Book/Printed Material In Senate of the United States. August 6, 1846. Submitted, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Barrow made the following report: (To accompany Bill S. 253.) The Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Bethiah Healy, widow of George Healy, report
Image 1 of In Senate of the United States. August 6, 1846. Submitted, and ordered to … oqth CoNGRESSj st Session SENATE 477 IN SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES August 6 1846 Submitted and ordered to be printed Mr Barrow made the following REPORT To accompany bill S No…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Pensions - Barrow, Alexander
- Date: 1846
Image 2 of In Senate of the United States. August 6, 1846. Submitted, and ordered to … k at nsrnwtj sht w err mm a itabtci fc s L 0o b b TMVm i y y vr A V tiH zb i V s a t s Yb Ay…
- Contributor: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Pensions - Barrow, Alexander
- Date: 1846