Photo, Print, Drawing Acts of the Apostles Church in Jesus Christ, 1400-28 North Twenty-eighth Street, northwest corner of North Twenty-eighth & Master Streets, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA Photos from Survey HABS PA-6694
28. General view looking west along Master Street. (Similar to HABS No.PA-6694-1). - Acts of the …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
29. Interior detail view, nave arcade, compound column capitals, east aisle vaulting, and decorative painting. Note …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
30. Interior detail view, surviving stained glass panel in an east aisle window. Most of the …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
1. General view from the east along Master Street. - Acts of the Apostles Church in …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
2. A closer general view from the east. - Acts of the Apostles Church in Jesus …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
3. Perspective view from the southeast from Master Street east on N. Twenty-Eighth Street. - Acts …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
4. Perspective view from the southeast on N. Twenty-Eighth Street below Master Street. - Acts of …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
5. Detail perspective view of the entrance (south) elevation. - Acts of the Apostles Church in …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
6. Detail view, triple entrance portals in the south elevation. - Acts of the Apostles Church …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
7. East elevation of the tower located at the northwest corner of N. Twenty-Eighth and Master …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
8. Perspective view, upper stages of the tower and spire from the southeast. - Acts of …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
9. Detail view, east elevation of the tower. - Acts of the Apostles Church in Jesus …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
10. Detail view, east entrance portal in the tower. - Acts of the Apostles Church in …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
11. Detail view, east elevation highlighting the triple lancet windows in the east transept. - Acts …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
12. General view, chuch rectory fronting onto N. Twenty-Eighth Street (note the polygoanl apse at center …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
13. East (principal) elevation of the church convent located to the west of the sanctuary building. …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
14. General interior view from the choir loft on the south wall. The quadripartite vaulting system …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
15. Interior view, nave from the center aisle, rear, to the high altar. - Acts of …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
16. Interior view, nave, center aisle to high altar from the choir loft. - Acts of …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
17. Interior detail view, marble high altar and reredos (note the missing tabernacle in the altar's …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
18. Interior view, side aisle and nave from the east aisle's rear (note the light fixtures …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
19. Interior view, east aisle from the choir loft. Water damage to the interior is visible …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
20. Interior view, west side aisle and nave from the choir loft. - Acts of the …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
21. Interior view, west aisle and polygonal side apse (note water damage). - Acts of the …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
22. Interior detail view, nave arcade, compound column capitals, east aisle vaulting, and decorative painting (note …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
23. Interior view, nave, looking towards the south (rear) wall. The organ pipes have disappeared, however, …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
24. Interior detail view, a representative plaster cherub located in the spandrels of the nave arcade. …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
25. Interior detail view, surviving stained glass panel in an east aisle window. Most of the …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
26. Interior detail view, framed episode of Jesus falling from the stations of the cross positioned …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.
27. Interior detail view, plasterwork on the choir loft's balustrade. - Acts of the Apostles Church …
- Contributor: Price, Virginia Barrett - Brewerytown Neighborhood - Elliott, Joseph E. B. - Historic American Buildings Survey - Jacobs, James A.