Book/Printed Material Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philological and Biblical history : illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of Samuel George Morton and by additional contributions from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and H.S. Patterson
Image 81 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THEIR RELATION TO TYPES OF MAN. Ixxiii as tlie land of zoological marvels. All its animals differ so completely from those of other parts of our globe, that it ma}^ be…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 82 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … Ixxiv PROVINCES OF THE ANIMAL WOELD K of three different species of the same genus, c. c. We might select many other examples among our common quadrupeds, or among birds, reptiles, fishes,…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 83 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THEIK RELATION TO TYPES OF MAN. IxXV animals one from the other. The chimpanzee and gorilla do not I differ more one from the other than the Mandingo and the Guinea…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 84 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … Ixxvi PEOVINCES OF THE ANIMAL TFORLD, ETC. n an assumption for which there is no evidence whatever, and which leads at once to the admission that the diver- sity among animals is…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 85 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … ^TOT. VII, MALAY. VIII AUSTRMIAN. I k^ m- Ik,,....- ll^^- 1.. T Smclair a Jlth.Phil.
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 86 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 87 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 88 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 89 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … EXPLANATIONS OF THE TABLEAU ACCOMPANYING PROF. AGASSIz S SKETCH. I, -ARCTIC REALM, 1. Head Eslimaux. [Franklin 2rf Exp. i o!. a 1S2S i. pi. 13.] 2. Skull Esldmaux. [Morton Cr. Amer.! p.…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 90 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … EXPLANATIONS OF THE MAP ACCOMPANYINa PKOP. AGASSIZ S SKETCH. Ii ARCTIC R E A L M inhatited by H YPEKBORiE ANS; and containing AAA an Hyperborean fauna. II. ASIATIC RE ALM— inhabited…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 91 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 92 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 93 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … TYPES OF MANKIND. INTRODUCTION. Mr. Luke Bueke, tlie bold and able Editor of tbe London Ethno- logiealJournal, defines Ethnology to be a science which investigates the mental and physical difierences of Mankind,…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 94 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 50 INTKODUCTION. Such is tlie scope of tliis science born, we may say, within our own generation and we propose to examine mankind under the above two-fold aspect, while we point out…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 95 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODUCTION. 51 and in a manner to render it imperative that he should indite very strong instructions on the subject to the late Mr. Wu. E. King, of Alabama, then our Ambassador…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 96 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 62 INTKODUCTION. ample eorrolDorations illustrative of tlie inconvenience whieli true ethnological science might have created in philanthropical diplomacy, had it been frankly introduced by a Calhoun. No class of men, perhaps, underetand…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 97 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODUCTION. 53 un er the same head) the still feebler attempts of Peru and Mexico. What a contrast, if we compare with these, Caucasian progress, as exhibited in the splendid succession of…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 98 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 54 INTEODUCTION. play a prominent part in these changes, nor what is the general character of the masses whom they influence. ISTone can predict how long the power or existence of these…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 99 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODUCTION. 55 the fiftt. volume of liis Researches, is certainly a very extraordinary performance. He denies its genealogies denies its chronology de- nies all its histoiical and scientific details denies that it…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 100 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 56 INTRODUCTION. Man, have thereby been kept in darkness, that is, out of the popular sight, by erroneous interpretations of God s works. Albeit, in his last edition, Prichard evidently perceived, in…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 101 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODUCTION. 57 11 5 Four years ago, in our Biblical and Physical History of Mau we published the following remarks If the Unity of the Races or Species of Men be assumed,…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 102 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … Do INTRODUCTION. in the progeny of the individuals in -whom it first appeared, and is perhaps gradually com- municated by intermarriages to a whole stock or tribe. This, it is obvious, can…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 103 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODTJCTIONi 59 The unity of the human species has also been stoutly maintained on psychological grounds. Numerous attempts have been made to establish the intellectual equality of the dark races with the…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 104 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 60 INTRODUCTION. not the fact in chronology, I have not come to the conclusion of what is the truth. Such is precisely our own condition of mind; nor do we suppose that…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 105 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … INTRODUCTION. 61 On former occasions, and in the most respectful manner, we had attempted to concihate sectarians, and to reconcile the plain teachings of science with theological prejudices hut to no useful…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 106 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … PAET I. CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS, AND THE RACES OF MEN. Have all the living creatures of our globe been created at one common point in Asia, and thence been…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 107 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS, ETC. 63 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 108 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 64 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. to the operation of disease. The dark-skinned Hyperhoreans are found in the Frigid Zone regions most congenial to their nature, and from which they cannot be enticed by…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 109 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE RACES OF MEN. 6 extend and that every country on the globe, whatever may he its temperature, its analogies, or differences of climate, possesses its own Mammifers, different from those…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 110 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 66 DISTKIBUTION OF ANIMALS Facts, therefore, point to numerous centres of creation, wherein we find creatures fixed, with pecuhar temperaments and organizations, which are in unison with surrounding circvimstances, and where all…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 111 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE RACES OF MEN. 67 dent researches of Pickering into the ISTatural History of Egj-ptian animals and plants, as we trust will he now demonstrated through the monumental evidences of human…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 112 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 68 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS with, its luxuries, has no charm for him. The Afi ieans of the Tropic, the Aborigines of America, the Mongols of Asia, the inhabitants of Polynesia, have remained…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 113 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE KACES OF MEN. 69 may effect. It would be a curious inquiry to investigate tlie physio- logical causes wMcli have led to the destruction of ancient empires, and the disappearance…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 114 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 70 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS the Indian everywhere. There are a few trivial exceptions, easily acconnted for, particularly on the Pacific coast. The eastern part of Asia pi-esents a parallel case. From 65°…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 115 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE RACES OF MEN. 71 or other physical characters of ITegroes. Beyond, we have Van Die- men s Land, extending to 44° south latitude, which presents a tem- perate climate, not…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 116 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 72 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS ITegroes, Mongols, Australians, etc., while yellows or browns are visible througbout all the above types, as well as among Americans, Malays, and Polynesians. In tbe present mixed state…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 117 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE RACES OF MEN. 73 M most of the animals now living there. Brazilian fossils belong to the same families as those alive there at the present day though in both…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 118 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 74 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS acorn, one pair of locusts, of bees, of wild pigeons, of herrings, of buffaloes, as the onty starting-point of these almost ubiquitous sjDecies The instincts and habits of…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 119 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … AND THE RACES OF MEN. 75 assembla2:e of characters winch has been construed into e\ idence of community of species, yet it by no means necessitates community of origin. The same question…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854
Image 120 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 76 DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS We are thus led to distinguish special provinces in the natural distribution of animals, and we may adopt the following division as the most natural First, the Arctic…
- Contributor: Gliddon, George R. (George Robins) - Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark)
- Date: 1854