Photo, Print, Drawing Harold S. Gladwin Residence, 780 El Bosque Road, Montecito, Santa Barbara County, CA Photos from Survey HALS CA-129
1. Context view of driveway and parking area of porphyry setts with north facade of Harold …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
2. Front facade of George Washington Smith designed residence. Camera height 11', facing south-southeast. - Harold …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
3. Entry detail on front facade. Camera height 7', facing southeast. - Harold S. Gladwin Residence, …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
4. Front facade oblique of west wing with espaliered carob. Camera height 5', facing southwest. - …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
5. Rear facades with lawn (oxalis filled meadow) in foreground and a 46" dbh live oak …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
6. Detail of two-story volume on south bedroom wing. Camera height 4', facing northeast. (May 2016) …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
7. Oblique view of south bedroom wing and dining terrace at right. Camera height 7', facing …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
8. Detail view of dining terrace from lower lawn. Camera height 7', facing north. - Harold …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
9. Wide overview of east facade of residence. Camera height 5', facing northwest. - Harold S. …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
10. Overview of boulders and sycamore tree adjacent to parking court with front facade of residence …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
11. Oblique view of east side door and Isabelle Greene designed timber pergola with bracelet honey …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
12. Interior view of entry and stairs. Camera height 4', facing south. - Harold S. Gladwin …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
13. Interior view of living room in west wing. Camera height 5', facing south-southwest. - Harold …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
14. Interior view of dining room. Camera height 5', facing east-southeast. - Harold S. Gladwin Residence, …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
15. View across the dining terrace from dining room French doors. Camera height 5', facing southeast. …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
16. Overview of timber pergola on east side of residence. Camera height 3', facing southwest. - …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
17. Detail of steel gate and pathway. Camera height 5', facing southeast. - Harold S. Gladwin …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
18. Overview of lower lawn (oxalis filled meadow) from upper lawn terrace behind house. Camera height …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
19. Oak tree, Totem bench and chairs sculptures by Rod Kagan and lawn. Camera height 8', …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
20. View of house and Santa Inez Mountains from bottom (southernmost) end of lawn. Camera height …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
21. Footpath between orchard and bottom of lawn. Camera height 5', facing northwest. - Harold S. …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
22. View toward orchard area through oak trees and nasturtiums at southern part of property. Camera …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
23. View of boulders and oak trees from eastern pathway east of orchard. Camera height 5', …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
24. Perimeter boulders along east property line. Camera height 6', facing south. - Harold S. Gladwin …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
25. Stabilized decomposed granite pathways through ivy from lawn to tea house. Camera height 7', facing …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
26. Southwest end of Isabelle Greene designed swimming pool and tea house in background. Camera height …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
27. Overview of swimming pool. Camera height 3', facing west-southwest. - Harold S. Gladwin Residence, 780 …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian
28. View of swimming pool from tea house deck. Camera height 3', facing west-southwest. - Harold …
- Contributor: Schafer, Stephen D. - Garrett, Cathy - Roland-Nawi, Carol - Lovelace, Jon B. - Gladwin, Harold S. - Neumann, Andy - Stevens, Christopher M. - Pattillo, Chris - Greene, Isabelle - Pgadesign - Historic American Landscapes Survey - Isaacson, Deming - McPartland, Mary - Langhorne, Eddie - Lovelace, Lillian