Book/Printed Material A trip to Mars,
Image 1 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 2 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 3 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 4 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 5 of A trip to Mars, Bii BwgMEgBBBEr WM 9KH mm rinted in the United State!, San Jo«e, California,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 6 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 7 of A trip to Mars, fl Trip to mars ^Bg ^arctatms ^osst 7$4 COPYRIGHT 1920 BY MARCIANUS F. ROSSI
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 9 of A trip to Mars, INDEX CHAPTER I Page The Encounter 5 CHAPTER II First Trip 16 CHAPTER III Trip to Mars 17 CHAPTER IV The Battle with Winged Men 23 CHAPTER V The King s Guest…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 10 of A trip to Mars, ILLUSTRATIONS 1. The First eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 2. The Aerilous. 3. The Earth, the Moon and its inhabitants. 4. A Martian girl at the fountain of youth.
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 11 of A trip to Mars, A 3np tfl iMans. PREFACE In tracing the source of Natural Motive Power, Bal- listic and electric magnetic energy, Etheric waves and Aerial currents, Volcanic force and Zoatical solar air electricity, I…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 12 of A trip to Mars, action; a flux and reflux penetrable between the earth and worlds like ours. The encounter of the two worlds in direct line of oiur Zodiacal light constitutes the most positive^ test* that…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 13 of A trip to Mars, Again Scientists appear to have lost sight of the part that volcanic eruptions have played in dealing with the ori- gin of Meteors, which fly at high velocity through space, and can…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 14 of A trip to Mars, mother of many meteors, which fly, through space, and that some of the shells, as stated, may have landed in a world like ours. Historians appear to have lost sight of the…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 15 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS A TRIP TO MARS CHAPTER I. The Encounter On the fifteenth of November 1918, Rubeus, re- sponded to the invitation of his friend, Marchy, at the log cottage…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 16 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS communications by devising the penny post, and I am con- vinced that though you confine yourself to your particular lines, you could enter upon some grand experiment worthy…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 17 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS of worlds throughout the Universe, and if one world dies, all life does not die with it. Savant Arrhenius shows us how life-bearing spores are carried l)y the…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 18 of A trip to Mars, 8 A TRIP TO MARS the grotto in huge hollow shell of sheet iron locked air- tight, called anphora cunica and fixed on an arch and pulley. In the year 79 A.…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 20 of A trip to Mars,
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 21 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS colleague? Certainly not, repied Marchy. The bombardment of Paris, during the recent world war, at a distance of 120 kilometers, has put into activity the inventive qualities of…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 22 of A trip to Mars, 10 A TRIP TO MARS listics show that by this method of velocity and altitude a projectile would surpass the rotation of the earth. In harmony with these authorities I am convinced…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 23 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 11 attraction, would be attracted by Planet Mars. The inhab- itants of that Planet could open the ball and find our message. The possibility of firing a magnetized…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 24 of A trip to Mars, 12 A TRIP TO MARS to be ascribable to the excitation of electro-dynamic impul- ses.. Experimenters in Physics have found that the velocity of magnetic attraction is about 250,000 miles per second.…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 25 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 13 within its atmosphere which is found to be 45 miles high surrounding it, consequently the earth is found to be a huge magnet. The masses of the…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 26 of A trip to Mars, 14 A TRIP TO MARS What would render this concave glass more advantageous than this would be on night service suppose the glass could be made to travel 45 miles high, beyond…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 27 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 15 water when once heated, passes into a sulphur dioxid boiler, and eventually this water returns to the glass heating tanks exposed to the sun s rays. The…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 28 of A trip to Mars, 16 A TRIP TO MARS is a locked hull similar to a submarine the oxygen tanks are fitted within the aeriolus for the purpose of supplying us with oxygen during the time…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 29 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 17 turned over the concave glass and the burning sun is nul- led. Descending on the bay, they are overwhelmed by the crowd oft curious people, who were…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 30 of A trip to Mars, 18 A TRIP TO MARS Why, Captain, the Aeriolus, is simply falling upon Mother Earth, caused by your stopping the ringer and the speed at which it. is falling is enough to…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 31 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 19 one ending at the north and the other at the South of the channel, emanating a column of vapor similar to a flush of cyclonic air current…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 32 of A trip to Mars, 20 A TRIP TO MARS northwesterly direction, and so running into Dawes Ocean. Farther west are two vast islands, which are called Jacob Island and Phillips Island, between which runs Ar^ago Strait..…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 33 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 21 thousands of years ago. Yes, Rubens, weak acid shows the polished section to contain iron sulphide, phosphide, graphide, but more abundantly white and black diamonds. If that…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 34 of A trip to Mars, 22 A TRIP TO MARS operate such a train 900 miles, making a 22-hour journey It requires 60 tons of coal to make one trip of 900 miles. What good is it…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 35 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 23 range, exhibited denuted extensive deposits of diamonds. The canyons cut into the solid ruby rocks to a depth of many yards, and were shadowed by vineyards. Along…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 36 of A trip to Mars, 24 A TRIP TO MARS voices being so harmonious and sweet that the occupants of the Aeriolus looked at one another in astonishment and over joyment. CHAPTER V The King s Guest…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 37 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 25 the eagle on Earth, which is 5000 years and sometimes longer. Your Majesty, said the Captain, I beg to ask why Nature has made your people so…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 38 of A trip to Mars, 26 A TRIP TO MARS at night/ continued the King. By Jove, Captain our fire-flys on Mother Earth must have strong eye-sight, said the Professor. Keep silent, they are too small answered…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 39 of A trip to Mars, A TRIP TO MARS 27 m#re oceanus predieto da ilia insula Tullia Major et da dicta et insula Tullia minor. Havi foresta di erbe marem habitata da uceelli con cocuzzo come homo,…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920
Image 40 of A trip to Mars, 28 A TRIP TO MARS food, I hope you will like it, said the King, smiling. Very delicious, very delicious, very delicious, answer- ed the terrestrians. God, tliis is a paradise of…
- Contributor: Rossi, Marcianus Filomeno
- Date: 1920