Book/Printed Material Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first session of the Nineteenth Congress. December 6, 1825. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States
Image 1 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 9th CONGRESS 1st Session 2 ACCOMPANYING The Presidents Message to Congress AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FIRST SESSION OP THE Xincttrniij Congress DECEMBER 6 1825 Printed by order of the Senate of…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 2 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … v k A _ 1 m V it Vk A 3HT 0 ftr 4 is 0 t f i aii Jr jiJ i i I
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 3 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … FROM THE DEPARTS ENT OF WAR Department op War December 1st 1825 Sir Conformably to usage I submit a report Oii the administration of this Department during the current year For information…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 4 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … m 4 No maxim is believed to be sounder than that which inculcates the propriety of adapting a Military Peace Establishment to an eventual state of war Economy and the genius of…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 5 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … s 2 institution its predominant advantage over every other establishment for the improvement of our youth is the high moral character of the pupils the result of an impartial though inexorable police…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 6 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … of routes Although these have been respectfully considered it is he lieved that the principal routes may with propriety be reduced to three One by the capitals of the Southern States the…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 7 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … m with that of the Engineer Corps and to be successively increased within a prescribed maximum according to the discretion ot the Pre sident which would find security for its judicious exercise…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 8 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … C J A Head Quarters of the Army Washington 17th November 1825 Sir In compliance with your instructions of the 3d ultimo I have the honor to lay before you the following…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 9 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … Doc 1page 10a A ORGANIZATION of the Army of the United States Major General I c3 s 1 5 bC Sh Adjutant General a u o s O cp 3 O Ch…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 10 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … Doe 1page 10b B rirf tul ftftttVtf 4f fifjf SC ft fUWftfU Stuff Sly taken from the latest returns on file in the Adjutant Generals Office Major General Brigadier Generals Adjutant General…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 11 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … Doc 1page IQh C of the Troops in the Eastern Department under the command of Brevet Major General Edmund P Gaines shewing their strength by posts and garrisons taken from the latest…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 12 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … jDoc 1page 10il D of the Troops in the Western Department under the command of Brevet Major General Winfield Scott showing their strength by Posts and Garrisons taken from the latest returns…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 13 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 9 C2 Colonel Archer has inspected the posts of New Orleans Baton Rouge Cantonment Jesup Cantonment Towson and Cantonment Gibson being prevented by sickness from completing his tour to the North and…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 14 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 10 m in the sphere of life from whence the candidates for this station are to be derived the only inducement that can prove effectual is an adequate pecuniary emolument The commissioned…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 15 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 11 23 Adjutant Generals Office Washington November 1825 Statement showing the whole member of Recruits enlisted in the Army from the 1st October 1824 to the 30th September 1825 1st Regiment of…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 16 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 12 2 j B Qtjarteemaster Generates Office Washington November 26 1825 Sir In obedience to your order dated the 9th inst I have the ho nor to report the receipts and disbursements…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 17 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 18 C2 bursements for the same period at nearly that sum say g 30000 which would leave in the hands of officers on the 30th September on account of the department g…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 18 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 14 m The survey of the route from St Augustine to Cape Florida has been completed Colonel Gadsden the commissioner appointed to perform that service is of opinion from a minute examination…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 19 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … t 15 2 done by the troops and I confidently believe the difference of the expense for the supply of Fort Towson would in five years equal the sum necessary to complete…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 20 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … m 16 departure from hence we encountered most inclement weather which in conjunction with the inundated character of the country in which we were operating the uncommon warmth of the season the…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 21 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 17 2 condly that of opening a canal at the Haul Over The first opera tion may be performed at a comparatively trifling expense it is alrea dy in a tolerable condition…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 22 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 2 IS C REPORT of the Survey of a Road from St Jlugustine to Cape Flo rida hj Col Gadsden Charlestons C 20th August 1825 Sir In my previous communications to you…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 23 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 19 2 described as lying between the sand hills and second chain of minor lakes or ponds on the East and the great basin of the St Johns West until opposed at…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 24 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 20 2 j to that class of adventurous emigrants who attach little value to roads and would prefer in their neighborhood communications making use of those channels provided by nature These channels…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 25 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 21 2 Tomoka a small branch tributary to the same Level pine lands interspersed with saw palmetto flats and low wet grassy planes with scattering growth of dwarf pine trees occasionally spotted…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 26 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 2 22 though generally fordable with firm sandy bottom The first four miles fiat pine lands comparatively dry the last sea sand undula tions On Beach to Rio Seco 35 miles 15…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 27 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 23 2 74 m 48 c From Beach to Bear cut opposite Cape Flo rida for road 0 Two flats one at Middle the other at New River A Mr Cooley and…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 28 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … m 24 every aberration from a direct line which might be necessary to avoid obstacles and for the selection of the best ground This operation would have required a more minute examination…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 29 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first …
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 30 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … STATEMENT exhibiting the Moneys remitted to Contractors from the 1st January to the 30th of September 1825 the Sums charged to them on account of Failures the Amount retained to cover Purchases…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 31 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … STATEMENTContinued NAMES Lieut Major Lieut Major Lieut Gapt Lieut Wm A Eliason Acting A H W Fitzhugh A C Fowler Acting George W Gardiner John G Holland Thomas Johnston Acting Richard B…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 32 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … irv nroonv n n NAMES Lieut James Green A C S James R Blaney do William W Wells do Benjamin Walker do Aaron M Wright do Capt P Wager do Lieut E…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 33 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … Doc 1 page 29 STATEMENT of the amount of money drawn from the appropriations for the Pay Department and remitted to the Disbursing Officers on account of payments for the three first…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 34 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 25 2 rapid military movements and for the necessary unimpeded trans portation of heavy ordnance baggagewagons c South of Smyrna could not be constructed but at a cost greatly exceeding the esti…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 35 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 2 26 c Office of the Commissary General of Subsistence Washington 25th November 1825 Sir In compliance with your orders of 12th instant I have the honor to submit a statement of…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 36 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … D Paymaster Generals Office War Department JYov 28th 1825 Sir I have the honor herewith to submit a report in detail of the money advanced to the several Paymasters of the army…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 37 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first …
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 38 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … 29 2 E Surgeon Generals Office October 27 1825 Sir In compliance with your order of the Scl instant I have the honor to report that the amount of money disbursed in…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 39 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … I 30 2 F CoMMSlISSARY GENERALS OlFICE Philadelphia November 18 1825 Sut In obedience to your instructions dated on the 3d October 1825 1 have prepared and now have the honor to…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825
Image 40 of Documents accompanying the President's message to Congress, at the commencement of the first … Si 2 No 1 STATEMENT of Moneys drawn from the Appropriation for the Si Purchasing Department 1825 during the three first quarters of 1825 1825 March 1 Received Treasurers Draft No 8444…
- Contributor: Adams, John Quincy - United States. President ( : Adams) - United States. War Department. Office of the Paymaster General - Colombia - United States. Army. Ordnance Department - United States. Department of the Navy - United States. War Department. Engineer Department - United States. Congress. Senate - United States. Department of the Post Office - United States. Surgeon General - United States. War Department - United States. War Department. Office of Indian Affairs - United States. Department of State
- Date: 1825