Periodical The Sun, [newspaper]. April 17th, 1865.
Image 1 of The Sun, [newspaper]. April 17th, 1865. HHiiMtt NATIONAL CALAMITY. ESCAPE OF 1 HE ASSASSIN. $10,000 REWARD FOR HIS ARREST. Secretary Seward and Sons. Excitement Througlioiit the Country TEE NATION IN mOUR Vm&, PUBLIC EXPRESSIONS 0? CSIEf. Hod. Aiidrew…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 2 of The Sun, [newspaper]. April 17th, 1865. t BAXTIIVLORE, MONDAY, APRII, 17, 1885 THE NATIONAI. BEREATEHENT- I- Tlie impressive and solemn evidences of a deep and most profound sorrow mmlfeat themselves on every side, tliroaglioat the eommnnity,ia view of…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 3 of The Sun, [newspaper]. April 17th, 1865. WAiTxa. WiS'TED A good female COOK.for a sma'l fm- lly. Apply immediately au No. 969 i,KXINa- TON ST.____________________._____________t !"* litTANTED A {rood GIRL, for Honanwork. Ap- W ply atKO. 4 WiVERLBY TBKK4.CE.…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 4 of The Sun, [newspaper]. April 17th, 1865. THJi. 55UJN. BAJ^riMORE, MONDAY, APRIL 17.1(5. ICorrespondence of the Baltimore Sun. WASHiMaTOir, April 16,1865 JTAfi f^ational CaJamiti/and its. Consequences .Th* Bjdy of Mr, Lincoln Extraction if the Bal^ from the Fatal Wound…
- Date: 1865-04-17