Photo, Print, Drawing Christ Episcopal Church, 605 25th Avenue, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa County, AL Photos from Survey HABS AL-249
1. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, Photographer, October 9, 1936 WEST ELEVATION (FRONT), NORTH SIDE …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
2. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, Photographer, October 6, 1936 CLOSE-UP FRONT ENTRANCE (WEST) - …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
3. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, Photographer, October 6, 1936 VIEW OF FRONT FROM ALTAR …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
4. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, October 6, 1936 VIEW OF ALTAR FROM FRONT - …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
5. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, Photographer, October 6, 1936 ALTAR - Christ Episcopal Church, …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
6. Historic American Buildings Survey Alex Bush, Photographer, October 4, 1936 VIEW OF ALTAR FROM SOUTH …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
7. Photocopy of stereopticon view: West (front) elevation prior to 1880 remodeling (original stereopair in the …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
8. Photocopy of stereopticon view: General view of west (front) and south facades prior to 1880 …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
9. Photocopy of stereopticon view: East (rear) elevation with apse prior to 1880 remodeling (original stereopair …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine
10. Photocopy of stereopticon view: Interior view showing chancel at east end (original stereopair in the …
- Contributor: Nichols, William - Bush, Alex - Whitten, Lawrence - Historic American Buildings Survey - Floyd, Katherine