Book/Printed Material The Woodbridge cook book
Image 1 of The Woodbridge cook book iii | 000cee5
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 2 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 3 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 4 of The Woodbridge cook book a iG en tr. i , | CA " awe rf +s i hn 4 ‘ « : i > | ¥ sj y | | i ey ay , ; A…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 5 of The Woodbridge cook book oo ir “ i JM at i; wi af f be , aS By ‘ biG f en ay A a Va hay r bg “alge \ 5} iy j Bi hy…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 6 of The Woodbridge cook book Ai a ap wi if a ’ ae : 1 ‘. ra } ia iy oe ) Ww vs us U
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 7 of The Woodbridge cook book pewaren Improvement Company, M.IRVING DEMAREST, Agent, Sewaren, N. J. We believe that Sewaren is the most attractive and most accessible residential place on the salt water within twenty miles of New York,…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 8 of The Woodbridge cook book YOUNG'S “virus stone | YOUNG'S What Woman Wants ——SHE GETS C she comes to the Youne SroreE for it; and she’s sure of satisfaction in the Style and Price of it, too.…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 9 of The Woodbridge cook book THE WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK We may live without poetry, music, and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart; We may live without friends ; we may live without books;…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 10 of The Woodbridge cook book THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, V2 Two Copies Received K a’? SEP 3 1903 | / 4° Copynght Entry Sag 1403 a . Ne C7GIE COPY B. COPYRIGHTED, 1903, BY THE LADIES’ ASSOCIATION…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 12 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 14 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 15 of The Woodbridge cook book PREFACE. KNOWING that nearly every housekeeper has her special and favorite cook book, the one she is “ used to, and can find things in putting on the market another and a…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 16 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 17 of The Woodbridge cook book CONTENTS. SOUPS PAGE Stock for Soup—Veal Stock—Asparagus Soup—Cream of As- paragus—Creamy Asparagus Soup—Beef Soup—Bean Soup —Black Bean Soup—Chicken Broth—Mutton Broth—Cream of Chicken—Cream of Game—Clam Broth with Whipped Cream—Clam Soup—Cream of Corn Soup—Leek…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 18 of The Woodbridge cook book = CONTENTS —Dressing for Baked Fish—Mint Sauce—Nut Brown Sauce —Tartare Sauce—Tomato Sauce—Sauce for Raw Oysters— White Sauce, MEAT Beef a la Mode—Fillet of Beef with Mushrooms—Beefsteak with Mushrooms—Steak Pie—Roast Beef with Yorkshire…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 19 of The Woodbridge cook book CONTENTS ii PAGE Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass—To Keep Lettuce Fresh —Escaloped Sweet Potatoes— Potatoes a la Clyde — Potato Croquettes—Potato Croquettes—Potato Finger Puffs— Potato au Gratin—Stuffed Potatoes—Lyonnaise Potatoes— Escaloped Potatoes—Boiled Parsnips—Rice Croquettes—…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 20 of The Woodbridge cook book xil CONTENTS Cherry Pudding—Chocolate Blanc Mange—Chocolate Pudding —Dandy Pudding—English Suet Pudding—Fig Pudding— Fruit Dumplings—Graham Pudding No. 1—Graham Pudding No. 2—Heavenly Rest—Honeycomb Pudding—Indian-Meal Pudding—Indian Pudding No. 1—Indian Pudding No. 2— John’s Delight—Kenilworth Pudding—Lansingburgh…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 21 of The Woodbridge cook book CONTENTS xili PAGE CAKE Angel Cake—Citron Cake—Chocolate Cake No. 1—Chocolate Cake No. 2—Chocolate Cake No. 3—Chocolate Caramel Cake —Chocolate Roll—Coffee Cake No. 1—Coffee Cake No. 2— Currant Cake—Delicious Cake—Eggless Cake—Feather Cake —Fruit…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 22 of The Woodbridge cook book xiv CONTENTS JELLIES AND PRESERVED FRUITS Aspic—To Clear Aspic—Gelatine Apricots—Coffee Jelly—Pre- served Fruits—Currant Jelly No. 1—Currant Jelly No. 2— Currant and Raspberry Jelly—Quince Jelly—Apple Ginger— Currant and Oranges—Spiced Grapes—Orange Marmalade No. 1—Orange…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 23 of The Woodbridge cook book CONTENTS —Fruit Punch—Home-Brewed Ginger Beer—Grape Juice— Orange Cordial—Pineapple Lemonade—Raspberry Vinegar— To Make Tea—Tea a la Russe—Tea Punch—Wine Whey, CANDY Fondant—Cream Fondant—Butter Scotch—Caramels—Chocolate Taffy—Cocoanut Balls—Creamed Dates—Stuffed Dates— Fudge—Smith College Fudge—Nut Candy—How to Candy…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 24 of The Woodbridge cook book
