Book/Printed Material Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, sculptures, and crania of races, and upon their natural, geographical, philological and Biblical history : illustrated by selections from the inedited papers of Samuel George Morton and by additional contributions from L. Agassiz, W. Usher, and H.S. Patterson
Image 1 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 2 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … ^0^ v-o^ ^oV ^0^^ 0° .L^:^ °o -n^o^ c bV «1 o ,0 A V ■-csVtv.^ A* ^,f(\W/k ^o c, v.^^ o s 0^ A M^^ A, /^^^a;- c! y V 0…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 3 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … a5 ^^v;*:* V o -.^f:- v-:;^^r.-y ■V vV^^ ^s^,^
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 4 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … L^ Ho
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 5 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 6 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 7 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … ^5-JV A CI TYPES OF MANKIND.
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 8 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 9 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 10 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … /^2y:^^f^^
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 12 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … d^ r^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by LIPPINCOTT, GRAMBO CO., in the Clerk s OfiSce of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 13 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … TO THE M E M E Y OF MORTON.
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 14 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, …
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 15 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … ANNOUNCEMENT. On publishing a work calculated to attract notice in the scientific and literary world, it is due to the Authors, the Subscribers, and ourselves, to invite comparison between the proposals set…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 16 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … VUl ANNOUNCEMENT. to exceed every promise made, by the Authors or ourselves, from the commencement of this undertaking. The whole of these addenda are placed before Subscribers at the original price of…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 17 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … PREFACE, BY GEO. R. GLIDDON. The subject of Ethnology I deem it expedient to postpone. On this I have collected a mass of new materials, which I hope in time to produce…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 18 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … X PREFACE. printed papers of Morton in our several possession. Before doing so, however, we conceived it to be due to Mrs. Morton and her home-circle, to inquire by letter, if such…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 19 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … PREFACE. XI citizen, professional colleague, and admiring friend of Dr. Morton, undertook the biographical Memoir which justifies this volume s dedication. The frank concurrence of Messrs. Lippincott, Grambo Co. has removed every…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 20 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XU PREFACE. promoted the scientific interests of our work, will find in it due acknowledgment of their courtesies. For the free use of the col- lection of Egyptological works the best accessible…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 21 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … PREFACE. Xm immense labor and heavy expense required to prepare a series of illustrations of this kind, wherein minute accuracy is so indispensable, and where such accuracy can be attained only through…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 22 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XIV PKEFACE. by the leading archaeologists of our Bineteenth century. This effort has also been much facilitated through the zeal and experience of my collaborator, Mr. Gliddon. It is with no small…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 23 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … 1^ CONTENTS. PAOS FRONTISPIECE Portrait of Samuel George Morton. [Sleel Engraving.] m DEDICATION To the Memory of Morton v PREFACE BY Geo. R. Gliddon ix Postscriptum by J. C. Nott xii MEMOIR…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 24 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XVI CONTENTS. PART II. PASR Chap. XIV. The Xth Chapter of Genesis Pkeliminaey Remarks 466 Sect. A. Analysis or the Hebrew Nomenclature 469 B. Observations on the annexed Genealogical Tableau OF THE…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 26 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XVlll MEMOIE OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. Meigs, Wood, and Grant.* To Dr. Wood also we are indebted for his exposition of Morton s eminent services to medical science, both, as a teacher…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 27 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XIX personal attaclament. His circle of attached friends was therefore large, and the expression of regret for his untimely loss general and sincere. It was in London,…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 28 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XX MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. with all kindly and gentle aiFeetions. Quiet and unobtrusive in man- ners, and fond of the retirement of study, it was only in the privacy of…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 29 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEOEGE MORTOIST. XXI LINES WRITTEN ON A BLANK LEAF OF SPENSER s FAERY QUEBNE. L Through many a winding maze in Faery Lande Spenser I have followed thee along…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 30 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … X3ai, MEMOIK OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. tion and rigid accuracy of diction, which characterize his produc- tions. His school appears to have heen unsatisfactory to him, for he never had a fondness…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 31 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIK OF SAxMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XXlll bated to form a character gentle, kindly, lovely, that made him the light of the sick chamber, and a comforting presence at many a dying bed.…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 32 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XXIV MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. American diploma, and desired him to possess the honors of the University of Edinburgh, then but httle passed beyond the zenith of its glory. After spending…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 33 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XXV the text, show how familiar they must have been to the mind of the author. Indeed Edinburgh was, at the period in question, the prin- cipal…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 34 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XXVI MEMOIE OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. In 1824, he returned to Philadelphia, and conamenced his career as a practitioner of medicine. He seems immediately to have resumed his place and labors in…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 35 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XXVU demy, until it closed with the fourteenth paper in 1846. In 1834, the results then obtained were collected and published in a volume illustrated with nineteen…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 36 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XXVm MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. thoracic affections. He w as also one of tlie earliest investigators of the morbid anatomy of Phthisis Pulmonalis and his volume on that subject, although superseded…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 37 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XXIX collection of crania, and that not of a few specimens, but widely enough, extended to give reliable results. The contemplation of these facts shows the magnitude…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 38 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XXX MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. contributors I may mention William A. Foster, Esq., as presenting 135 specimens, Dr. J. C. Cisneros 53, and Dr. Rusclienberger 39. George R. Glicldon, Esq. presented…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 39 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. XXXI of this book show to be still sub judice. Indeed it is the widest and most attractive field open to the naturalist of to-day. To quote…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854
Image 40 of Types of mankind : or, Ethnological researches based upon the ancient monuments, paintings, … XXXU MEMOIR OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON. before and after which, time ^purzheim lectured in Great Britain, making many proselytes. The phrenologists of Edinburgh must have been in the very fervor of their…
- Contributor: Nott, Josiah C. (Josiah Clark) - Gliddon, George R. (George Robins)
- Date: 1854