Book/Printed Material The works of Lord Byron, in verse and prose, including his letters, journals, etc. with a sketch of his life. Copy 2
Image 2 of Copy 2 lu^^/a^^C
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 3 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 4 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 5 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 6 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 8 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 9 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 10 of Copy 2 4m, s.,,/,//,,
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 11 of Copy 2 ytA^t $f a^C \_r FI RSIE AW32 _ _ V1TI i
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 12 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 14 of Copy 2 E 3 4- Copy 2. SCATCHERD AND ADAMS PRINTERS, 38 Gold Street. 48 6555 JUL 1 7 1942 Entered according to the Act of Congress of the United States of America, December…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 15 of Copy 2 PUBLISHER S ADVERTISEMENT. The Works of Lord Byron to be found in this edition, comprising the whole of his Poems, Letters, Journals, Etc. have been collected and arranged, and a Memoir added,…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 16 of Copy 2
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 17 of Copy 2 CO N T E N T S. LETTERS, ETC. LIFE LETTERS. I. to Miss Pigot II. to Mr. Pigot III. to Miss Pigot IV. to Mr. Pigot V. to Mr. Pigot VI.…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 18 of Copy 2 viii CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE LETTERS LETTERS CXI. to Mr. Hodgson 39 CLXXXIV. to Mr. Murray 60 CXII. to Mr. Harness 39 CLXXXV. to Mr. Murray 61 CX1H. to Mr. Moore 39 CLXXXVI.…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 19 of Copy 2 CONTENTS. IX PAGE PAGE LETTERS LETTERS CCLVII. to Mr. Murray 82 CCCXXX. to Mr. Moore Ill CCLVII1. to Mr. Moore 82 CCCXXXI. to Mr. Murray 112 CCL1X. to Mr. Moore 82 CCCXXXII.…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 20 of Copy 2 CONTENTS. LETTERS CCCCII. to Mr. Murray CCCCIII. to Mr. Murray CCCCIV. to Mr. Hoppner CCCCV. to Mr. Hoppner CCCC VI. to Mr. Hoppner CCCCVII. to Mr. Murray CCCC VIII. to Mr. Hoppner…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 21 of Copy 2 CONTENTS. xi PAGE pag a LETTERS LETTERS DXLVII. to Mr. Moore 197 DCV. to Mr. Moore 218 DXLVIII. to Mr. Moore 198 DC VI. to the Hon. Col. Stanhope 219 DXLIX. to…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 22 of Copy 2 CONTENTS. POEMS, ETC. CHILDE HAROLDS PILGRIMAGE. Preface Tolanthe Canto I. Canto II. Canto III. Canto IV. 1 2 3 11 18 27 Notes to Canto 1 42 Notes to Canto II 43…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 23 of Copy 2 CONTENTS. xm PAGE PACK A sketch 195 Stanzas to a lady 389 To 195 The first kiss of love 389 Ode from the French 196 To Mary 390 From the French 197…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 24 of Copy 2 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Fragment 473 On revisiting Harrow 473 L amitie est 1 amour sans ailes 473 To my son 474 Epitaph on John Adams, of Southwell 475 Fragment 475 To Mrs.…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 25 of Copy 2 THE LIFE OF LORD BYRON. George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron, was born in Holies-street, London, on the 22d of January, 1789. His name was of Norman origin, and still exists, among the…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 26 of Copy 2 XVI LIFE OP LORD BYRON. miles from Aberdeen. To his pleasant re- collections of this period, and its scenes and associations, he often recurs in his writings. By the death without issue,…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 27 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. XVll It was entitled Poems on various Occa- sions, and the author s name was not given. In May, or June, after numerous alterations and additions, the work…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 28 of Copy 2 XV111 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. rather lucky to find any of the servants up. Our average hour of rising was one. I, who generally got up between eleven and twelve, was always,…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 29 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. XIX duel with an officer of the garrison, but satisfactory explanations having been made on the ground by the friend of his anta- gonist, the affair was amicably…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 30 of Copy 2 XX LIFE OF LORD BYRON. the French General Lavalette from prison, and with Lady Hester Stanhope, the eccen- tric chieftainess of the Bedouin Arabs. He was employed in collecting the materials which…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 31 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. xxi his foot, it is to her false delicacy at my birth I owe that deformity, and yet as long as I can remember, she has never ceased…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 32 of Copy 2 xxn LIFE OF LORD BYRON. while the diffidence which a constant con- sciousness of the infirmity gave to his first approach and address, made, in him, even lameness a source of interest.…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 33 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. years but to attempt purchasing back the copy-rights of all his works, so far as they had been disposed of, and suppressing every line he had written. In…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 34 of Copy 2 XXIV LIFE OP LORD BYRON. his person and character were held up to odium hardly a voice was raised, or at least, listened to, in his behalf; and though a few faithful…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 35 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. XXV work was not to be published until after the author s death. When that event took place, Mr. Moore repaid to Mr. Murray the money advanced, and…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 36 of Copy 2 XXVI LIFE OF LORD BYRON. Lara 700 Siege of Corinth 525 Parisina 525 Lament of Tasso 315 Manfred 315 Beppo .525 Don Juan, Cantos 1st and 2d 1525 3d, 4th, and 5th…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 37 of Copy 2 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. XXVll token of gratitude and delight. But the pleasure derived from such a welcome was too soon embittered. He found all things in a wretched state of disorganization,…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 38 of Copy 2 XXV111 LIFE OF LORD BYRON. PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN GREECE. The present day of festivity and re- joicing has become one of sorrow and of mourning. The Lord Noel Byron departed this…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 39 of Copy 2 LETTERS. LETTER I. TO MISS PIGOT OF SOUTHWELL. ii Burgage Manor, August 29th, 1804. I received the arms, my dear Miss Pigot, and am very much obliged to you for the trouble…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834
Image 40 of Copy 2 LETTERS, 1806. time it was written not so the present, since the ap- pearance of a note from the illustrious cause of my sud- den decampment has driven the natural ruby from…
- Contributor: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - Byron, George Gordon Byron
- Date: 1834