Book/Printed Material Training the devotional life

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  • Image 51 of Training the devotional life THE DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE 303 form and freshness of translation, such as the editions by Moulton, Weymouth, MofTatt and others. (2) The time should be the best in the day. The evening has certain advantages, but the mind is apt to be weary and sleepy. The morning is better. Thousands of Bible readers testify to the help gained by rising early enough…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 52 of Training the devotional life 304 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE rather stern and exacting in her discipline, forced the boy to learn long chapters by heart. As to the result Ruskin writes: She established my soul in life. And truly, though I have picked up the elements of a little further knowledge in mathematics, meteorology, and the like in after life, and owe not a little to the teaching…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 53 of Training the devotional life THE DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE 305 His ways with men. This training will be broadened dur- ing the Junior years, when the child s social instincts begin to expand and he becomes a hero-worshiper. We shall seek then to imbue him with the spirit of moral heroism, and to help him to acquire right habits and to understand the duty and the joy…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 54 of Training the devotional life 306 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE its literary beauties and practical applications, until the children perceive the varied values in it. and turn to it as the best of all the books on their shelves. All sorts of helps will be useful pictures of great paint- ings, photographs, stories of travel in the Orient; in brief, whatever will make the Book live in the life…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 55 of Training the devotional life THE DEVOTIONAL USE OF THE BIBLE 307 QUESTIONS FOR INVESTIGATION AND DISCUSSION 1. In what does the devotional value of the Bible lie? 2. In how far and in what respect is a true intellectual attitude toward the Bible and correct knowledge concerning it essential to the experi- ence of its devotional values? 3. What do you understand by the devotional attitude toward the…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 56 of Training the devotional life LESSON VI THE MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS A great deal of memorizing has been required of children by the Sunday school in times past much of it unwisely, for it took the place of understanding. In our reaction against the merely memoriter methods of earlier days, we are perhaps in danger of unduly neglecting this aspect of religious education. A thoroughly worked out, graded…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 57 of Training the devotional life MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS 309 noted that to read aloud together is a more difficult thing, even for adults, than to say together something which all know their attitude is not as spontaneous and whole- minded, and their worship is apt not to seem to them as real and direct, as is the case when they repeat together a form of prayer which all…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 58 of Training the devotional life 310 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE 2. When should these materials be memorized? In childhood, all would agree, and especially in later child- hood, from six to fourteen. In these years children take delight in memorizing as they will not later; it seems easier for them, and their memories appear to be more retentive. In making this statement, however, we must be careful not to…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 59 of Training the devotional life MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS 311 3. What materials should be memorized? Principles for the selection of materials to be memorized have been indicated in the statement of reasons for such memoriza- tion. It should be material (a) which is actually used by the children in worship, (b) which prepares them to share in and to appreciate the worship of the church, and (c) which…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 60 of Training the devotional life 312 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE Psalm 96 Oh sing unto the Lord a new song Psalm 100 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord Psalm 103 Bless the Lord, O my soul Psalm 119 9-11 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way Psalm 121 I will lift up mine eyes Psalm 139 1-12, 17-18, 23-24 O Lord, thou hast searched me Psalm 145…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 61 of Training the devotional life MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS 313 I Cor. 13 The psalm of love I Cor. 15 35-44, 53-58 The resurrection of the dead II Cor. 4 16-18 Outward and inward; temporal and eternal Gal. 5 22 to 6 9 The fruit of the Spirit Eph. 3 14—19 For this cause I bow my knees Eph. 4 1-6 The unity of the Spirit Eph. 6 10-18…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 62 of Training the devotional life 314 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE O Worship the King, All-glorious Above (Lyons) This is My Father s World (Diademata) My God, I Thank Thee, Who Hast Made (Wentworth) The King of Love My Shepherd is (Dominus Regit Me) Father, Lead Me Day by Day (St. Bees) O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) It Came upon the Midnight Clear (Carol) Silent Night (Silent Night)…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 63 of Training the devotional life MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS 315 (3) Prayers and the elements of ritual. The memoriza- tion of forms of prayer, for both individual and social use, has been discussed in the