Book/Printed Material Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report in reference to claims of citizens of the United States on the government of Portugal. February 4, 1852. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed
Image 1 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 32d Congress 1st Session H OF REPS Ex Doo No 53 PORTUGALCLAIMS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF TEE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING A report in reference to claims of citizens of the United…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 2 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … LIST OF ACCOMPANYING PAPERS FIRST SERIES Papers relating to the claim of the owners fyc of the General Arm strong and correspondence on the claims of American citizens against Portugal in general…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 3 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 3 EE Mr Webster to C B Haddock January 7 1851 F F The same to the same February 24 1851 G G The same to the same March…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 4 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 4 Doc No 53 X The same to the same November 17 1849 XI Count Tojal to Mr Clay March 11 1850 with enclosures XII Mr Clay to Count Tojal April 30…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 5 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 5 Doc No 51 27 Mr Clayton to J C de Figaniere e Morao Jane 24 1850 28 J C de Figaniere 6 Morao to Mr Clayton June 27 1850 29 The…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 7 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 7 after the British set her on fire The said Gaptaid Reid therefore desires me to take his protest as he by these presents does most solemnly protest against…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 8 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 8 Doc No 53 B Translation of a despatch from the governor of the Azores islands FayaLj September 28 1814 Divine Providence has been pleased to preserve this and the other Azores…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 9 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 9 amount of twenty men I can assure your excellency that the British force numbered three hundred men The crew of the privateer were one hun dredj of whom…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 10 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … w Doc No 53 of combat and three persons were wounded one of them a woman with five ehildren who is not expected to live By this and the No 7 here…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 11 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 U the funeral I ordered the standard to he hoisted as soon as the boats touched the shore with the bodies of the officers killed All the officers of…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 12 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … c 19 1 Doc From the Marquis de Aguiar Minister of Foreign Affairs fyc to Lord Strang ford E E and M P of Great Britain Translation Palace of Rio Janeiro December…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 13 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 13 security was guarantied by the safeguard of a neutral port orders it to be signified to his excellency Lord Strangford that he may inform his go vernment of…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 14 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 the facts on which the claim is founded It will appearltherefrom that on the 9th day of September 1814 the United States of America being then engaged in war…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 15 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 15 10th of October 1842 in which an indemnity is claimed for the destruc tion of the American armed brig General Armstrong caused by his Bri tannic Majestys ships…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 16 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No S3 seeing that the first shot was unquestionably fired by her and that the commander did not previously have recourse to the authorities of the coun try which was only…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 17 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 1 ranee ceases to be a virtue That limit it is believed will soon have been reached if Portugal shall still continue to be deaf to our just complaints…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 18 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 18 Doc No 53 adds another outrage to the list of our wrongs The first instructions respecting this claim were transmitted from this department in a despatch to Mr Rencher under date…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 19 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 mate died in consequence of the barbarous treatment they received at the hands of the local authorities of that place The matter has been referred to the Secretary of…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 20 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 20 wisdom may decide upon as due to our citizens and country will be faith fully carried out by the Executive In presenting this view of the subject to the consideration of…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 21 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 21 The undersigned is not aware that the validity of this claim was ever disputed by the Portuguese government during the reign of the late Prince Regent To review…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 22 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 conflict which afterwards took place with the most serious want of that respect due to the Portuguese territory His Excellency in a subsequent paragraph proceeds to say that By…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 23 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 23 privateer not wishing to allow them to come on board of his vessed a fire was begun on both sides the result of which was that the second…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 24 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 24 Doc No 53 the privateer continued to fire from time to time at that vessel hut to no purpose as I saw from the great distance between them At half past…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 25 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 25 manner in which that commander violated the neutrality his royal highness had resolved to maintain during the war that unhappily exists between En gland and the United States…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 26 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 26 Doc No 53 that he has directed his minister at the court of London to make the strongest representations before the Prince Regent of the United Kingdom and to require satisfaction…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 27 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 27 but inchoate and clothed with all the characters of hostility If this could be defended it might as well be said that a ship lying in a neutral…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 28 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 28 Doc No 53 enemy in a case where it was contended that the capture was not made within the territory of the United States The case to which the under signed…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 29 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 29 former to obtain satisfaction from the British government by a resort to the ulterior measures required by the law of nations It may however be remarked that in…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 30 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 30 Doc No 53 alone could give any practical value to it but is left to the caprice the partiality or the weakness of a provincial governor This the undersigned is not…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 31 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 31 extremely At length Captain Lloyd fearful of losing more men if he put this threat into execution adopted this stratagem he addressed an official letter to the governor…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 32 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 32 Doc No 53 his Britannic Majesty as a full and complete satisfaction for the conduct of the British squadron was inconsistent with the just rights of the claimants in this case…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 33 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 33 States entertains no doubt about the justice and validity of these claims The President of the United States sincerely desires to cultivate peace with every nation and people…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 34 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 34 Doc No 53 attention whenever the American government should make a regular re presentation of it to the government of Portugal Twentythree years thereafter passed by in perfect silence and it…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 35 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 35 kingdom in consequence of the separation of Brazil and the civil wars which have since taken place in this country The difficulties of Brazil were terminated by the…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 36 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 36 Doc No 53 ernor of Fayal to the effect that the first British barge which approached the American privateer in order to learn what vessel she was went un armed It…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 37 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … e s Doc No 53 37 part with full reason have demanded from the government of the United States satisfaction and reparation for the outrage received at the same time when it…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 38 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 38 Doc No 53 It is thus clearly proved that the endeavors of the same governor in favor of the American privateer were carried as far as possible as far at least…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 39 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … Doc No 53 39 of the entire impossibility that the governor could have defended it against any attack from the squadron This conviction on his part is proved by the declaration of…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852
Image 40 of Portugal -- claims. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a … 40 Doc No 53 fully justified against the unfounded charges of Mr Hopkins of partiality cowardice and servility It is likewise clearly proved that the government of the United States has not…
- Contributor: Fillmore, Millard - United States. Department of State - United States. President ( : Fillmore) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1852