Periodical Public Ledger, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865.
Image 1 of Public Ledger, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. rUBLISHCD EVERY MORNING, (jtXCHPT SCKDAT), AT THB LEDOEE BUILDING, VfBSt COBNKR OF TUIBD AND CHKSWVT WTt,- BY O0R6 W. CHILDS. TKe hodgtT in B^TTed by the carrier!! to their sub- Bcrlben) in…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 2 of Public Ledger, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. MM PUBLIC LEDGER AAD D.yLY TBANSClllPT. Pklladrlphia, Monday. Afril iV, 1869. Ottr ^Kvr Pres'idrxt, Afidrew Jolinson watj on Saturday last sworn Into otBce as President of the United States. We propose to…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 3 of Public Ledger, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. TJiviitT" DRY 6001>$!. *c. , _^. , , . K .:, . , . .iTKin AND^ABClf lopeninaof nw GooJd ; I, SAI.Bg. > y p)7-l^ :....................................' JQUABE DO. BLACK OOOIlS FdU THIC…
- Date: 1865-04-17
Image 4 of Public Ledger, [newspaper]. April 17, 1865. MM *! LEDGER ACTjgANSCRgT. Philadelphlm, Monday. Aprtl It, ISaS. "All th* cotton &ctorl>e hRT topped, miuif of th* woo)len factories bay* stepped, ttie Iron worlt ar9 also stopping, in fact nearly atl…
- Date: 1865-04-17