second and third chapters of this book. If other elements of ritual enter into children s worship, these likewise should in general be committed to memory. This is not the place to discuss the…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 64 of Training the devotional life 316 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE but if it is to equip the child to share with his elders in an affirmation of faith and loyalty which was the meaning of the recital of a creed in the early Church, and should be its meaning today it is both reasonable and proper. Churches which profess no formal creed, as well as those which do, may…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 65 of Training the devotional life MEMORIZATION OF WORSHIP MATERIALS 317 lesson material, and their opportunities for worship; and because the great part of this memorization will be done in the Junior and Intermediate departments. All of the hymns and almost all of the Scripture passages cited are adapted for use in the Junior department. Those that may be learned by younger children will be readily picked out by the…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 66 of Training the devotional life LESSON VII WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 1. The term church school is coming to be used widely as a name for all of the organizations and agencies within a local church, whereby it seeks to promote the religious life and growth of its children and young people and to train its adult members for effective service. The church school, so conceived, includes the…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 67 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 319 and complete. This program should contain definite pro- vision for the religious education of children and young people of every age, and for both instruction and activity, impression and expression, at every stage of the process. (3) That the church itself is responsible for the concep- tion and administration of this educational program. In the training of the…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 68 of Training the devotional life 320 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE The period devoted to this service should be kept absolutely free from all distracting elements. It should not be broken into by announcements or reports, questions addressed to the pupils, the practise of hymns or drill upon memory material, talks about the lesson, remarks by visitors, exhortations to attendance or benevolence, or anything else of this sort. All of…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 69 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 321 and a brief prayer of invocation, then proceeds to the period of general instruction, after which comes the service of worship, and then the class instruction. The program for this service of worship should be simple and brief, yet planned with the utmost care. The essential elements are four: hymn, Scripture, prayer and offering. But over and above…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 70 of Training the devotional life 322 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE service of worship, the school deacons gather the offering as quietly and reverently as do those of any church, and bring it forward to be placed before God while all rise and sing an appropriate sentence of dedication. The service of worship should be graded for the several departments. The Beginners and Primary departments, of course, should have their…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 71 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 323 (b) Primary Department 1. Opening Service. (1) Quiet music. (2) Greeting, with Song. (3) Unison Prayer. (4) Prayer Song. 2. First Class Period, for memory drill or for the retelling of stories. 3. Fellowship Period (birthdays, new pupils, drill of department as a whole upon memory material, new songs, etc.). 4. Service of Worship. (1) Call to worship,…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 72 of Training the devotional life 324 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE (d) The program for the Intermediate Department does not differ materially, in point of order, from that for the Junior Department. The difference is rather in the content of the worship materials, and in the directly evangelistic aim which should inspire all that is done in this department. The leader s talk need not always take the story form,…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 73 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 325 The Lord is in His holy temple Let all the earth keep silence before Him. The school continues with heads bowed, and the leader says: Let us pray. Then follows 5. The Unison Prayer (repeated from memory, the choir singing the Amen) 6. Hymn: We plough the fields and scatter. 7. Story: What Bradley Owed. At the close…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 74 of Training the devotional life 326 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE attempt to learn it all at once. It is more economical to learn several things simultaneously, by this method of distributed applications, than to have only one piece of memory work on hand at a time, and to finish it up before beginning another. (3) Recall is a most effective method of memorizing. After going over the material a…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919
  • Image 75 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN THE CHURCH SCHOOL 327 such expression. Christian testimony and Christian service are natural consequences of Christian worship. Through these we express to others the attitudes which in prayer we express to God. To train in testimony and service is the primary function of the various societies and clubs for children and young people which the church school associ- ates with the Sunday…
    • Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
    • Date: 1919