Book/Printed Material The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern and eastern states, in 1817; his tour in the year 1818; together with a sketch of his life; with descriptive and historical notices of the principal places through which he passed ...
Image 1 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 2 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … Gass_h. Book -V, I 9
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 3 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 4 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 5 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … .y r
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 6 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 8 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, ss. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the sixteenth L S a °f August, iu the forty-fourth year of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America, Silas An-…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 9 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … i TO THE CITIZENS OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC. The diffidence I feel in offering this volume to my fellow citizens, is greatly di- minished in reflecting upon the peculiarly interesting subject of…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 10 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern …
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 11 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE inducement to the publication of the first Edition of this work, arose from a desire to preserve, in a volume, the inter- esting incidents in the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 12 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … VI. PREFACE. From the diversity of matter contained in the work, errors may be expected, and will undoubtedly be discovered. The Second Tour of the President was a very limited one, and…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 13 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … CONTENTS. As the following work is a continued narrative, with- out any division into Sections or Chapters, it may be a covenience to the reader to furnish a concise table of contents,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 14 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … VIII* CONTENTS. PAGE NEW-YORK— 1st Entrance. New- York City its political importance. %B President s reception in that place. 80 Address of the Citizens and President s Answer. 81 of the Cincinnati…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 15 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … CONTENTS. IX* PAGE. Slave Trade, 136 Newport arrival and reception of the President, and Address, 140 Sketch of this place, and its wanton destruction, 141 Ppovidence Address of the citizens and the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 16 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … X% CONTENTS. PAGL. The President s Answer, 212 Description of Portland, 213 Address of the Clergy and President s Answer, 215 NEW-HAMPSHIRE— 2d Entrance. Dover— reception there and address of Citizens, 217…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 17 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … CONTENTS. XI. PAGE. Passage to Sackett s Harbour, 255 Lake Ontario Capt. Chauncey Fleets, c. 256 Sackett s Harbour notice of that place, 257 Address of the Revolutionary veterans, and of the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 18 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … XII. CONTENTS. PAGE, Second Tour of the President, 1818. 319 Remarks upon his first Tour, 320 Assiduity of Rulers, 321 President at Annapolis Address of Citizens and his answer, 322 Chesapeake Bay,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 19 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF JAMES MONROE, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Biography and History occupy an important department in the libraries of gentlemen, soholars,and statesmen. By the one, the reader…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 20 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 14 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, the admiration excited by their successors, and the as- tonishment occasioned by succeeding events. Had America had her Plutarch, it would not have been so. Instead of devoting attention…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 21 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 15 academic bowers, while it initiated him into the bound- less fields of science and literature, did not render him effeminate. In 1776, when his threatened and en- dangered country…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 22 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 16 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. duced by the tumbling of ice in the rapid current of the Delaware, would have appalled any hearts but those of republican soldiers. The Delaware was cross- ed the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 23 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … fciOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, 17 been noticed, and yet they could not have been loo highly appreciated for if the enemy had got his artillery into operation, in a narrow street, it might have…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 24 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … i8 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. the southern army in that capacity. His conduct it;, this important trust, met with undivided approbation. Col. Monroe, near the close of the revolutionary war, commenced his legislative and…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 25 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 19- sty with the smaller ones. Mr. Monroe, with the sa- gacity of a statesman, early foresaw the calamities that would befal the confederated states for the want of a…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 26 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 20 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. fixed upon Mr. Monroe as a suitable member of a high tribunal to adjust these controversies. His appoint- ment met with the cordial approbation of the contend- in r…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 27 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 21 The experience of ages had tested their excellencies, and rendered their defects ostensible. The public mind had been, in some measure, prepared for the decision of the great question,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 28 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 22 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. sion between the American and Spanish governments. It was even thought of surrendering the right The comprehensive views of Mr. Monroe, induced him to oppose it with all his…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 29 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 23 adopted, and reluctantly adopted, by some of the states. Not having practically experienced its excellence, ma- ny were alarmed at some of its principles. They thought in the President,…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 30 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 24 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. year 1794, the American people felt little of the acri- mony of party spirit. In the great struggle for Inde- pendence, common danger made them friends. The nerveless sons…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 31 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. c 2ii a degraded, a vassal race. By their ambitious raon- archs, they were considered as ammunition, to be ex- pended in the accomplishments of their guilty projects of ambition…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 32 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … ^O BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, would have been considered, by all the other European governments, as a declaration of war against them. The penetrating sagacity of Washington, saw the gath- ering storm. Aware that…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 33 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 27 citizens. Washington, during the residence of Mr. Mon- roe in France, was at the head of the American ad- ministration. He was the life s blood of the Republic.…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 34 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 28 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. men divided into two great political sects, called the Republican and Federal parties. The former approv- ed, and the latter disapproved of his conduct as am- bassador. Although Mr.…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 35 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 29 The approbation bestowed upon the recalled minis- ter was not that unmeaning applause which is unaccom- panied with some substantial tokens of respect for he was again, by the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 36 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 60 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. region of the western states and territories, its impor tance is invaluable. It is their great highway to the ocean, and without the use of its waters, the rapidly…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 37 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 31 this subject at the Court of St. Cloud, evinced the po- litical sagacity and deep penetration, which Mr. Jef- ferson was acknowledged by all to possess. It cannot now…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 38 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 32 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. until the latter part of the year 1804. Early in 1805, he was dispatched to the Spanish court at Madrid, to negociate, jointly with Mr. Charles Pinckney, a treaty…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 39 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. 3£ Hitherto the American seamen had been impressed only from merchantmen and although an injury to in- dividuals is an injury to the nation, yet, in the attack upon the…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820
Image 40 of The tour of James Monroe, president of the United States, through the northern … 34 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. Secretary, conducted the correspondence on behalf of the American government, with both these powers, with a firmness and moderation that excited the undi- vided approbation of his fellow citizens.…
- Contributor: Waldo, S. Putnam (Samuel Putnam)
- Date: 1820