Photo, Print, Drawing Dr. John Frissell House, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, Ohio County, WV Photos from Survey HABS WV-197
1. NORTH FRONT - Dr. John Frissell House, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, Ohio County, WV
- Contributor: Historic American Buildings Survey
2. NORTH FRONT FROM THE NORTHWEST - Dr. John Frissell House, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, Ohio …
- Contributor: Historic American Buildings Survey
3. WROUGHT-IRON RAILING OF FRONT STOOP - Dr. John Frissell House, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, Ohio …
- Contributor: Historic American Buildings Survey
4. RAKING VIEW OF WROUGHT-IRON RAILING - Dr. John Frissell House, 54 Fourteenth Street, Wheeling, Ohio …
- Contributor: Historic American Buildings Survey