Book/Printed Material Letters of delegates to Congress, 1774-1789 Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
Image 1 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 2 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 3 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 4 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 5 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 January 1April 30 1777 Paul H Smith Editor Gerard W Gawalt Rosemary Fry Plakas Eugene R Sheridan Assistant Editors LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON 1980
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 6 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 This volume is printed on permanentdurable paper Jws 7 Main entry under title Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Revised APRO81981 CP Letters of delegates to Congress 17741789 Includes bibliographical references…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 7 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Editorial Method and Apparatus In its treatment of documents this edition of delegate letters strives to achieve a middle ground between facsimile reproduction and thorough modernization The original spelling and grammar are…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 8 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 iv Editorial Method and Apparatus copied for this project except for privately owned manuscripts whose ownership is fully explained The descriptive note also contains information on the documents authorship if explanation is…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 9 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Editorial Method and Apparatus v CtHi CtY DLC DLCESR DNA DNDAR DeHi MAr MA MHH MHi MWA MdAA MdAN MdBJG MdHi MeHi MiDbEI MiUC N NHi NHpR NN NNB NNC NNF NNPM…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 10 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 VI Editorial Method and Apparatus PHarH Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Harrisburg PHi Historical Society of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PPAmP American Philosophical Society Philadelphia PPIn Independence National Historical Park Philadelphia PPL Library Company…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 11 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Editorial Method and Apparatus vii DAB Dictionary of American Biography Edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone Evans Am Bibliography Charles Evans American Bibliography 12 vols Chicago Privately printed 190334 Jay Papers…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 12 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 viii Editorial Method and Apparatus Paullin Marine Committee Letters Paullin Charles O ed OutLetters of Continental Marine Committee and Board of Admiralty 17761780 2 vols New York Printed for the Naval History…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 13 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Acknowledgments To the Library of Congress the Congress of the United States and the Ford Foundation this edition owes its existence It is fitting therefore that we take this opportunity to acknowledge…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 14 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 X Acknowledgments ment of Archives and History University of North Carolina Ohio Histori cal Society Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Historical Society of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania Library Company of Philadelphia Public…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 15 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 January 1 January 3 January 6 January 8 January 9 January 14 January 16 January 18 January 24 January 28 January 29 Chronology of Congress JanuaryApril 1777 Appoints Benjamin Franklin commissioner to…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 16 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xii Chronology of Congress January 30 Creates standing committee on appeals from state admiralty courts February 1 Orders measures for suppressing insurrection in Worcester and Somerset counties Maryland February 5 Orders measures…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 17 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Chronology of Congress xiii March 511 March 12 March 13 March 15 March 1718 March 19 March 21 March 22 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 29 April 1 Fails to…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 18 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xiv Chronology of Congress April 4 Adopts commissary reforms recommended by General Greene April 7 Adopts plan to reorganize the medical department April 8 Adopts proposals to honor the memory of Generals…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 19 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 List of Delegates to Congress This section lists both the dates on which delegates were elected to terms falling within the period covered by this volume and the inclusive dates of their…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 20 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xvi List of Delegates to Congress Oliver Wolcott Elected October 10 1776 Attended January 1 to April 30 1777 DELAWARE John Dickinson Elected November 8 1776 Did not attend in 1777 John…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 21 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 List of Delegates to Congress xvii Charles Carroll of Carrollton Elected February 15 1777 Did not attend JanuaryApril 1777 Samuel Chase Elected November 10 1776 February 151777 Attended January 1 to February…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 22 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xviii List of Delegates to Congress Robert Treat Paine Elected November 15 1776 Did not attend in 1777 NEW HAMPSHIRE Josiah Bartlett Elected December 24 1776 Did not attend in 1777 Nathaniel…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 23 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 List of Delegates to Congress xix James Duane Elected April 21 1775 Attended April 1630 1777 William Duer Elected March 29 1777 Attended April 730 1777 William Floyd Elected April 21 1775…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 24 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 XX List of Delegates to Congress PENNSYLVANIA George Clymer Elected July 20 1776 February 221777 Attended January 1 to April 30 1777 Remained in Philadelphia with Executive Committee JanuaryFebruary Benjamin Franklin Elected…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 25 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 List of Delegates to Congress xxi William Ellery Elected May 4 1776 Attended January 1 to April 301777 Stephen Hopkins Elected May 3 1776 Did not attend in 1777 SOUTH CAROLINA Thomas…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 26 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xxii List of Delegates to Congress Richard Henry Lee Elected June 20 1776 Attended January 1 to February 27 April 2301777 Thomas Nelson Elected June 20 1776 Attended January 130 April 2330…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 27 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Illustrations Map of Baltimore endpapers Ville port et rade de Baltimore dans le Maryland 1781 Military map in penandink and watercolor drawn by an engineer with the French army commanded by General…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 28 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xxiv Illustrations state sovereignty All three issues simultaneously appeared on the con gressional agenda in consequence of a convention of New England states which met at Providence between December 25 1776 and…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 29 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Illustrations XXV in Baltimore His congressional career ended when Congress adjourned to Philadelphia at the end of February and in April he was appointed surgeongeneral of the middle department where he remained…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 30 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xxvi Illustrations potential abuse in the loosely worded article defining the rights of the states which in his view left it in the power of the future Congress or General Council to…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 31 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Illustrations xxvii tion of Independence thereby becoming the delegate whose name appears last on the document A physician in Londonderry NH he was one of four doctors and eight foreign born delegates…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 32 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 xxviii Illustrations British invasion of the Chesapeake he was successful in securing the post ing of a Continental battalion on the Maryland eastern shore to overawe the disaffected After attending Congress at…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 33 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 34 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 35 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 Samuel Adams to James Warren My dear Sir Baltimore Jany 1 1777 I am determind to omit no opportunity of writing to you although I have very seldom of late receivd a…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 36 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 4 January 1 1777 The Hint was Adams plan to burn the British naval vessels on Lake Cham plain See Samuel Adams to Warren December 6 1776 For further information on Stewarts…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 37 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 January 1 1777 5 done to enterprizing officers Men Great Commendations are given to the officers Men by General Gates who is here unwell Which were sent the last Campaign to Ticonderoga…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 38 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 6 January 1 1777 John Hancock to George Washington Sir Baltimore Jany It 1777 I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your several Favours to the 27th Ulto Your Letter of that…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 39 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 January 1 1777 7 order them to be sent to me and every Expence shall be paid arising thereon This Recommendation of Colo Baylor I doubt not will meet with your approbation…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page
Image 40 of Volume 6, January 1, 1777 to April 30, 1777 8 January 1 1777 resolves to avenge the Injury done you and to prevent the repetition of such unjustifiable depredations Morris is not here but I have requested him in a letter…
- Contributor: Gephart, Ronald M. - Smith, Paul H. (Paul Hubert)
- Date: 1976
- Resource: - 1 page