Book/Printed Material In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to be printed. Motion by Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, to print 10,000 additional copies referred to the Committee on Printing. Mr. Douglas made the following report. (To accompany Bill S. 356.) The Committee on Territories, to which was recommitted "A Bill To Authorize the People of the Territory of Kansas To Form a Constitution and State Government, Preparatory to Their Admission into the Union, When They Have the Requisite Population..."
Image 1 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … SENATE 34tii Congress ls Session Rep Com No 198 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 30 1856Ordered to be printed Motion by Mr Jones of Tennessee to print 10000 additional…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 2 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 2 TERRITORY OF KANSAS organized in 1854 under the authority of the same act of Congress with equal rights privileges and immunities and with the same safe guards and guarantees for the…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 3 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … TERRITORY OF KANSAS 3 plish their purpose in the halls of Congress and under the authority of the Constitution immediately resorted in their respective States to unusual and extraordinary means to control…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 4 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 4 TERRITORY OF KANSAS institutions in their own way subject only to the Constitution of the United States with the right to come into the Union icith or without slavery as their…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 5 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … TERRITORY OF KANSAS 5 Territory contained a federal population of ninetythree thousand four hundred and twenty inhabitants So much of the hill as relates to the admission of the State is in…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 6 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 6 TERRITORY OP KANSAS described in his proposition to be bounded on the west by the 103d meridian of longitude that provided for in the Topeka constitution ex tends several hundred miles…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 7 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … TERRITORY OF KANSAS T resolutions were of a nature which necessarily precluded the coopera tion of every man who felt it his duty to yield obedience to the laws and constituted authorities…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 8 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 8 TERRITORY OF KANSAS voter to be published and generally circulated throughout the Ter ritory and one copy to be deposited in the clerks office of each county and other copies posted…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 9 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … TERRITORY OF KANSAS 9 Territory abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or of the right of the people to assemble and to petition government for redress of grievances and…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 10 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 10 TERRITORY OP KANSAS fraternal feeling to the Union and peace quiet and security to Kan sas your committee recommend that the following he adopted in lieu of Senate hill No 172…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 11 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 34th Congress ls Session SENATE Rep Com No 198 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES JtjlyI 1856Submitted and ordered to be printed and that 10000 additional copies be printed with report…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 12 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … 2 TERRITORY OF KANSAS tory to the slaveholding States and therefore that provision of the Missouri compromise which forbid slavery forever north of 36 30 north latitude that hill of repose for…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 13 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to … TERRITORY OF KANSAS 3 the free State people These people have thus for several months past been harrassed and scattered and any attempt at self defence has been repressed by the army…
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856
Image 14 of In the Senate of the United States. June 30, 1856. -- Ordered to …
- Contributor: Collamer, Jacob - Douglas, Stephen A. (Stephen Arnold) - United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories
- Date: 1856