the pages and articles is such that each subject is complete in itself; hence, in order to make the index intelligible it was necessary to give…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 11 of A textbook on show-card writing ... CONTENTS Show-Card Writing Se Purpose of the Course How to Become an Expert Card Writer Description of the Course Colors Handling- of Colors Water Colors List of Oil Colors Brushes Materials Elements…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 12 of A textbook on show-card writing ... VI CONTENTS Show-Card Writing— Continued) Illumination of vShow-Cards Letters Modifications of Letters Relief Letters Beveling Mounting Manifolding- Store and Window Signs Outside Signs Card Hangers Punctuation Rules for Punctuation Sec vShow-Card Design…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 13 of A textbook on show-card writing ... CONTENTS vii Letter Formation— (G Secfhvi Page Plate, Title: Condensed Egyptian 4 3 Capitals 4 4 Lower Case and Numerals 4 6 Plate, Title: Heavj^ Egyptian 4 8 Plate, Title: Eccentric Egyptian…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 14 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 15 of A textbook on show-card writing ... SHOW-CARD WRITING INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose of This Course. —Attractive show-card writing ranks among the most important advertising methods used by the progressive and wide-awake merchant. Time was when the storekeeper was satisfied…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 16 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 2 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 crowd his store with customers, and yet these may become shop worn and out of fashion were he to neglect to use the methods employed by his progressive…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 17 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 3 3. Reward of Application. Students are of two general classes, namely: Those who desire only a super- ficial knowledge of the subject before them, and to whom any…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 18 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 4 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 to the left of the drawing tabic. A shade for the eyes should be worn to protect them from the light, and every precaution taken in caring for…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 19 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING COLORS CLASSIFICATION AND USE 6. Classification of Colors. —There are five general classes into which all colors are divided, as follows: Primary, secondary, tertiary, semifieutral and neutral. Beginning with…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 20 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 6 SHOW-CARD WRITING 4^1 colors of o^reatest strength are Prussian blue, Indian red, oranjje chrome, etc. When using these latter colors the greatest care must be observed or the strong color will…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 21 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 7 and become indistinct, when it is termed a tint. By the use of black in compounding colors, some may be intensi- fied, while others acquire an entirely different…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 22 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 8 SHOW-CARD WRITING gl HANDLING OF COLORS 15. Harmony and Contrast. —The liandlinjac of colors, in the full sense of the word, does not mean simply the knowledge of the many ways…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 23 of A textbook on show-card writing ... m
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 24 of A textbook on show-card writing ...
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 25 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 9 18. CaiHl- Writers Colors. The card writer often has use for colors and mixtures that are not classified with those known as pure colors. Therefore, there are many…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 26 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 10 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 22. l*i-ineii)al Colors eeessary. —White and black may be used almost exclusively in show-card writinof, for all practical purposes. Many show-card writers confine their brush work to these…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 27 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 11 24. Preparation of Black. —The color knovvn among letterers as slio -car(l black will be found to be one of the best black preparations for card work. This…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 28 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 12 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 WATER COLORS 25. Preparatu)!! of Watei* Colors. —Water colors are prepared by thoroughly grinding a pigment to a powder and mixing this with strained honey to a thick…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 29 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 13 List of Oil Colors Prepared oil colors in tubes comprise the foregoing list of water colors with the following additions: Asphaltum black Bitumen Black lead Caledonian brown Cappah…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 30 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 14 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 dealer in artists materials he may be supplied throug-h the Technical Supply Company, Scranton, Pa. Many of the foregoing colors are furnished in screw-cap glass jars and are…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 31 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 15 especially useful on certain kinds of letters and also for shading. These range in size from 1 to 9, as shown in Fig. 4. The largest sizes are…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 32 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 16 SHOW-CARD WRITING Fig. G
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 33 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING r long. These brushes are known also as goose qw lls, and are the least expensive brushes used by letterers. The three sizes shown in Fig. 5 are sufficient…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 34 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 18 SHOW-CARD WRITING SI 6-ply is of sufficient thickness to serve all requirements. They are put up in original packages of 50 cards, and may be procured at any paper warehouse. 32.…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 35 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 19 ELEMENTS OF LETTERING COMPONENT PARTS OF A LETTER 36. The stroke is the term applied to the width between the outlines forming the letter; when applied to letters…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 36 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 20 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 Condensing is a term applied to the closer spacing of the letters, or to making them narrower than normal width. Elongating is the term applied when the letters…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 37 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 21 parallel lines. This is shown by Figs. 9 and 10, in which the right and the wrong spacing can be seen. The L in Fig. 9 is shortened…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 38 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 22 SHOW-CARD WRITING §1 the width of the stroke, allowing- the same space between them and the letters on each side as allowed in Fig. 11 between the end of the right…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 39 of A textbook on show-card writing ... §1 SHOW-CARD WRITING 23 is noticeable at a glance. In the same manner, if a word is spaced properly throughout with but one exception, it has the appearance of two words. For…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903
Image 40 of A textbook on show-card writing ... 24 SHOW-CARD WRITING SI 41. Shading should always be executed on the assump- tion that the light falls on the letter at an angle of 45°. This principle can best be shown…
- Contributor: International Correspondence Schools
- Date: 1903