Periodical Boston Daily Journal, [newspaper]. June 17, 1865.
Image 1 of Boston Daily Journal, [newspaper]. June 17, 1865. ^^^>Hm,?'&*i *--M VOL. XXXII. NO. 9977 BOSTON SATURDAY EVENING, fJNE 17, 1865 SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 17. 0EIHCATION OF A MONUMENT AT LOWELL. Honors to Martyred Heroes. ADDRESS BY GOV. ANDREW. On the…
- Date: 1865-06-17
Image 2 of Boston Daily Journal, [newspaper]. June 17, 1865. WITH SCmElEHfT.1 SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 17,1865, i- ____" AMUSEMENTS THIS DAY AND EVENING. BOSTON MUSIC HALL-Entrance from Winter street. Terloiu-anoe on the Great Organ at n o'clock. BOSTON MU8FUM Tremont itreet, near…
- Date: 1865-06-17
Image 3 of Boston Daily Journal, [newspaper]. June 17, 1865. / Tby telegrapjeT TEE LOWELL CELEBRATION. Imposing Uemonstratlou. Great Tura-Ont of People. 16PECIAL DISPATOE TO THE BOSTON JOTmNAT.. Loweu., June 17. The celebration here is in suc- cessful proRresf, although the weather…
- Date: 1865-06-17
Image 4 of Boston Daily Journal, [newspaper]. June 17, 1865. f rwrra supplemehtt. BATTJBDAY EVENING, JPNE 17,1866 The Political Lull. From all appearances, this is to be one of the most quiet summers in a political point of view that was ever…
- Date: 1865-06-17