Book/Printed Material A subaltern's furlough: descriptive of scenes in various parts of the United States, upper and lower Canada, New-Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, during the summer and autumn of 1832. Volume 2
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 2 of Volume 2
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 3 of Volume 2 CONTENTS OF VOL. II. CHAP. I. Auburn Prison—Cayuga Lake—Ithaca—Falls—Violent Storm—Journey of Disasters PAGE 1–12 CHAP. II. Seneca Lake—Fulton—Jemima Wilkinson—Revolutionary Grants—Geneva—Labourers' Wages—Rochester —Death of Patch—Patient Traveller—The Ridge-road —Lockport—Fine Works—Buffalo—Tribe of Indians 13–27 CHAP.…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 4 of Volume 2 iv CHAP. VII. Government House—College—Spirit of Equality—Lumberers —Quit-rents—Roads—Monsieur Audubon—Militia —Disputed Boundary 95–104 CHAP. VIII. Proceed down the St. John's—Improvements—Exported Timber—Falls of St. John—Bay of Fundy—Digby Strait—Annapolis—Second-hand Coach—Garrulous Old Woman—Cape Blow-me-down—Windsor College —Furious…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 5 of Volume 2 A SUBALTERN'S FURLOUGH. CHAPTER I. Sweet Auburn! Dear lovely bow'rs of innocence and ease. Goldsmith. For those rebellious here their pris'n ordained. Milton. The most pernicious infection, next the plague, is the…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 6 of Volume 2 2 honey-comb), being in five stories, with galleries, and the windows in an outer wall at the distance of five or six feet from them, so that no convict can attempt effecting…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 7 of Volume 2 3 old, and all armed with weapons which, in one minute, would shiver the strongest barrier to atoms; yet only one superintendent was with them, sitting at his ease upon a chair;…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 8 of Volume 2 4 shop in a more workmanlike style than without the walls. The morning work commences at six o'clock in summer, breakfast between seven and eight, dinner at twelve (half an hour being…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 9 of Volume 2 5 The work appears to conduce much to their health, there being only six in the hospital, out of 667 prisoners; and a few days previously there had not been a single…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 10 of Volume 2 6 much of the cleanliness is owing. From the inspector's report it appears that “the frequency of pardons has arisen principally from the want of room in the prison, by the rapid…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 11 of Volume 2 7 (which are at the rate of about 21 dollars (4 l. 7 s. 6 d. ) per annum, each prisoner), and for payment of the articles received from the prison, which…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 12 of Volume 2 8 one of the handsomest buildings of the kind in the States, but its bar-room is one of the dirtiest. There are many factories and mills in and about Ithaca, on the…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 13 of Volume 2 9 against it for a quarter of an hour, we succeeded in gaining an open shed by the road side, already filled with half-drowned pedestrians and equestrians, who were seeking shelter from…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 14 of Volume 2 10 by thick dark clouds. The doctor and a companion, one of thesteam-brethren also, took their departure on their poor and sorry animals, with their small black saddle-bags stowed with phials and…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 15 of Volume 2 11 Neither the coachman nor ourselves had ever travelled in the direction we were moving; so alike uncertain whither we were going, but trusting to chance and good fortune, we renewed our…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 16 of Volume 2 12 heavy Indian bread, and port wine, which savoured strongly of logwood and brandy; but our appetites had been well sharpened by our wanderings, and we were in no humour to find…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 17 of Volume 2 13 CHAPTER II. The souls of Usurers after their death Lucian affirms to be metempsychosed, or translated into the bodies of asses, and there remain certain years, for poor men to take…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 18 of Volume 2 14 trifle, from ex-governor Lewis, to whom it bad been sold by Fulton, who possessed originally the exclusive right of steam navigation on those inland waters of the State of New York,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 19 of Volume 2 15 roused herself from it had she only the wish to do so. It is supposed that at this time she was engaged in laying the deep plot which was so successfully…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 20 of Volume 2 16 opposite shore in Seneca County is Ovid, situated on a pretty eminence, overlooking the water; also Lodi, Brutus, and various other classically named places. These names, it