Book/Printed Material General orders no. 1. A proclamation.
Image 1 of General orders no. 1. A proclamation. GENERAL ORDBRSi ) '^^^ DEPARTMENT, > Adjdtant Genekal's Office, ' ^' ' Washington, January 2, J863. _ The following Proclamation by the President is published for the lulormation and government of the…
- Contributor: Lincoln, Abraham
- Date: 1863-01-02
Image 2 of General orders no. 1. A proclamation. tlie Army and Navy of the United States, in time of actual armed rebel- lion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a tit and necessary war measure…
- Contributor: Lincoln, Abraham
- Date: 1863-01-02
Image 3 of General orders no. 1. A proclamation. -f' GIFT 1 ALFRED WniTAL STESlt llj 'h-^d^. JAN. 4. 1S31 '^ ir-^^ f^ lu witness whereof, I liave hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to…
- Contributor: Lincoln, Abraham
- Date: 1863-01-02