Book/Printed Material In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting correspondence respecting relations between the United States and the Hawaiian Islands from September, 1820, to January, 1893. February 17, 1893. -- Read, referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be printed
Image 1 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 52d Congress 2d Session SENATE Ex Doc No 77 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING Correspondence respecting relations between the United States…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 2 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 2 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS of becoming an integral part of this nation in fulfillment of a destiny due to close neighborhood and commercial dependence upon the Pa cific States Early in 1851 a…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 3 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 3 Department op State Bureau of Bolls and Library Wasliington February 9 1893 Sir In obedience to your direction of tlie 30th of January ultimo I have the honor to…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 4 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 REPORT UPON THE OFFICIAL RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FROM THE FIRST APPOINTMENT OF A CONSULAR OFFICER THERE BY THIS GOVERNMENT On September 191820 Mr John C Jones…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 5 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 5 finally arrested until 1839 in July of which year the French frigate JJArteinise Laplace commander visited there Laplace propounded several demands for the adoption of measures for the protection…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 6 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 6 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS The indirect causes of this outrage were complicated but of assisted and persistent growth From the early days of foreign interests and immigration in Hawaii the American element had…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 7 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 7 cessful in London in securing on the 28th of November 1843 a conven tion between France and Great Britain engaging them reciprocally to consider the Sandwich Islands as an…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 8 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 8 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS accept the office and had gone to Hawaii and there become naturalized for the purpose The dispute over the treaty and the Wiley case to gether created a situation…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 9 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 9 agreement touching consular notices under the Danish and Hamburg treaties was reached But it was not until October 22 1849 that a treaty with this Government was finally signed…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 10 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 10 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Kings ministers Tliis instrument was the consequence of the Kings apprehension excited by the hostile attitude of France It bore the following inscription in the Hawaiian language The King…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 11 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 11 States Accordingly on the 21st of May following Mr McCook on be half of the United States and Mr Harris on the part of the Hawaiian Government concluded a…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 12 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 12 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS A second time inviting tlie attention of the Senate to onr own com pact with Hawaii President Johnson said December 9 1808 It is known and felt by the…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 13 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 13 Mr Pierce to Mr Fisli No 101 Legation of United States at Hawaiian Islands Honolulu February 25 1871 Mr Henry A Pierce to Secretary of State Subject Annexation of…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 14 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 14 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Ind5a Islands as also that suffered by the English from French privateers from the Isle of France during the wars between those nations are instances in proof of the…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 15 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 15 ceeded only in obtaining a protocol for a treaty by which the United States were to extend a protectorate government over them The matter in that form did not…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 16 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 16 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS tlie cabinet proceeded to tbe election of a monarch The excitement incident to this event the threats of violence by the contending fac tions of the populace and the…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 17 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 17 in favor of the original claim of the British Government to the enjoy ment of privileges equal to those granted the United States The con troversy led to a…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 18 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 18 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS as in favor of American and that British importers would claim under their treaty for British products equality with American products under the American reciproc ity treaty A long…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 19 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 19 bility of a grant by tbe Hawaiian Government of any of the privileges exclusively given the United States by the treaty of 1875 without a violation of that treaty…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 20 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 20 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS The convention was not however ratified and proclaimed until No vember 1887 owing to considerable opposition to the extension of the original compact by the sugar interests of this…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 21 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 21 United States Government should with England and Germany guarantee the neu trality and equal accessibility of the islands and their harbors to the ships of all nations without preference…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 22 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 22 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS V No Ii does not subtract from Hawaiian jurisdiction that it gives no right of property in the harbor or cession of territory that no exclusive right is conferred…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 23 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 23 Queen to yield If she should still persist and attempt to form a ministry of her own without the consent of the legislature she will surely imperil her throne…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 24 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 24 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Tlie correspondence examined in the preparation of this report in dicates the general policy of this Government towards the Hawaiian Islands to have been from 1820 to 1893 one…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 25 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 APPENDIX The time and assistance available in the preparation of the foregoing report arid this appendix have not been sufficient to render a full pres en tatiou of the correspondence involved practicable…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 26 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 26 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS LIST OF PAPERS The arrangement is chronological Treaty of friendship commerce and navigation between the United States and the Sandwich Islands signed at Honolulu December 23 1826 Letter to…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 27 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 27 Gen Schofield to Gen Belknap May 81873 Mr Pierce to Mr Fish No 241 February 111874 Mr Pierce to Mr Fish No 243 February 171874 Mr Pierce to Mr…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 28 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 28 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Annexation to the United StatesContinued Capt Wiltse to the Secretary of Navy October 121892 Mr Stevens to Mr Foster No 74 November 201892 Message of the President February 6…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 29 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 29 Pearl River HarborContinued General Schofield to General Belknap May 8 1873 report Supplementary convention December 61884 Mr Merrill to Mr Bayard No 173 February 24 1888 See Foreign Relations…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 30 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 30 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Seizure of the islands by the British in 1843 Commercial Agent Wm Hoopers No 22 March 7 1843 Commercial Agent Wm Hoopers No 23 March 11 1843 Commercial Agent…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 31 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 Treaty of Friendship Commerce and Navigation between The United States and the Sandioich Islands signed at Honolulu December 23 1826 Articles of agreement made and concluded at Oahu between Thomas ap Catesby…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 32 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 32 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS deserted and for tlie apprehension of every such deserter who shall be delivered over as aforesaid the master owner or agent shall pay to the person or persons apprehending…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 33 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 33 2 English treaty of Lord Edward Russell November 16 1836 Articles made and agreed on at Honolulu island of Oahu the 16th of November 1836 Article I English subjects…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 34 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 34 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS this treaty and those of the convention concluded with Captain Dupetit Thouars in July 1837 have been faithfully executed Art 5 The treaty together with the sum mentioned above…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 35 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 35 House Ex No 35 Twentyseventh Congress third session SANDWICH ISLANDS AND CHINA Message from the President of the United States respecting the trade and commerce of the United States…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 36 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 36 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS since in tliis respect under the circumstances of the very large inter course of their citizens with the islands would justify the Government should events hereafter arise to require…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 37 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 37 pursuits may discourage tlie hope of the opening of any great and sudden demand for the fabrics of other countries but experience proves that the productions of Western nations…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 38 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 38 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS nor intimation that it was approved by the Government of the United States His Majesty has nevertheless during the last sixteen years governed himself by the regulations of that…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 39 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 39 of different nations have testified their confidence in these courts by bringing suits in cases where many thousands of dollars worth of property was involved and that too in…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893
Image 40 of In the Senate of the United States. Message from the President of the …
Cited as: S. Ex. Doc. 52-77 40 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Majesty Ivamehameha III to enter into negotiation with the authori ties of the United States by convention treaty or otherwise whenever the latter shall acknowledge the sovereignty of the…- Contributor: Harrison, Benjamin - United States. President ( : Harrison) - United States. Government Publishing Office - United States. Department of State - United States. Congress. Senate - France - Benjamin Harrison - United States Congress. Senate - Great Britain
- Date: 1893