Book/Printed Material Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be printed
Image 1 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 37th Congress HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES j Mis Roc 3c Session j j No 16 POSTMASTER GENERALS AUTHORITY OVER MAILABLE MATTER January 20 1863Ordered to be printed Mr Bingham from the Committee on…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 2 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 2 MAILABLE MATTEK Post Office Department January 5 1863 Sir I Lave the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the communication signed by yon in behalf of the Judiciary Committee embracing a…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 3 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTER 3 ernment itself in the wantonness of his passions or the corruption of his heart Civil society could not go on under such circumstances Men would then he obliged to…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 4 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 4 MAILABLE MATTER by all loyal men but tbe grand jury will be glad to learn from the court that it is also subject to indictment and condign punishment All which is…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 5 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTER 5 Are the officers of the United States compelled by the Constitution and laws to become the instruments and accomplices of those who design to baffle and make nugatory the…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 6 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 6 MAILABLE MATTER Attorney Generals Office March 2 1857 With these premises we have the main question very much simplified It is this Has a citizen of one of the United States…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 7 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … s MAILABLE MATTER 7 brought to the knowledge of the postmaster by publicity of transmission through the mails unsealed and as to the nature of which he cannot plead ignorance It is…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 8 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 8 MAILABLE MATTER repelled oy ne sovereign power of the Unionhut no citizen of the United States possesses legal right to promote rebellious acts in any part of the coun try whether…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 9 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTER 9 postmasters of the country to judge each for himself what newspapers are lawful and what unlawful what may go in the mails and what shall be excluded I have…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 10 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 10 MAILABLE MATTER It appears from the foregoing orders of the Post Office Depart ment sustained by the opinions of the law officer of the government in 1857 that for the last…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 11 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTER 11 master General in this regard there can be but little if any danger of much wrong being done while by a due and proper exercise of this power much…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 12 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 12 MAILABLE MATTER from any facts before the committee of other papers being refused transmission through the mails Your committee cannot entertain a doubt as to the authority of the head of…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 13 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTEE 13 the destruction of the city of Chicago by firedisclosing the means and manner of its accomplishment and the vile purpose of its authors to effect their object your committee…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 14 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … 14 MAILABLE MATTER Should at any time and especially during a rebellion any department of the government find that through any of its subordinates or agen cies traasonable publications were transmitted to…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 15 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … MAILABLE MATTER 15 Your committee are not unmindful of the fact that too great caution cannot be exercised in arriving at a conclusion as to what is and what is not lawful…
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863
Image 16 of Postmaster General's authority over mailable matter. January 20, 1863. -- Ordered to be … I
- Contributor: Bingham, John Armor - United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary
- Date: 1863