Book/Printed Material Royal Instructions to be followed by the Spanish citizens by naturalization who are creditors of the French Government in compliance with the provisions of the Treaty of Basilea of July 20, 1814 and other international agreements. [Ca. 1816].
Image 1 of Royal Instructions to be followed by the Spanish citizens by naturalization who are … [*766*] Dado en Barcelona à veinte y dos de Abril de mil setecientos setenta y uno. El Conde de Ricla. D. Balthasar de Aperregui, Decano. El Baron de Serrahìa, Secretario del Rey…
- Date: 1816-01-01
Image 2 of Royal Instructions to be followed by the Spanish citizens by naturalization who are … efectos suministrados en los mercados de los lugares mas cercanos al de la entrega. En la misma convencion se ha estipulado la restitucion de gastos para mantener los militares franceses en los…
- Date: 1816-01-01