Book/Printed Material A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
Image 1 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 2 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. HJ.T3 l— £c? UNITED STATES OP AMERICA.
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 3 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 4 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 5 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories yip- v 7
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 6 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 8 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S59, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO., In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 9 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories PREFACE. My object, in the preparation of the following work, has been to present the theistic argument, and the replies to the prominent modern skeptical theories, in such a shape as the…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 10 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 11 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. BOOK I. EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE AND CHARACTER OF GOD. CHAPTER I. FROM CONSCIENCE. PAGE a. The existence of God as a lawgiver inferred from the ex- istence of conscience.…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 12 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. CHAPTER II. FROM MIND. PAGE a. The nature of mind, §29 47 b. The cause of mind, 30 48 CHAPTER III. FROM THE EXISTENCE OF LAW IN THE UNIVERSE. a.…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 13 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. CHAPTER VII. FROM GEOLOGY. PAGE a. Anterior uninhabitability of the earth, §77 118 b. Subsequent creation of specific forms of life 119 a\ Man, §78 119 5 1 Inferior animals,…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 14 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. PAGE c 2 There is a future retribution which demands that the free agency of those subject to it should remain unimpaired, while there are such general influ- ences about…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 15 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. 9 PAGE c s Present approximation of the two schools, 128......... 186 d The mere fact of the apparent opposition of the truths of Divine sovereignty and of human responsibility,…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 16 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 10 ANALYTICAL TABLE. CHAPTER II. POSITIVISM. PAGE a. In what Positivism consists, §174 241 b. By what it is sustained, §181 252 a 1 Historical induction, §182 252 Objections a 2 There…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 17 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories ANALYTICAL TABLE. 11 PAGE a 3 In destroying human liberty, 222.... 312 b 3 They substitute, for a faith which, if false, is believed to be real, one which, if real, is…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 18 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 12 ANALYTICAL TABLE. PAGE b. Objections to it, §252 866 a 1 Its hopelessness, §252 366 b l Its comfortlessness, g 254 367 c 1 Its repugnance to common sense, §254 368…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 19 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories BOOK FIRST. EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE AND CHARACTER OF COD. CHAPTEK I. CONSCIENCE. a. The existence of god as a lawgiver inferred FROM THE EXISTENCE OF CONSCIENCE. 1. a 1 From conscience…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 20 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 14 CONSCIENCE PROVING GOD. 2 are precautions taken to make that danger less. By the country road a sign-post is planted. As the road draws nearer to the city, a sentry-box is…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 21 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 3 CONSCIENCE AS TO OTHERS. 15 examiner is hardly able to take a turn in the recesses of his own heart without meeting one or more of the deputies of this indefatigable…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 22 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 16 CONSCIENCE INCESSANT, 4-5 4. c 1 From conscience as to abstract right and wrong. So it is with the opinions we are constantly forming as to right and wrong. No man…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 23 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 6 PROVING AN ETERNAL JUDGE. 17 produced by coming suddenly upon the spot where a crime was committed, or by having any of the implements or in- cidents of that crime recalled.…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 24 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 18 CONSCIENCE AIDED BY NATURE. *l of its own inherent culpability, not of its consequences. It was the consequences that unfolded the condemnation. They did not create it. 1. b From conscience…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 25 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 8 CREATION WITNESSING. 19 parently forgotten, but the scenery will at once reopen the old remorse. Nor is the witnessing of nature purely me- chanical. It is not necessary to do more…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 26 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 20 CONSCIENCE SLEEPLESS. 8 receded from a given centre. The attention of the party was arrested, and an examination was commenced, which led to the discovery of the remains in the grave…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 27 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 9 RETROSPECTIVE POWERS. 21 Faust. Oh, too true Her eyes are like the eyes of a fresh corpse Which no beloved hand has closed alas That is the breast which Margaret yielded…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 28 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 22 DEATH- BED MEMORIES. 10 who, in an attack of fever, recalled and uttered several pages of Latin, which she had heard her master, a clergy- man, read aloud when she was…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 29 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories §10 RESURRECTION OF CONSCIENCE. 23 seasonable hours and often when, after long watching, he had fallen asleep, however deep his sleep might be, it was suddenly broken by terrific dreams, which alarmed…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 30 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 24 CONSCIENCE NOT MATERIAL. §11 We have a kindred illustration of the same truths in a phenomenon which often accompanies the discovery of hid- den guilt. A man may for years have…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 31 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 12-14 ANALOGIES WITH MIND. 25 12. c 2 Conscience unconditioned by matter. There is a great deal in our intellectual structure to esta- blish, and nothing to dispute, the proposition that there…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 32 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 26 CONSCIENCE DEATHLESS. 15 change in our physical or intellectual condition to restore the long-lost impression. 15. 6*. Dreaming presents similar phenomena. An im- portant Scotch lawsuit was depending upon the recovery…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 33 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 15 ANALOGY FROM INSANITY. 21 and, at the report, he awoke. It was clear that a loud noise in the adjoining room had both produced the dream, and, almost at the moment,…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 34 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 28 ETERNITY OF CONSCIENCE 16-17 16. c\ Insanity. Of the detachment of the mind from corporeal conditions when in this state, we have an illustra- tion, taken from a statement of Robert…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 35 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 18 ILLUSTRATED BY THE COMATOSE STATE. 29 refer to numerous facts, which have fallen under nry observa- tion, as illustrating this subject, but the following will be sufficient An elderly lady had…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 36 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 30 ETERNITY OF CONSCIENCE 18 His death was occasioned by a tumor of the brain, which, after having attained a certain size, encroached on the cavi- ties (or, as they are technically…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 37 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 19 ILLUSTRATED BY THE COMATOSE STATE. 31 To the same effect is a narrative of the Rev. Aclam Clarke.* 19. The Rev. Wm. Tennent, a Presbyterian minister of great eminence, and of…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 38 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 32 ETERNITY OF CONSCIENCE 20 The funeral was again postponed until Wednesday, and the means of restoring life meanwhile applied with the utmost diligence and vigor. At the time appointed, the people…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 39 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 21 ILLUSTRATED BY LUST. 33 festers under its wounds correspondingly, hell is not hard to understand. I never saw a case so bad that either lived or died. Men die of it…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859
Image 40 of A treatise on theism, and on the modern skeptical theories 34 ETERNITY OF CONSCIENCE 21 the return of this unearthly lust. It was but for a moment, and then the miser and the thief fell lifeless to the ground.* Colonel Chartres may…
- Contributor: Wharton, Francis
- Date: 1859