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 25 of The Woodbridge cook book THE WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK SUGGESTIONS FOR TABLE SERVICE AND MENUS, ioe bs @e BREAKFAST Grape Fruit. Cream of Wheat with Cream. Broiled Shad. Cream Potatoes, Cucumbers with Spanish Onions, Finger Rolls. Coffee.…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 26 of The Woodbridge cook book 2 WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK LUNCHEON Bisque of Oysters. Curry of Chicken in Rice Border. Rolls. Lamb Chops. Peas. Olives. Salad of Lettuce. Waters. Neufchatel. Biscuit Tortoni. Assorted Cakes. Bonbons. Coffee. SIMPLE LUNCHEON…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 27 of The Woodbridge cook book WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK LUNCHEON Oyster Cocktail in Grape Fruit. Chicken Consommé, with Whipped Cream. Salmon in Timbale dishes, with Cream Sauce. Larded Sweetbreads, Ball Potatoes, and Small Boiled Carrots. Round Cakes of…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 28 of The Woodbridge cook book WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK Fillet of Beef Potatoes. French Peas. Roman Punch. Spring Squab on Toast. French Salad. Nesselrode Pudding. Nuts. Fancy Cakes. Coffee. THANKSGIVING DINNER Blue Points. Clear Soup. Olives. Celery. Salted…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 29 of The Woodbridge cook book JL GOOD HOUSHKEHEPER Must always have at hand a good supply of Canned Goods, To be ready To be ready for for family use unexpected guests For these and all other emergencies.…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 30 of The Woodbridge cook book hDGAHS= The most retired ‘ residential part of WV oodbridge-- Ideal place for nice home. Every Convenience. Every Accommodation. Intending Residents cannot do better than call upon MR. ELLIS EDGAR. For ALL…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 31 of The Woodbridge cook book PROPER ACCOMPANIMENTS FOR PRINCIPAL DISHES AT FAMILY DINNERS Soups.—Bread sticks, crackers, or finger rolls; with brown soups, crotitons, forcemeat balls, and noodles. Bowen Fisu.—F gg, or cream sauce, sliced lemon, sliced hard…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 32 of The Woodbridge cook book 6 WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK Roast CuHicKen.—Cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, boiled onions, or oyster plant, mashed turnips, or squash; celery. Roast Ducx.—Currant jelly, boiled onions, mashed potatoes, celery, corn or beans. Roast GoosE.—Apple…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 33 of The Woodbridge cook book Sr AtBlLES KR. BROWN Insurance Contractor. Real Estate and Loans. PRUDENTIAL BUILD- ING, NEWARK, N. J., AND WOODBRIDGE, N.J. Even good cooks cannot prepare a good dinner with poor meat ! BUY…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 34 of The Woodbridge cook book 1869. 1902, H. B. ZIMMERMAN, : 44 Church Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Manufacturer of Wigs, Switches and all the latest novelties in Human Hair Goods. Toilet Requisites, Manicure Sup- plies, Tortoise-shell…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 35 of The Woodbridge cook book SOUPS. ‘‘ Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both.” —SHAKESPEARE. STOCK FOR SOUPS Five pounds of clear beef, cut from the lower part of the round. Five quarts of…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 36 of The Woodbridge cook book GRAHAM & McCORMICK, Caterers, Confectioners, Fancy Cake Bakers and Ice Cream Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail. Brick Molds and Fancy Creams a Specialty. 109, 444, and 143 Church Street, New Brunswick, N. J.…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 37 of The Woodbridge cook book WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK 9 ASPARAGUS SOUP Boil one bunch of asparagus, cut in inch lengths, in one quart of water till tender; rub through a colander and return to the water in…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 38 of The Woodbridge cook book 10 WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK tablespoonful of rice; a can of tomatoes, if you have them, Boil two hours; then strain; salt and pepper and a little butter. Put back into the pot;…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 39 of The Woodbridge cook book WOODBRIDGE COOK BOOK If CREAM OF CHICKEN To half a cup of a chopped boiled chicken add three pints of veal stock; adding one cupful of raw rice, one bouquet, half a…
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903
Image 40 of The Woodbridge cook book Ket on ie or ere
- Contributor: First Congregational Church (Woodbridge, N.J.)
- Date: 1903