Photo, Print, Drawing Blind youngsters display ability before Senate Committee. Washington, D.C. April 9. Blind children from the Maryland School for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind coaching Senator Claude Pepper, of Florida, in the art of operating a braille typewriter. The youngsters appeared before the senate subcommittee on education and labor, of which Senator Pepper is Chairman, as an example of what can be done for physically handicapped children if a bill sponsored by the International Society of Crippled Children is passed. The bill provides for the education of all types of physically handicapped children. It appropriates $1,158,000, of which $2,080,000 is an outright grant ($40,000 to each state), and $9,000,000 for matching; and $500,000 for administration of the act by the U.S. Office of Education. In the picture, left to right: Frances Wright, 8 years old, reading a braille book; Andrew Birmingham, 10 years old; Dr. John W. Studebaker, U.S. Commissioner of Education; [...] Claude Pepper. digital file from original negative

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