Book/Printed Material Treaty of Versailles;
Image 1 of Treaty of Versailles; 643 ^7 K58 topy 1
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 2 of Treaty of Versailles;
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 4 of Treaty of Versailles; 48 65 5 5 AUG 1 8 1942
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 5 of Treaty of Versailles; 0) SPEECH OF HON. PHILANDEE OHASE KNOX. TEEATY OF VEESAILLES. Mr. KNOX. Mr, President, I wisli at the outset to make my own position perfectly clear, that reason or excuse for mis-…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 6 of Treaty of Versailles; secrecy, so many times mere partial disclosure when tlie whole truth could and should have been told, so much of assumed mystery in the whole affair, that it has become impossible for…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 7 of Treaty of Versailles; documents involved in its making are before neither the Senate nor tlie people. Within the last week the Committee on Foreign Relations re- quested that the proceedings of the peace conference and…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 8 of Treaty of Versailles; 6 to impose a penalty. If the victor be guided by a wise states- manship, he so accommodates his spoils as not to sow seeds for another conflict with his erstwhile enemy.…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 9 of Treaty of Versailles; this treaty. It is true Congress need not accept this treaty termination of our belligerency, and might by proper resolution, either joint, concurrent, or by separate resolution to the same effect by…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 10 of Treaty of Versailles; 8 after adverting to tlie course of the Imperial German Govern- ment in submarine warfare: I advise that the Congress declare the recent course of the Imp.eri al German Government to be…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 11 of Treaty of Versailles; 9 end tliat they might be masters of their own fates and fortunes; and, lastly, th3 reestablishment, as sincere friends of the German people, of intimate relations of mutual advantage between them…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 12 of Treaty of Versailles; 10 These were the aims, the purposes, and the reasons for enti-y into the conflict as stated in our former record. How mighty was the accord of our whole people therein was…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 13 of Treaty of Versailles; 11 There we, who sought no territory, nor indemnity, nor ag- grandized power, should have rested, signed our peace when our associates made peace, and quit the war as we entered it,…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 14 of Treaty of Versailles; 12 these 22 States so we may have clearly in mind the fact that all of them combined could not under the most favorable condi- tions one could hope for, withstand the…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 15 of Treaty of Versailles; 13 steel with bare breasts and clenched fists, so saving us and Eu- rope from slavery Russia, whose people and rulers stood fore- front, our friends, even in the hours of our…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 16 of Treaty of Versailles; 14 of it, Germany* agents, secretly or openly, will be at work with her former allies, and with injured Russia, and with Japan whose conceptions, ideals, aspirations, and ambitions are of Imperial…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 17 of Treaty of Versailles; 15 labor organization. The other parts are, in their order Part II, boundaries of Germany Part III, political clauses for Europe Part IV, German rights and interests outside Germany Part V, military,…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 18 of Treaty of Versailles; 16 Saar Basin, assume that portion of the imperial and State debt attaching to the ceded area ^fixed, stated roughly, upon the basis of the prewar revenue of the area to the…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 19 of Treaty of Versailles; 17 and German i roperty also are ceded to Japan free and clear of air charges and encumbrances. :Tluis territorially Germany has been closed out in all the world without a penny…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 20 of Treaty of Versailles; 18 to recognize (s) the right of the allied and associated power* to the replacement, ton for ton (gross tonnage) and class for class, of all merchant ships and fishing boats lost…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 21 of Treaty of Versailles; 19 But this is onlj^ half the story. She is also in good part stripped of her inland shipping, for by this treaty she very property undertakes to restore in kind and…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 22 of Treaty of Versailles; 20 them fbeir fittings and gear, shall be in a good state of repair to carrj- on traffic, and shall be selected from among those most recently built. i Similarly and under…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 23 of Treaty of Versailles; 21 horses, 92,000 cattle, 101,000 sheep, and 10,000 goats and to Bel- gium 10,200 horses, 92,000 cattle, 20,200 sheep, and 15,000 sows. As to such animals, machinery, equipment, tools, and like articles…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 24 of Treaty of Versailles; 22 In consiaering the question of supplying coal we must not lose sight of the cession of the Saar Basin coal mines to France. But we come now to an item which…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 25 of Treaty of Versailles; 23 period of belligerency of each as an allied or associated power, by land, by sea, and by air. The reparation commission is to find one bill against Ger- many for this…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 26 of Treaty of Versailles; 24: allies on land, on sea, or from the air, or damages directly in consequence of hostilities or of any operations of war. 10. Damages in the form of levies, fines, and…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 27 of Treaty of Versailles; 25 Serb-Oroat-Slovene State. While eacli other allied and asso-, ciated power may have a representative present when its. in-, terest^ are. involved, such representative may not vote. gchi^ coramission decides the amount…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 28 of Treaty of Versailles; 26 debenture stock, or other obligations of any company incorporated in accordance with the laws of that power. That is to say, German investments in allied or associated countries and held in…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 29 of Treaty of Versailles; 27 features: If we should proceed under it, tlie United States would guai-antee tlie payment of all specified debts owed by our citizens who were solvent at the beginning of the war-…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 30 of Treaty of Versailles; 28 Government for acts committed by it after July 31, 1914, and before the particular power concerned entered tbe war against Germany, Or, and this is most remarkable, the power may use…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 31 of Treaty of Versailles; 29 But we also take other commercial measures no less far- reaeliing. The treaty terminates all multilateral treaties to which Germany is a part except those specifically named in the, instrument, and…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 32 of Treaty of Versailles; 30 tempt even to list the exceptional tariff privileges granted to France, to Poland, to Luxemburg, to Morocco, and to Egypt. The nationals of allied and associated powers resident in Ger- many…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 33 of Treaty of Versailles; 31 of the rolling stock of the allied and associated powers, and that the trains of tlie latter may incorporate German rolling stock. In addition to this, regulations are laid down as…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 34 of Treaty of Versailles; 32 hand acknowledges the right of the allied and associated powers to challenge all German prize-court decisions and orders. As to that part of the treaty which deals with labor, I shall…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 35 of Treaty of Versailles; with a list of items which includes some admittedly contrary to the rules of international law hitherto existing and that finally and in addition she is compelled to answer to her own…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 36 of Treaty of Versailles; 34 log ourselves— on tlie Elbe, the Oder, the Niemen, and the Danube, and to determine the conditions under which the in- ternational convention relative to the St. Gothard Railway may me…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 37 of Treaty of Versailles; 35 letting, into which we should not be drawn a treaty that, con- trary to our own judgment, fails to fix the amount of indemnity to be paid, leaving that vast question…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 38 of Treaty of Versailles; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 953 405 8 36 I have sought ill my x-emarks to put before the people as. tersely: as I could the salient features of this treaty so that,…
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 39 of Treaty of Versailles;
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919
Image 40 of Treaty of Versailles; LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 953 405 8
- Contributor: Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase)
- Date: 1919