Book/Printed Material The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown of Ossawatomie," with a full account of the attempted insurrection at Harper's Ferry
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 2 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 18??, by ROBERT M. DE WITT, In the Clerks's Office of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 3 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … THE LIFE, TRIAL AND EXECUTION OF CAPTAIN JOHN BROWN. The extraordinary, outbreak at Harper's Ferry, in Virginia, on the night of the 16th of October, 1859, the forcible seizure of the national…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 4 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 8 persuaded that he had a mission to rescue all the persecuted damsels in Spain. It was Brown's idea that he was divinely appointed to bring American Slavery to a sudden and…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 5 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 9 Previous to 1837, he was considered one of the most enterprising business men in Northern Ohio, and built warehouses, and engaged in business on the Canal and Cuyahoga River at Franklin…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 6 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 10 was the owner, and that he resided in the town of North Elba. The Report of the Society for that year contains the following reference to this event: “The appearance upon…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 7 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 11 Ogdensburgh during the war of 1812. Brown appeared in Kansas in 1855, and settled in the Osage country. He was a decided Anti-Slavery man—a religious enthusiast, a rigid Presbyterian—correct and conscientious…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 8 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 12 of a Wyandot Indian of the name of Long, and the notorious Coleman, who had murdered Dow. These two men, being well mounted, made their escape. Upon another occasion, a body…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 9 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … John Brown, from a Photograph by Martin M. Lawrence, 381 Broadway.
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 10 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … Interior of the Engine-House, just before the Gate is broken down by the Storming Party—Colonel Washington and his Associates as Captives.
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 11 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 13 whole force of their assailants marched upon the prairie before them. With his usual indomitable courage and unhesitating confidence in himself, he gave no thought to the odds of ten to…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 12 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 14 trusting confidence in his own destiny and resources; his iron will and unbending purpose were equal to that of any man living or dead; his religious enthusiasm and sense of duty…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 13 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 15 a mistake, sir,” he continued, “that our people make, when they think that bullies are the best fighters, or that they are the fit men to oppose these demagogues. Give me…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 14 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 16 “You were seen near our camp last night; shortly after you left, we missed two of our best horses.” I angered the captain by laughing heartily at this joke, and explained…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 15 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 17 spoke of the then recent affair of Pottawatomie. His family, he said, had been accused of it; he denied it indignantly, but with the wild air of a maniac. His excitement…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 16 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 18 that Col. Sumner, with his company, was in the neighborhood, the Captain de retrained to pay him a visit, and offered to give up the prisoners, to stand trial, if the…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 17 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 19 was made a prisoner at Pottawatomie on a charge of treason. A heavy ball and chain were fastened to his feet, and in this condition he was marched some sixty miles…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 18 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 20 At the point above named I met with Capt. Cline, a very active young man, who had with him some twelve or fifteen mounted men, and persuaded him to go with…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 19 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 21 THE BATTLE OF THE SPURS. But there is one incident of his recent career in Kansas, which was laughable in its character, and which has never been narrated in the Eastern…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 20 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 22 is a national institution; but it does no good for the slave.” He thought it an excuse very well adapted for weak men with tender consciences. Most men, who were afraid…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 21 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 23 the measure, and also give this some half a dozen insertions? Will either gentlemen or ladies, or both, who love the cause, volunteer to take up the business. It is with…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 22 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 24 Whether he did or not, however, the doorkeeper moved. It does not require many words to induce even a brave man to get out of the range of a pistol held…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 23 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 25 office-holder—and he was aspiring to supersede Charley Lenhart in command. Failing to do so, he bolted. I remained three days in camp. On the second day I had my first taste…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 24 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 26 bravery. When peace was restored and the speculation mania began, he entered into partnership with a person named Bacon, and made a good deal of money by his quick and shrewd…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 25 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 27 In the true conservative spirit, he declared his inability to decide. Kagi, commenting on the decision, remarked that President Pierce need not have sought a pretext to dismiss Elmore, on account…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 26 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 28 REALF. I find the name of “Realf” in Brown's list of his men, but not in any of the telegraphic accounts of the killed insurgents. If he fell, his name was…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 27 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … Attack on the Insurgents at the Bridge by the Railroad Men.
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 28 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … Bringing the Prisoners out of the Engine-House.
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 29 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 29 THE INSURRECTION AT HARPER'S FERRY, SUNDAY NIGHT, OCT 16, 1859. Link to Annals. On the night here mentioned, John Brown, with twenty one men, took possession of the United States Arsenal…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 30 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 30 Elbert Haslett, who was killed, had in his pocket an empty pocket-book and a lock et woman's hair. Lewis Leary, a negro, said before he died that he enlisted with Capt.…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 31 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 31 mortal wound, and the conductor, Mr. Phelps, was threatened with violence if he attempted to proceed with the train. Feeling uncertain as to the condition of affairs, the conductor waited until…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 32 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 32 down toward the Armory. In this movement of the insurrectionists a man named William Thompson was taken prisoner. An eye-witness describes the first fighting as follows: “The first attack was made…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 33 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 33 only a moment while approaching a water-station. His assailant, one of Brown's sons, was shot almost immediately, but managed to get back to the engine-house, where his body was found next…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 34 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 34 time set in, and operations ceased. Guards were placed around the Armory, and every precaution taken to prevent escapes. THE NIGHT SCENES. At 11 o'clock the Monday night train, with Baltimore…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 35 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 35 gave way, one leaf falling inward in a slanting position. The marines immediately advanced to the breach, Major Russell and Lieutenant Green leading. A marine in front fell. The firing from…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 36 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 36 seemed very anxious for the safety of his wounded son. His conversation bore the impression of the conviction that whatever he had done to free slaves was right, and that in…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 37 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 37 The Grays pursued Cook so fast that they secured part of his arms, but with his more perfect knowledge of localities he was enabled to evade them. TREATMENT OF BROWN'S PRISONERS.…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 38 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 38 Lieutenant Edwin Coppie, of Iowa, unhurt. Lieutenant Albert Hazlitt, of Pennsylvania, dead. Lieutenant William Leeman, of Maine, dead. Captain John E. Cook, of Connecticut, escaped. PRIVATES. Stewart Taylor, of Canada, dead.…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 39 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 39 FACTS AND INCIDENTS. STATEMENT OF COL. JOHN A. WASHINGTON. Col. John A. Washington, a distant relative of George Washington, and who was token prisoner by Capt. Brown, makes the following interesting…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859
Image 40 of The Life, trial, and execution of Captain John Brown, known as "Old Brown … 40 but he never made application for it, having other matters, before the day expired attracting his attention. My sword, which had been presented by Frederick the Great to General Washington, was…
- Contributor: Virginia. Circuit Court (Jefferson Co.) - De Witt, R. M. (Robert M.)
- Date: 1859