Photo, Print, Drawing Kelly-Springfield Tire Plant, Power House, 701 Kelly Road, Cumberland, Allegany County, MD Photos from Survey HAER MD-102-B
1. VIEW NORTHWEST OF POWER HOUSE, SOUTH AND EAST ELEVATIONS - Kelly-Springfield Tire Plant, Power House, …
- Contributor: Wise, Harriet - R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc - S. Diescher & Sons - Allegany County Board of Commissioners - Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology - Historic American Engineering Record - Necarsulmer, Edward - Nicely, John
2. VIEW SOUTHEAST OF POWER HOUSE, NORTH AND WEST ELEVATIONS - Kelly-Springfield Tire Plant, Power House, …
- Contributor: Wise, Harriet - R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc - S. Diescher & Sons - Allegany County Board of Commissioners - Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology - Historic American Engineering Record - Necarsulmer, Edward - Nicely, John
3. VIEW SOUTHEAST OF POWER HOUSE INTERIOR, BOILER ROOM - Kelly-Springfield Tire Plant, Power House, 701 …
- Contributor: Wise, Harriet - R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc - S. Diescher & Sons - Allegany County Board of Commissioners - Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology - Historic American Engineering Record - Necarsulmer, Edward - Nicely, John
4. VIEW NORTH OF POWER HOUSE INTERIOR, TURBINE ROOM - Kelly-Springfield Tire Plant, Power House, 701 …
- Contributor: Wise, Harriet - R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc - S. Diescher & Sons - Allegany County Board of Commissioners - Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology - Historic American Engineering Record - Necarsulmer, Edward - Nicely, John
5. Photocopy of drawing (original in possession of Allegany County, Cumberland, MD) FIRST FLOOR PLAN, BOILER …
- Contributor: Wise, Harriet - R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc - S. Diescher & Sons - Allegany County Board of Commissioners - Institute for the History of Technology and Industrial Archaeology - Historic American Engineering Record - Necarsulmer, Edward - Nicely, John