appears, were bestowed by…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 21 of Volume 2 17 when required. Geneva is altogether a pretty spot, and contains one particularly fine street, in which is the college, a dull, heavy-looking building, with castellated walls and other tasteless appendages. But…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 22 of Volume 2 18 Six Nations, of whom now scarcely a vestige remains. The town is at the outlet of the Canandaigua Lake, and in an unhealthy situation, owing to the water being dammed up…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 23 of Volume 2 19 about three feet from the root. Where a thick forest has thus been cut down, the desolate appearance the face of the country presents can be scarcely imagined:— large blackened trunks,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 24 of Volume 2 20 being intoxicated when he ascended the platform, did not preserve the proper position for entering the water; and his death doubtless arose from the great shallowness of the stream, it being…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 25 of Volume 2 21 accordingly, the heavy vehicle drove up to the door, with the only seat we had not secured occupied by a retailer of groceries, who, with the patience of Job, had been…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 26 of Volume 2 22 distance of six or eight miles, and its elevation above it being about 100 feet, with a gradual inclination towards the water, it is supposed to have once formed the southern…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 27 of Volume 2 23 regard to level or disproportion of size, and a most sovereign contempt for any thing like repairs. Such a wretched apology for a highway ought to have immortalized its inventor's name,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 28 of Volume 2 24 Having visited all the objects of curiosity in the village, not excepting the saw-mills, we took the packet-boat at a quarter to eleven o'clock, and in fifteen minutes more had passed…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 29 of Volume 2 25 who, to the amount of 700 or 800, possess a large tract of land of an irregular form, but containing about 100 square miles, to the S. E. of the town,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 30 of Volume 2 26 terms with each other, having the same influence and an equal voice in the councils and management of the public affairs. All the Reservation is common property; but, if any individual…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 31 of Volume 2 27 ministered them as a broth to the patient, wrapping him afterwards in blankets, and producing great artificial heat in his body by means of hot stones, & c. This treatment had…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 32 of Volume 2 28 CHAPTER III. O r under shadow of the cataract, With deep and dread delight, Stand where Niagara's flood wears down the mountain tract. Sotheby. LXX. And mounts in spray the skies,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 33 of Volume 2 29 after a course of thirty miles into Lake Ontario at Fort George. It was a mild and agreeable summer's evening, and, without viewing things with a prejudiced eye, I certainly never…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 34 of Volume 2 30 stream of the Ganges! Probably we could not have been introduced to such a scene at a more favourable time; a brilliant rainbow was dancing in the spray, as it wag…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 35 of Volume 2 31 path, which led down the steep and wooded bank to the level of the river above the Falls, which is about 150 or 200 feet below the surface of the surrounding…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 36 of Volume 2 32 and falls in her birch canoe, and rising again, amongst the bubble and foam of the boiling abyss, she shook her long dishevelled locks awhile to discover whereabouts she was, and…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 37 of Volume 2 33 the natives of the stream do not appear proof against their influence, as numerous dead fish are always to be found on the sides of the banks near the Ferry. The…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 38 of Volume 2 34 was nothing whatever to see, and that mere braggadocios only went behind, so that they might talk about it afterwards.” I was thus left in the minority, but, as Falstaff says,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 39 of Volume 2 35 lines. Having resumed my habilaments, the following certificate was handed to me, so that hereafter no one might venture to doubt my prowess: “This may certify that Mr. Coke, British Army,…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01
Image 40 of Volume 2 36 of the river in the distance, and the brilliancy of the American Fall, seen through the thick spray at the entrance of this watery cavern, formed a strange contrast to the…
- Contributor: Coke, E. T. (Edward Thomas)
- Date: 1833-01-01