Book/Printed Material The Calvert papers. No. 1-3 Volume 1
Image 1 of Volume 1 Maryland historical society Fund-Publication, No. 28. THE CALVERT PAPERS. NUMBER ONE. With an account of their recovery, and presentation to the Society, December 10th, 1888. Together with a Calendar of the Papers…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of Volume 1
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 3 of Volume 1 l 108 1?42 Pat 14
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of Volume 1 Atchievement of The Right Honourable Cœcilius Coluert Baron Baltemore de Baltemore in the Kingdome of Ireland Absolute Lord and Proprietary of y e Provinces of Maryland and Avalon in America. A. &…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of Volume 1
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of Volume 1 Maryland historical society Fund-Publication, No. 28. THE CALVERT PAPERS. NUMBER ONE. With an account of their recovery, and presentation to the Society, December 10th, 1888. December 10th, 1888. Together with a Calendar…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of Volume 1 F984 .C16 PEABODY PUBLICATION FUND. Committee On Publication. 1888–89. HENRY STOCKBRIDGE, JOHN W. M. LEE, BRADLEY T. JOHNSON. Printed By John Murphy & Co. Printers To The Maryland Historical Society. Baltimore, 1889.
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of Volume 1 CONTENTS. PAGE. Address of Mr. Albert Ritchie, 9 Remarks of Mr. John H. B. Latrobe, 22 Report of Mr. Mendes Cohen, 22 Remarks of Dr. William Hand Browne, 32 Exemplification of the…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of Volume 1
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 11 of Volume 1 PREFACE. At a meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, at their rooms, on December 10, 1888, the Calvert Papers were formally presented to the Society. An account of the search for, discovery,…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of Volume 1
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of Volume 1 9 THE CALVERT PAPERS. Address Of Mr. Albert Ritchie. Mr. President, — ON behalf of those who have recently secured possession of a valuable collection of historical papers from an immediate descendant…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of Volume 1 10 Frequent and full reports of the condition of affairs were from time to time transmitted to them, as were also many important official papers requiring their consideration and action. Thus, much…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of Volume 1 11 the records we now have secured are not the ones referred to by Dr. Alexander, because, if it be determined that they are not, we will then be stimulated by the…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of Volume 1 12 Wardrobe,” for two Indian Arrows “tendered and left at and within the Castle of Windsor,” for “one year's rent due to the King's Majesty” for “a territory or continent of land…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of Volume 1 13 There is no need now to make special mention of the names of those for whom I speak, but I feel that I ought at least to say that, more than…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of Volume 1 14 them, and we must wait until the State has a past. The process may be going on, but we can simply stand by while seed time is ripening into harvest. But…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of Volume 1 15 foreign repositories, and the report and calendar of Dr. Alexander followed in 1860. In 1867 important historical features were added to the Land Office; in the same year Terra Mariae, by…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of Volume 1 16 nearly gone has been rescued, and means have been found to supply from other sources much that has been lost. A valuable work was performed by Mr. David Ridgely, State Librarian,…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of Volume 1 17 deposited with the said Historical Society.” The Society thankfully received the records that were in a state of “manifest decay” and, as far as it was possible to do so, reverently…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of Volume 1 18 This Society at length, in the passage of the Act of Assembly of 1882, accomplished what had been a cherished purpose ever since its organization, namely, the transfer into its custody…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of Volume 1 19 —the Home for Aged Papers—protected from exposure and neglect, secure against the hand of the spoiler, and safe from the depredations of the autograph fiend. This Society is faithfully and gladly…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of Volume 1 20 certain degree, in their past condition, they have been as if written in an unknown tongue. This Act, also, is leading up to a new, a more accurate and complete history…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of Volume 1 21 Papers. They begin the story of our people at a period earlier than the landing at St. Mary's. They had already opened the record when Leonard Calvert set up the cross…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of Volume 1 22 heritage of civil and religious liberty—part of the evidences of our title to all that is great and honorable in our past. Address of Hon. John H. B. Latrobe. Upon the…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of Volume 1 23 to the finding of these papers. I cannot do so, however, without mentioning the name of one of our departed members, taken from among us in the midst of his usefulness…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of Volume 1 24 research instituted recently—under the disadvantage, to be sure, of there being not a single person left now in the employment of the institution, who was connected then with the particular branch…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of Volume 1 25 primarily owe our acquisition of these papers to Dr. Alexander's careful methods—for I do not think that the search would have been thought of, as it would certainly not have been…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of Volume 1 26 Army, and a descendant of the last Lord Baltimore. Some months later Mr. Jones was permitted to see these papers at Col. Harford's seat, Down Place, near Windsor, and in May,…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of Volume 1 27 Down Place to the custody of Col. Harford's solicitors in London. He did so, and was shown such of the collection as had then reached London. He was informed by the…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of Volume 1 28 14th last. He reached London on the 21st, and lost no time after his arrival in examining the papers at the office of Col. Harford's solicitors, where it was stated to…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of Volume 1 29 between the papers we now possess and the supposed contents of the boxes seen in 1839; nor has our agent, Mr. Lee, given us any information throwing light on the subject.…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of Volume 1 30 Queen's Bench prison, to which some twelve years since he had been transferred from the Fleet prison, after having been there confined for more than eight years. I obtained an interview…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 35 of Volume 1 31 years, or certainly since 1840, possibly from a somewhat earlier date. As it was only in 1839 that Dr. Alexander saw the chests, it would seem possible that the then representative…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 36 of Volume 1 32 papers, which were much in the way. The gardener to whom this authority was given, was no longer in Colonel Harford's service when Mr. Lee was at Down Place, and Mr.…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 37 of Volume 1 33 the recently acquired papers, and with some introductory and explanatory remarks, as follows: As you have heard the story of the discovery and acquisition of the Calvert Papers, it remains to…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 38 of Volume 1 34 was misplaced, so that the southern boundary of Delaware was run some twenty miles south of the line agreed upon. We have a collection of receipts for the Indian arrows which…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 39 of Volume 1 35 I am aware that all this is little more than a very imperfect fragment of cataloguing, neither complete nor entertaining; but under the circumstances it cannot be helped. The importance of…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 40 of Volume 1 36 The Ark and the Dove left Gravesend on October 18th, 1633, and proceeded to the Isle of Wight, where they took on board Fathers White and Altham, and some others, and…
- Contributor: White, Andrew - Lee, John Wesley Murray
- Date: 1889
- Resource: - 1 page