Book/Printed Material A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the members of His Majesty's Council for the Virgin-Islands) at the island of Tortola, on the 25th April, 1811, and adjourned to the 29th of the same month, for the murder of his Negro man slave named Prosper
Image 1 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … A REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (Late one of the Members of His Majesty's Council for the Virgin-Islands) AT THE ISLAND OF TORTOLA, ON THE 25TH APRIL, 1811, AND…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 2 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the …
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 3 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the …
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 4 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … DISTRICT OF CONNECTICUT, TO WIT. L. S. BE it remembered, That on the first day of January, in the thirty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel Eells…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 5 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … CERTIFICATE. Having, by request of A. M. Belisario, Esq. the reporter of the Trial of Arthur Hodge, Esq. (late one of the members of His Majesty's Council for the Virgin-Islands,) for the…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 6 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the …
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 7 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … PREFACE. THIS Trial, which I have undertaken to usher i?? to the world, will, I am persuaded, be esteemed one of the most important that ever attracted or engaged the public attention;…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 8 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the …
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 9 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … LETTER FROM WILLIAM COX ROBERTSON, Esq. TO WM. GUMBS CHALWILL, ESQ.; HENRY MAURICE LISLE, ESQ.; and WM. ROGERS ISAACS, ESQ. three of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for the Virgin-Islands: —…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 10 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 8 Virgin-Islands, Tortola, ss. Perreen Georges ' Deposition. Before the Hon. George Martin, Esq. one of His Majesty's assistant Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for said Islands, Daniel Ross, William…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 11 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 9 Hodge, laid down and cart-whipped without intermission for at least an hour; that the said Arthur Hodge stood by and saw it done; and that she this deponent also was present;…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 12 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 10 when this deponent no longer able to bear such a sight left the window where she had been standing. That this cruelty took place at the works; that the said Prosper…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 13 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 11 she had not the heart to be present; but heard the screams of Margaret, and saw both Margaret and Else running afterwards with scalded mouths, &c. That they lived sometime after…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 14 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 12 that she did not wish her master to know the child had been seen; that this deponent made enquiry concerning said child, and learnt by general report on the estate, from…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 15 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 13 Personally appeared William Cox Robertson of said Island of Tortola, Esq. who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth, and saith, that he hath probable cause to…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 16 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 14 recognisance in the sum of one thousand pounds, current gold and silver money, to appear at the adjourned Court of Sessions, to be held in this Island, and prosecute the within…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 17 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 15 Esq. did feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, beat, wound, and evil treat the following negro slaves, late the property of him, the said Arthur Hodge, to wit . Tom…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 18 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 16 William G. Chalwill ( LS.) Henry M. Lisle, ( LS.) William Rogers Isaacs, ( LS.) Virgin-Islands, Tortola, ss. STEPHEN M. KEOUGH'S Deposition, Before the Hon. George Richardson Porter, Esq. the Hon.…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 19 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 17 employ, was engaged by him to inspect his estate; that the crop in that year, about the first of January following having begun, Welcome, a slave about twenty-five years of age,…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 20 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 18 said Hodge asked him, this deponent, to buy said slave Welcome, and offered to sell him for five joes, (that is forty dollars,) that previous to said cruelty, inflicted on said…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 21 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 19 Bay, had him that night brought home, and in the state he was then in, cart-whipped him immediately. That he, this deponent went the next morning to said Hodge, who said…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 22 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 20 had had boiling water poured down the throat of said Margaret, and that he, this deponent, saw that her mouth and under-lip were scalded; that both Margaret and Else, aforesaid, soon…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 23 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 21 two or three days after; that he, this deponent, saw said slave when dead, taken out of the sick-house all raw, and carried away on a board to be buried, and…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 24 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 22 moved to said estate — And further this deponent saith that another slave, the property of said Hodge, called little Simon, has been in presence of said Hodge, and in the…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 25 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 23 That another negro slave named Cuffy, the property of said Hodge, was by order of said Hodge, very severely and repeatedly cart-whipped, chained, &c. and in such a miserable condition, in…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 26 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 24 manner, and so repeatedly treated until this deponent hath seen them stagger and fall, when said Hodge hath ordered them to be taken up and suspended to a tree by their…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 27 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 25 That when he, this deponent, went the first time to live on said Hodge's estate, there was upon it a fine gang of able negroes, about one hundred or more in…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 28 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 26 That next morning he, this deponent, saw the negroes carrying his dead body uncovered on a piece of board to be buried, and saw that the body was dreadfully cut up…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 29 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 27 house belonging to said heirs of said Hodge on said Baugher's-Bay, which this deponent saw them do, assisted by a watchman belonging to said heirs, named Matthew, by looking at them…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 30 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 28 Sworn to before us, his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for said Virgin-Islands, this 10 th day of March, in the fifty-first year of his Majesty's reign; the said Stephen M'keough…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 31 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 29 under oath, taken before several of his Majesty's said Justices of the Peace in support of said accusations, have been exhibited. And whereas a warrant founded upon said complaint, and examinations…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 32 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 30 required) the Deputy Provost Marshal of the Virgin-Islands, aforesaid, and in his absence, to his acting Deputy, and each and every the constables of the Virgin-Islands, aforesaid, in making strict search…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 33 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 31 Writ of Habeas Corpus for the Provost Marshal, or his lawful deputy; returnable at 10 o'clock, March 16 th, 1811. Filed March 16 th, 1811. William Gordon, D. Secretary. Virgin-islands, Tortola.…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 34 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 32 Justice of our said court, at Tortola, this 15th day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1811. Passed the Office. William Gordon, D. Secretary. Virgin-islands, Tortola. Pursuant, and in…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 35 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 33 Whereas, The Hon. Arthur Hodge of the said Island of Tortola, Esq. hath been brought before us, the Honorable George Richardson Porter, Henry Maurice Lisle, Francis Harrigan Stout, and William Rogers…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 36 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 34 Given under our Hands and Seals, at Tortola, aforesaid, this fifteenth day of March, 1811. ( Signed. ) George R. Porter, ( LS.) Henry M. Lisle, ( LS.) Francis H. Stout,…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 37 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 35 Mr. Hodge declared himself to be innocent of the charge laid against him. GEORGE R. PORTER, J. P. March 16 th, 1811. His Honor the President, Richard Hetherington Esqr's Charge to…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 38 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 36 The Government of the Virgin-Islands has too long, Gentlemen, been considered, not only weak, but perhaps pusillanimous by offenders; it has too long been believed so, and it is high time…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 39 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the … 37 ever rest in the hands of a Grand Jury, do your duty impartially, and trust for your reward to your own consciences, your country, and your God. ( Signed ) RICHARD…
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812
Image 40 of A report of the trial of Arthur Hodge, Esquire, (late one of the …
- Contributor: British Virgin Islands. Court of Common Pleas - Belisario, A. M. - Hodge, Arthur
- Date: 1812