Book/Printed Material Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, United States Army, dated October 23, 1950, submitting a report, together with accompanying papers and an illustration, on a preliminary examination and survey of Humboldt Bay, Calif ... May 24, 1951. -- Referred to the Committee on Public Works and ordered to be printed with one illustration
Image 1 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 82d Congress _W 1 HOUSE OE REPRESENTATIVES Document No 143 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY TRANSMITTING A LETTER FROM THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS UNITED STATES ARMY DATED…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 2 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 2 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF COMMENTS OF THE BUREAU OF THE BUDGET Executive Office of the President Bureau of the Budget Washington D C May 2 1951 The honorable the Secretary of the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 3 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … t 3 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Review by State Division of Water Resources of the Pro posed Report of the Chief of Engineers United States Army on the Preliminary Examination and Survey of…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 4 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 4 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Federal project for Humboldt Harbor and Bay provides for rubblemound jetties 4500 feet and 5100 feet long at the entrance an entrance channel 30 feet deep and 500…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 5 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 5 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Cost of improvementrecommended project Annual charges Improvement Increased main tenance First cost Amorti zation Interest Total Federal investment Bar and entrance channel North Bay new Samoa Channel Eureka…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 6 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 6 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF c Make available to all shippers a dock or docks with adequate facilities including approach and berthings open to all on equal and reasonable terms for the storage…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 7 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 7 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are reached with respect to the plan recommended in the proposed report of the Chief of Engineers United States Army for the improvement of…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 8 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 8 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF the regional office to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors These letters describe the importance of the eelgrass beds in Humboldt Bay which provide food for…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 9 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 9 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF REPORT OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS UNITED STATES ARMY Department of the Army Office of the Chief of Engineers Washington D C October 23 1950 Subject Humboldt Bay…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 10 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 10 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF tributary area Lumber production in 1948 approached 1 billion boardfeet or 1500000 tons During the period 1920 to 1948 inclusive the oceanborne commerce on Humboldt Bay averaged 316390…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 11 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 11 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF North Bay The benefitcost ratio is 224 He estimates the incre mental annual charges for improving Fields Landing Channel as desired enlarging and deepening the basin and rebuilding…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 12 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 12 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF tain adjacent to Eureka and Samoa Channels suitable wharf and terminal facilities with approach and berthing areas fully adequate for large modern cargo vessels open to all on…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 13 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 13 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF harbor committee of the Board of Supervisors for Humboldt County and other local officials stated that they had no knowledge of any final action being taken that would…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 14 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 14 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF REPORT OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER SYLLABUS The district engineer finds that the deepwater commerce of Humboldt Bay consists almost wholly of lumber shipments and receipts of petroleum products…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 15 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 15 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Humboldt Bay California SCOPE OF SURVEY 2 Departmental assignmentA report of preliminary examination submitted on February 8 1946 was reviewed by the Board of Engi neers for Rivers…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 16 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 16 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF at Eureka The extreme range is 125 feet at the south jetty and 12 feet at Eureka Tides more than 2 feet below mean lower low water have…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 17 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 17 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF City 85 miles north of Eureka by highway is the only incorporated city in Del Norte County and is now estimated to have a population of approximately 3000…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 18 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 18 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF 17 Although largely undeveloped there are numerous and sub stantial deposits of manganese chromite iron quicksilver lime clay and coal within the area In 1945 mineral production in…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 19 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 19 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF other localities The reports authorizing the several portions of the existing project are as follows Table IIIPrior reports Adopted by River and Harbor Act Document containing report Recommendation…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 20 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 20 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF LOCAL COOPERATION ON EXISTING AND PRIOR PROJECTS 28 Local interests contributed 95000 toward the cost of the exist ing project and also provided disposal areas for dredge spoils…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 21 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 21 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF IMPROVEMENTS DESIRED 34 HearingA public hearing was held by the district engineer on August 10 1945 at Eureka Calif The hearing was attended by approximately 37 persons representing…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 22 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 22 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Table IVTotal oceanborne commerce Shipments short tons Receipts short tons Total com merce short tons Lumber products Domestic Year Other all For eign Total Petrol eum prod ucts…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 23 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 23 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF merce The latter vessels are operated by one commoncarrier line two contract carriers and one private lumber carrier Approximately 143 vessels carried 8500000 tons of cargo in the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 24 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 24 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF considered in this report Therefore no estimate of the possible future movements of lumber from Humboldt Bay in coastwise trade has been made herein 43 Based on the…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 25 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 25 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Pacific Lumber Cos owners of the wharves on the Samoa and Fields Landing Channels respectively most lumber companies could ship equally well from either a North or South…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 26 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 26 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF 49 Due to the almost complete collapse of marine commerce in the postwar years few conclusions can be drawn from past commercial statistics other than that vessels with…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 27 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 27 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF ment of Humboldt Harbor and Bay for navigation Shoreline changes are discussed elsewhere in this report 4 PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT 55 Improvements requiredAny plan of improvement for Hum…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 28 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 28 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Cb Deepening the natural channel in the North Bay to provide a new North Bay channel 400 feet wide and 30 feet deep extending from the bar and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 29 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 29 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Railroad rightofway to a terminus on the western edge of the bluff at Buhne Point The rock wall would extend from 30 to 100 feet in elevation and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 30 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 30 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF depth curve would probably stabilize the eroding shore at Point Humboldt and reduce shoaling of the Fields Landing Channel sub stantially As previously stated neither of these plans…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 31 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 31 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF where water carriers can no longer compete with rail for the substantial lumber movements from Humboldt Bay to the San Fran cisco and Los Angeles areas As previously…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 32 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 32 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF 7760 for the round trip a net saving of 0139 per ton would result with use of tankers of 8200 gross tons loaded to 28foot draft the largest…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 33 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 33 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF place in storage and handle to shipside such lumber as other pro ducers may desire to export They however retain priority in the use of the facilities and…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 34 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 34 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF Bay officials of various steamship railroad and lumber companies officials of the Standard Oil Co of California and the Union Oil Co the Board of Supervisors of Humboldt…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 35 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 35 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF carried by modern cargo vessels requiring 30foot channels and that a favorable benefitcost ratio of 224 to 1 would result 79 The existing project was completed in 1939…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 36 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 36 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF 83 The estimated first cost of the plan of improvement is 410000 for new work including 3500 for aids to navigation The estimated additional annual maintenance cost is…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 37 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … 37 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF i The estimated first cost to the United States of making the improvements is 406500 exclusive of 3500 for additional aids to navigation and funds in this amount…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 38 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … o 38 HUMBOLDT BAY CALIF LIST OF ENCLOSURES MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE REPORT OF THE DISTRICT ENGINEER Only enclosure No 1 printed No 1 Map plan of improvement drawing 5141 No…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951
Image 39 of Humboldt Bay, Calif. Letter from the Secretary of the Army, transmitting a letter … CORPS OF ENGINEERS U S ARMY L 0 R EGON CALIFORNIA 0 m N y Tj Crescent City N Pt St George 4RCATA S 1 SK I Y 0 U h N…
- Contributor: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers - United States. Department of Defense (1949- ) - United States. Congress. House
- Date: 1951