Book/Printed Material Training the devotional life
Image 1 of Training the devotional life AINING THE EVOTIONAL LIFE WEIGLEv- TWEEDY
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of Training the devotional life Class Book_ -T)V/475 Ma Oopyiigk.Y/. copyright DEPosrr.
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 3 of Training the devotional life
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of Training the devotional life
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of Training the devotional life ^V CoPYRionT 1^19 By A. W. FELL THE PILGRIM PRESS BOSTON APR 25 1919 ©O.A5153S3
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of Training the devotional life CONTENTS Lesson Page I. The Meaning of Worship 261 II. Teaching Children to Pray: In the Home 271 III. Teaching Children to Pray: In the School 280 IV. Worship in Music and…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of Training the devotional life
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of Training the devotional life TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE LESSON I THE MEANING OF WORSHIP 1. Training in worship is an essential element in THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF OUR CHILDREN. It IS not enough that they be…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of Training the devotional life 262 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE has not suffered thereby, but has gained in scope and zest. The life of the school has become less formal and more real. The Sunday school has…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of Training the devotional life THE MEANING OF WORSHIP 263 fellowship with Him as we can. The heart of worship is prayer. This conception of worship may be made clearer by stat- ing explicitly certain of its…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of Training the devotional life 264 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE with God, is central. The correlate of prayer, our approach to God, is revelation, God s Word to us. And all these elements pertain to one side…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of Training the devotional life THE MEANING OF WORSHIP 265 life and my relation to it. 1 This is even more true of our friendship and intercourse with God. There is devotional value, then, in whatever means…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of Training the devotional life 266 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE is clear that we need not address Him audibly, for all things are naked and laid open before the eyes of Him with whom we have to…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of Training the devotional life THE MEANING OF WORSHIP 267 help others to pray, and be helped by others, largely be- cause we can put our prayers into words. And this is not a thing to be…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of Training the devotional life 268 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE tend to be universal. Just as certain elements enter nat- urally into the intercourse of friends or into the fellowship of children with their parents, these are…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of Training the devotional life THE MEANING OF WORSHIP 269 Supplication in prayer is conceived by some as divisible into two elements: Petition, what one asks for himself, and Intercession, what he asks for others. The distinction…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of Training the devotional life 270 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE It makes available the infinite dynamic of God s own Spirit. It issues in unselfish activity and creative human service. Its full realization and its ultimate sanction…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of Training the devotional life LESSON II TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY I. In the Home To teach a child to pray is the duty and privilege, in the first place, of the father and mother. A child…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of Training the devotional life 272 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE It were best, of course, to have begun earlier. A prac- tise of family worship, begun for sake of the children, is apt to have something of…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: HOME 273 kneeling beside him, her head reverently bowed, her hand holding his in her warm, soft clasp. She is praying to God praying that He will care…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of Training the devotional life 274 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE 2. Beginning the habit of prayer. Among the many helpful things in Miss Chenery s story As the Twig is Bent is the mother s account of…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: HOME 275 understanding of God will develop in due time, and will be quite as much a result as a condition of their growth in prayer., 3. Forms…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of Training the devotional life 276 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE to be of full educative value in the life of a child, two coun- sels must be carefully observed (1) There should be, from time to time,…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: HOME 277 within the child both the impulse and the power to approach God for himself in independent prayer. The child s spontaneous prayers should at first be…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of Training the devotional life 278 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE liable are: (1) to expect immediate answers, granting ful- filment of his wishes, especially for material things; (2) to regard prayer as a sort of magic talisman…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: HOME 279 QUESTIONS FOR INVESTIGATION AND DISCUSSION 1. What are some of the ways in which parents may bring their child into the social atmosphere of prayer? 2.…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of Training the devotional life LESSON III TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY II. In the School 1. The duty of the Sunday-school teacher to teach children to pray is quite as real as that of parents, however different…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: SCHOOL 281 analogous service. Dean Hodges has put the matter well in words that apply both to secular and to religious education The child who is taught only…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of Training the devotional life 282 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE situation and relation to his pupils. He is the leader of a social group which has met for the specific purpose of learning about God and how…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDRExN TO PRAY: SCHOOL 283 The children feel their oneness in prayer and it seems more real to them than if the leader is the only one to speak aloud. Forms…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of Training the devotional life 284 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE friends and our plays, and all the wonderful world in which we live. Forgive us that we so often forget Thee. We are sorry for our thoughtlessness…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: SCHOOL 285 4. The teacher and the individual pupil. The aim of this social training in prayer is that individual boys and girls may grow to be men…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of Training the devotional life 286 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE (2) These prayers should be conceived from the child s standpoint. They should deal with matters that lie within the circle of his experience; and should give…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of Training the devotional life TEACHING CHILDREN TO PRAY: SCHOOL 287 there have been many emendations of the last couplet. Two of the best forms are (a) Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray Thee,…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of Training the devotional life 288 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE straightforward in expression than if it were prose. The temptation must be steadfastly resisted to let the content of the prayer be determined by the necessity of…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of Training the devotional life LESSON IV WORSHIP IN MUSIC AND SONG I. The Function of Music in Worship The thoughtless and flippant attitude taken toward music by many people is amazing. In the home it is…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of Training the devotional life 290 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE Even pure music apart from speech has its gracious ministry. It is full of religious suggestion and inspira- tion, and one should learn to worship through listening,…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of Training the devotional life WORSHIP IN MUSIC AND SONG 291 II. Hymns There are three tests for judging the value of hymns in the religious education of children (1) the character of the poetry; (2) the…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of Training the devotional life 292 TRAINING THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE (3) Hymns should contain true conceptions of God and of our relations to Him. What thoughts of God and Christ and the atonement will a child have…
- Contributor: Weigle, Luther Allan - Tweedy, Henry Hallam
- Date: 1919