Book/Printed Material The turkey raiser's guide.
Image 2 of The turkey raiser's guide.
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 3 of The turkey raiser's guide. II- PUBLISHED BY THE lannrr Surk^g Sanrh Alpha Ensminger, Prop. R. F. D. NO. 3 MORAN. KANS. Price SO Cents Copyright Applied For
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 5 of The turkey raiser's guide.
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 6 of The turkey raiser's guide. INDEX Age of Hens 8 Bell, use of 18 Bronze Turkeys, constitution 3 Breeding and Market Stock 5 Breeding Selection of Males for 6 Breeds, Domestication, etc 2 Coops and Yards 16…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 7 of The turkey raiser's guide. PREFACE Dear Header. I wish it were possible for us to meet face to face and personally discuss the many view points of the turkey business as T am quite sure I…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 8 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE Turkeys Not Hard to Raise. The general opinion prevails that turkeys are very difficult to raise, and if we are to judge by the experience of many…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 9 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 3 are concerned, the breeds differ but slightly, although the White Holland has the reputation of not wandering so far. But since there are no objectionable features…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 10 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE they shoot the red or when about quail size. The subject of range is one of the most important, and where the amount is limited a satisfactory…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 11 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE Selection and Breeding Separate the Breeding and Market Stock. Turkeys that are to be used for breeding purposes should be separated from those to be fattened before…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 12 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE the same skill had been exercised by turkey raisers in the selec- tion of their breeding stock, and the attention given to their feed and care, the…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 13 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE but twice a week. The one not in use should be penned away from the view of the flock. There are exceptions where males do not molest…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 14 of The turkey raiser's guide. g THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE orated to a marked degree. In many localities, failure results from the practice of exchanging stock in the same neighbor- hood, where all the different flocks…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 15 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE Gathering the Eggs. The eggs should be gathered daily to avoid losses from weather conditions or destruction by animals or crows. A nest egg should replace the…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 16 of The turkey raiser's guide. IQ THE TU RKEY RAISER S GUIDE Such eggs should be set together and not with the other eggs to avoid the trouble caused by breaking. The turkey hen will usually lay…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 17 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 11 pends entirely upon the care of the hen and her care of the eggs. Desirable nests may be made of the following material in the following…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 18 of The turkey raiser's guide. ^2 THE TURKEY R AISER S GUIDE Care of Eggs and Hatching Properly Packed Eggs. Those engaged in the sale of turkey eggs should use every precaution in properly packing and shipping…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 19 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 13 ranges from one-half to a degree higher than the turkey hen during incubation. Fresh turkey eggs if set under a chicken hen will hatch in 27…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 20 of The turkey raiser's guide. 14 THE TURKE Y RAISER S GUIDE allow the hen to leave the nest while hatching if it can be avoided. Remove the little poults and shells during hatching unless the hen…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 21 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 15 Feeding and Care of Poults Care of the Young. Many thin-s must be seriously considered in caring for the youn^ poults. Jn order of importance the…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 22 of The turkey raiser's guide. IQ TH E TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE usually requires three or four days. Scatter the food upon a clean open plat so their attention may be easily attracted or the food may…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 23 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 17 If «reat flocks are reared each year the yarding system ex- plained below is the one most used and the only system to be recommended. Yards…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 24 of The turkey raiser's guide. 18 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE amounts mixed with the food is quite stimulating. When young poults show signs of bowel trouble it may be used very effectively at that time. ^Most…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 25 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 19 slipped over the liead, but not so tight the fowl will become choked. After the proper adjustment is made the buckle should be securely tied so…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 26 of The turkey raiser's guide. 20 TH E TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE may continue to wander about in search of food and from the exposure many losses are experienced. Be sure the mother tur- key is as…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 27 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 21 thej are so near the color of the feathers. Persian insect pow- der is one of the leading brands and one that is highly recom- mended…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 28 of The turkey raiser's guide. 22 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE Range and Flock Control Range Very Important. Turkey raisers or those contemplating the business should first consider the subject of range on the basis of one…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 29 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 23 bidden ground or places where they may do damage. A few of the many advantages gained by herding are: Keeping from stagnant water. ])rotection from predatory…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 30 of The turkey raiser's guide. 24 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE ing pest, and may be herded in the fields for this purpose with profitable results. But when being used for this purpose no feed should be…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 31 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 25 Feeding Turkeys study the Turkey s Nature. To get the best results one must study the turkey s nature in its wild state and follow as…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 32 of The turkey raiser's guide. 26 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE may always be found in the open fields where pure fresh water abound, and where berries, grass and seeds are plentiful. They differ from our other…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 33 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE development of fowls as it is for man or livestock, and no poultryman need expect any very great profit nnless he sup- plies this need. Oats as…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 34 of The turkey raiser's guide. 2g THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE in the diet. A small field of wheat or rye, over which the tur- keys may range together with the grain and meat scraps will insure…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 35 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 29 or apples at this time furnishes the needed variety. It is not necessary to confine turkeys while they are being fattened as they usually take no…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 36 of The turkey raiser's guide. 30 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE The Way Turkeys Do, and Should Use the Hen House Preventing Disease The most successful turkey breeders are those who use pre- ventatives rather than try…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 37 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 31 this disease could be completely eradicated, the breeding of turkeys would soon be the most popular as well as the most extensive of all the fowls.…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 38 of The turkey raiser's guide. 32 THE TURK EY RAISER S GUIDE ransjing from one to four months old, and it is generally agreed that the older the turkey the more resistant it is to blackhead. PREVENTION…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 39 of The turkey raiser's guide. THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE 33 close confinement or too close quarters where the fowls have become too warm. This is especially true of turkeys. Fowls that roost in trees or in…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916
Image 40 of The turkey raiser's guide. 34 THE TURKEY RAISER S GUIDE only be distinguished from it by a careful examination of the germs. The disease may be spread by the purchasing of new fowls, by coops, by…
- Contributor: Ensminger, Alpha A.
- Date: 1916