Book/Printed Material The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ...
Image 1 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ...
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 2 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... Glass. Book. A ItfST
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 3 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ...
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 4 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ...
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 5 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... I THE VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY.
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 6 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... Nomina si nescis, perit et cognitio rerum. He has been at a great feast of languages, and stolen the scraps. they have lived long in the alms-basket of words. Love s Labour…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 8 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... fc BELL AND BAIN, PRINTERS, GLASGOW.
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 9 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. The aim of the following work, as its title indicates, is humble. It is not proposed to attempt an adequate illustration of the difficult and important topics…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 10 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VI PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. attainment, differ widely from one another. To many, a help like the present may not be necessary. To others, the Author has reason to think it…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 11 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The Vocabulary of Philosophy was originally prepared for the use of a Class of students who give attendance on a lengthened course of Lectures on Moral Philosophy.…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 12 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... V1U PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. the distinguished Professor of Logic and Metaphysics in Queen s College, Belfast and the Author has done what he could to make this Edition more complete…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 13 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... THE OCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABDUCTION (abductio, dwwyayvi, a leading away) is a kind of syllogism in which it is plain that the major extreme is con- tained in the middle but it…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 14 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 2 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABILITY— Ability (Mor.) is the disposition to use rightly the powers and opportunities which God has given; as when it is written, It is a joy to the…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 15 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 3 ABSOLUTE— 3. As meaning what is unclerived, it denotes self- existence, and is predicable only of the First Cause. 4. It signifies not only what is free from…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 16 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 4 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSOLUTE— assumption that these two are one. How is this identity to be ascertained? How do I know that the absolute is my absolute? I cannot compare them…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 17 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSOLUTE— Krause, and his admirer, Tiberghien (Essai des Connaissances Humaines, pp. 738, 745), ascribe to him Seite (selbheit) and Totality. Totality or the Infinite manifests itself everywhere in nature.…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 18 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 6 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSTRACTION- sidering certain qualities or attributes of an object apart from the rest or, as I would rather choose to define it, the power which the understanding has…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 19 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... ■■I ABULAEY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSTRACTION— sh forms the new general notion or conception. Kant. confines the name of abstraction to the last of the three. ply ft to the second. It is…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 20 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 8 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSTRACTION— called a general abstract idea. The words abstract and general, therefore, when applied to ideas, are as completely distinct from each other as any two words to…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 21 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 9 ABSTRACTION— Hence it follows, that under every term which represents that ideal whole which we call genus, under the term bird, for ex- ample, there are two different…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 22 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 10 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ABSTRACTION— particular ones attached to a general term which recalls, upon occasion, other particular ones that resemble in certain circum- stances the idea present to the mind. Thus,…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 23 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 11 ACADEMICS— ting at the same time probability, and these are the Xtw Acad- emies the others, who are the Pyrrlwnists, have denied even this probability, and have maintained…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 24 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 12 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ACCIDENT- does not essentially belong to a thing, nor form one of its con- stituent and invariable attributes as motion in relation to matter, or heat to iron.…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 25 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 13 ACOSMIST priv., and xoapog, world). Spinoza did not deny the existence of God he denied the existence of the world he was consequently an acosmist, and not an…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 26 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 14 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. AC ROAMATICAL- rhetoric, ethics, and politics. Strabo (1. 13, p. 608), Cicero (Ad Atticum., 13, 19), and Ammonius Herm. (Ad Categor. Aristot.), maintain that they were distinguished, not…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 27 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 15 ACTION— which are consequent on volition, whether the exertion be made on external objects, or be confined to our mental opera- tions. Thus we say the mind is…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 28 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 16 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ACTIVE. That which causes change is active; that which is changed is passive. Taylor, Elements of Thought. activity. V. Will. ACTUAL (quod est in actu) is opposed to…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 29 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 17 ADJURATION (from ad-juro, to put upon oath). Our Saviour, when the high priest adjured him by the living God, made no scruple of replying upon that adjuration Clarke,…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 30 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 18 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY ESTHETICS— Hutcheson regarded the two ideas as intimately connected. At the close of the eighteenth century, (Esthetics was scientifi- cally developed in Germany by Kant, and has been…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 31 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 19 AFFIRMATION— To affirm is a solitary, to confirm is an assisted assevera- tion. A man affirms what he declares solemnly he confirms what he aids another to prove.…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 32 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 20 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ALLEGORY- phets, you have a fine example of an. Allegory. Irving, English Composition, p. 189. V. Metaphor, Myth. AMBITION (from ambio, to go about seeking place or power),…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 33 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 21 ANAIOGY- ence. Thomson, Outlines of Laics of Tliought, p. 363, 1st edit. Analog}- does not mean the similarity of two things, but the similarity, or sameness of two…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 34 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 22 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ANAIiOOY light and heat. The word analogy is employed with strict propriety only in those cases where there is supposed to be a sameness in the causes of…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 35 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 23 AMLOGY- common error of supposing the analogy to extend farther than it does, or to be more complete than it really is, from not con- sidering in ivhat…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 36 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 24 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ANALOGY— above the knowledge of man, and this is what Cajetan calls analogia proprie facta. And after the same analogy we must understand all those attributes to belong…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 37 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. 25 ANAXOGY— of this sort rather furnish similitudes to illustrate or to adorn, than supply analogies from whence to reason. The objects which are attempted to be forced into…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 38 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 26 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. AIVAJLOOY— means to ends, or from ends to means. 3. From mere resem- blance or concomitance. Condillac (Art de Raisonner) has shown how these modes of reasoning all…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 39 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. Zl ANAIiTSIS— we infer that all bodies gravitate towards each other. The antecedent here only says that certain bodies gravitate, the consequent says all bodies gravitate. They are brought…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858
Image 40 of The vocabulary of philosophy, mental, moral, and metaphysical ... 28 VOCABULARY OF PHILOSOPHY. ANALYSIS— compound heterogeneous substance. Thus, water can be analyzed into oxygen and hydrogen, atmospheric air into these and azote. Peemans, Introd. ad Philosophy p. 75, 12mo, Lovan., 1840.…
- Contributor: Fleming, William
- Date: 1858