Book/Printed Material The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and western campaigns, in relation to the actions that decided their issue.
Image 1 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … -!2:iiHM;r ;-v;r;«1^■|•mn !:,W i M .2!-; i.»,.,.-!,;j,r,;*. •S,.prv, Ui -lMl lU-. *Tf* t k.. nv. r^ *i;iii II y P*-,! i. «,t:; i- ;-^»u-: f
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 2 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … oV^ .xV^ o ^A v^ ®i Ci^ 5 0^ -71, v^ y)\l o -v^^ o A .^-V. )o. V^^ AV .0 o^. .0* o5 J v#- 0^ c -71 ^x^^ xX^^ ■.V…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 3 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … ,-1 A- S. v^ 1, s
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 4 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and …
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 5 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and …
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 6 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and …
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 7 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … s^ /3 a. i -C (J^^
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 8 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and …
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 10 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … £ntert d according to Act of Congross, in the year 18GT, BY DICK A FITZGERALD, In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of tlie Uniled SUitos for the Southern District…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 11 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … INTRODUCTION. During the late War it was common to speak of the in- decisiveness of its greatest battles. In one sense, the reflec- tion was just since the very occurrence of so…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 12 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 4 INTEODUCTION. great battles. Of such sort was the American War of Insur rection. Where a Tours or a Waterloo is in discussion, the question regarding its results is quickly settled, the…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 13 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … ESTTEODUCTION. 5 llie events themselves are so recent, that the deceptive haze sur- rounding them may not yet, in all cases, have furled away. Still, with regard to most of the battles…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 14 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 6 INTKODTJCTION. tlie first, and Gettysburg the second, of the Confederate aggres- sive campaigns at the East the fight of the Monitor and Merri- mac settled the naval supremacy of the Union…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 15 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … INTKODUCTION. 7 and terrible measure of strength, between the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia, which began with the Peninsular campaign, was not ended there betwixt the York…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 16 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 8 INTRODUCXION. to Strict accuracy, to avoid some details which might bo appro- priate to more elaborate technical histories, but which to this would add diffuseness without picturesqueness. In dividing each sketch…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 17 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … CONTEI^rTS I. PAOie. BULL RUN L Prelude to Bull Run 13 n. The Battle of Bull Run 24 IIL Results of BuU Run 42 II. DONELSON. L Prelude to Donelson 56 IL…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 18 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 10 CONTENTS. PAGE V. MURFREESBORO. I. Preliido to Murfreesboro 118 II. The Battle of Murfreesboro 194: III. Eesults of Murfreesboro 213 VI. THE MONITOR AND MERRIMAC. I. Prelude to Hampton Roads 226…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 19 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … CONTENTS. 11 PAGB. XI. NASHVILLE L Prelude to Nashville 426 IL The Battle of Nashville 450 ni Results of Nashville 468 XII. PIVE FORKS. L Prelude to Five Forks 478 IL The…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 20 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and …
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 21 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. I. BULL RUN. PRELUDE TO BULL RUN. The night of the 20th of July, 1861, two officers sat in earnest conference in a farm-house within…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 22 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 14 THE TYfELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. strike. Impulse and conviction alike prompted the latter course it was resolved to assume the offensive, and, with this intent, Avhat remained of night…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 23 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN. 15 gwde his judgment upon the giant (fuarrel between the North and South, the reflective observer would find no parallel thereto in the world s record. It came of no…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 24 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 16 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. On the one hand was a mighty tempest of indignation against what was conceived and held to be heaven-defying injustice, viohition of faith pledged…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 25 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RL^. 17 Accordingly, from the hour when the Union flag ran down from Sumter, one incessant drum-roll seemed to echo through the streets of ever^ city, along every hillside and valley,…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 26 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 18 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR, how wars are waged and battles won. Half a century of comparative peace was just ending for America, and, in the interval, not only…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 27 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN. 19 of its cause, and its rallying shout of the law of the land, the North also properly confided in its exhaustless resources of men, money, materials, and all the…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 28 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 20 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAK. monstrous conceit that one of his own men Avas a match for live opposing warriors. Accordingly, popular speculation, avoiding as far as possible all…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 29 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL EUX. 21 plated the lines of operations or strategic positions of armies within the continent that would have anticipated the dread contingency of civil war. But while the geographical problem was,…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 30 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 22 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. chusetts quota, fought its way through the city of Baltimore, whose pavements, upon the 86th anniversary of Lexington, ran with the first blood of…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 31 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN. 23 into the fold, these States would not long attend a deliverer who was fighting for life hundreds of miles away and the slender reward which welcomed Virginia s espousal…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 32 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 24 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. the war. The shifting and quivering lines of operations heretofore proposed at the North were at once absorbed and steadied in one clear, straight…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 33 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN. 25 111 the early days of July, a plan of operations having been matured by General McDowell, and accepted by the President and his cabinet, was put in train of…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 34 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 26 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. with a soldierly coolness and precision quite rare in those early days, declared his ability to march against and dislodge the chief Confederate army,…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 35 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN. 27 under General Tyler, the Second nnder Colonel Hunter, the Third under Colonel Heintzelman, the Fifth under Colonel Miles. The advance struck Fairfax Court House next day, and found that…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 36 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 28 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAE. sances, which determined McDowell to abandon the project of turning the enemy s right, and to make a neyv order of attack designed to…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 37 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL EUN. 29 May. There was, however, a diflicultj at this point it sup- posed an immediate attack by McDowell. It was prudent to consider that, so soon as Johnston s withdrawal…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 38 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 30 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. Longstreet s repulse of Tyler at Blackburn s ford. What might have come of this plan, it is idle now to speculate, for when…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 39 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … BULL RUN 31 ion was to remain in reserve at Centre ville, holding the position, and strengthening it witli earthworks and abattis, and demonstrating with one brigade against Blackburn s ford in…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867
Image 40 of The twelve decisive battles of the war; a history of the eastern and … 32 THE TWELVE DECISIVE BATTLES OF THE WAR. Manassas, holding also in reserve one of Heintzelman s bri- gades, in case we should have to send any troops back to reinforce Miles…
- Contributor: Swinton, William
- Date: 1867