Book/Printed Material In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to be printed. Mr. Dixon, from the Committee on Patents, submitted the following report: (To accompany S. 409.) The Committee on Patents, to whom was referred the Bill (S. 409) for the relief of John C. Howe, having had the same under consideration, recommend the passage of the bill and submit the following report
Image 1 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 52d Congress 2d Session SENATE Report No 1264 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February 6 1893Ordered to be printed Mr Dixon from the Committee on Patents submitted the following REPORT…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 2 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 2 JOHN C HOWE mony taken Tlie case was argued orally and upon printed briefs in the Court of Claims where the assistant attorneygeneral appeared and was heard for the defense where…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 3 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 JOHN C HOWE 3 inward by the formation of the groove it may be made to constitute the means of securing the perforated diaphragm in its position either by causing the indented…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 4 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 4 JOHN C HOWE cartridgecase in sucIl a manner that the diaphragm forms a perforated partition be tween the primer and the powder is rigidly secured to the cartridge case so as…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 5 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 JOHN C HOWE 5 did manufacture any of Howes cartridges for sale and no such cartridges ever were manufactured by any one so far as appears except some two hundred and twenty…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 6 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 6 JOHN C HOWE XII The following is a drawing of a longitudinal section of said cupanvil cart ridge Can not be reproduced XIII The following is a drawing of a longitudinal…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 7 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 JOHN C HOWE 7 It appears then that one Howe a mechanic invented a pistol cartridge which he patented The letters patent were issued in August 1864 and except for experimen tal…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893
Image 8 of In the Senate of the United States. February 6, 1893. -- Ordered to …
Cited as: S. Rept. 52-1264 o 8 JOHN C HOWE Upon these facts the court sustained McKeevers contention and gave him judgment 14 C Cls R 396 affirmed by Supreme Court without opinion December 5 1882 Dahlgrens…- Contributor: Dixon, Nathan Fellows - United States. Congress. Senate - United States Congress. Senate. Committee on Patents - United States. Government Publishing Office
- Date: 1893